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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Resuscitative Resurrection: who's first? | h Magazine

Resuscitative Resurrection: who's first? | h Magazine: "Nicolai Federov — the Russian proto-transhumanist philosopher — believed that the 'Common Task' of humanity was to technologically conquer death. Immortality for the living... right? No, think bigger. Federov believed that the evil horror of death that we have all suffered from would not be fully conquered until everyone who had ever died was brought back to life. In recent years, Ray Kurzweil has duplicated this demand for 'resuscitative resurrection.' Kurzweil believes his deceased dad's DNA combined with copious momentos and living memories of him (Frederic Kurzweil, a musician), could recreate 'Father 2.0' in a post-Singularity world."

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