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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Varginha Incident: Case Closed?

forgetomori The Varginha Incident: Case Closed?: "The “Varginha Incident” happened on January 20, 1996, when a “creature” was sighted by three girls ranging from 14 to 21 years old: sisters Liliane and Valquiria Silva, and their friend Katia Xavier. According to their emotional description, it was a biped about 5 ft high, with a large head with three horns and very thin body, with V-shaped feet, brown skin, and large red eyes. It seemed to be wobbly or unsteady, and the girls assumed it was injured or sick. The creature was said to have a strong, unpleasant odor.

Soon the story spread through the town, and the next day it reached researcher Ubirajara Rodrigues, local lawyer and professor who is also a well-known ufologist. From there to the local and then to the national news, it was a matter of days."

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