Genetically engineered humans will arrive sooner than you think. And we're not ready. - Vox: "Bioengineering has already allowed human beings to take control of their own evolution. Whether it’s emergent cloning technologies or advanced gene therapy, we’re quickly approaching a world in which humans can — and will — change the way they live and die."
Sunday, October 30, 2016
UN Doubles Down on Removing Jewish, Christian References to Temple Mount
UN Doubles Down on Removing Jewish, Christian References to Temple Mount — Charisma News: "That the United Nations World Heritage Committee is hostile to Israel's connections to the Temple Mount almost goes without saying, but the body's latest move can be viewed as nothing more than an attempt to "whitewash" Jewish and Christian ties to the holy site from history entirely."
An Ancient Rabbi Brings an Urgent Warning to Christian Leaders Today
An Ancient Rabbi Brings an Urgent Warning to Christian Leaders Today — Charisma News: "In the year A.D. 123, the Roman government launched a severe crackdown against the Jews, culminating in 134 A.D., when all Jewish practices were forbidden, including circumcision, Torah study and Sabbath observance."
Microchip Implants Being Marketed As Human Body Enhancements
Microchip Implants Being Marketed As Human Body Enhancements: "Microchipping of animals for medical and tracking experiments has gradually become acceptable, but humans? Whoa, not so fast! Privacy proponents, conspiracy theorists and faith-based groups have consistently warned of the dangers from their various viewpoints."
Netflix CEO: TV's Future Could Lie in Hallucinogenic Pills
Netflix CEO: TV's Future Could Lie in Hallucinogenic Pills: "Drugs that make people hallucinate shows could be the future of television, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings said this week."
Men and women share horror stories from their experiences using a Ouija board
Men and women share horror stories from their experiences using a Ouija board | Daily Mail Online: "From predicting deaths to moving objects, it seems people have been put off using the Ouija board after their first time."
Police talk to Taser about the idea of drones with stun guns
Police talk to Taser about the idea of drones with stun guns | Digital Trends: "The idea of cops sending in drones to Taser suspects may sound far-fetched, but police in the U.S. are reportedly already discussing the possibility."
![police taser quadcopter drone full](
VERE's Mind Control Robots Give Patients Out-of-Body Experience
VERE's Mind Control Robots Give Patients Out-of-Body Experience | Inverse: "Ready to leave your body behind? Scientists have developed robots that people can remotely control and embody using their minds, a breakthrough set to revolutionize the lives of paralyzed patients."
New Wikileaks Emails Discuss "Fastwalker" UFOs
New Wikileaks Emails Discuss "Fastwalker" UFOs | Mysterious Universe: "In the latest Wikileaks UFO news, a recently released email implies the U.S. government’s knowledge of so-called “Fastwalker” UFOs. “Fastwalker” is a term used by NORAD and branches of armed forces to describe unidentified aerial phenomena moving and/or changing directions at high speed far beyond what current aerospace technology is capable of."
![So-called "Fastwalker" UFOs are often spotted in ISS live feeds.](
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Brazil mutant mosquitoes to breed out diseases
Brazil mutant mosquitoes to breed out diseases: "Piracicaba (Brazil) (AFP) - Scientists in Brazil are preparing to release millions of factory-bred mosquitoes in an attempt to wipe out their distant cousins that carry tropical diseases. The insects' method: have sex and then die."
Google AI invents its own cryptographic algorithm; no one knows how it works
Google AI invents its own cryptographic algorithm; no one knows how it works | Ars Technica UK: "Neural networks seem good at devising crypto methods; less good at codebreaking."
Friday, October 28, 2016
CDC creates comic on how to survive a zombie apoclaypse
CDC creates comic on how to survive a zombie apoclaypse | Daily Mail Online: "The US government wants to make sure you’re prepared to survive any type of disaster – even a zombie apocalypse."
Mysterious X-Ray Blasts May Reveal New Stellar Objects
Mysterious X-Ray Blasts May Reveal New Stellar Objects: "Astronomers are scratching their heads over two mysterious objects in space that are unlike anything scientists have seen before. The objects blast superbright, superfast X-ray flares and could represent a brand new type of astrophysical phenomenon, the researchers said."
The Dark Agenda Behind Globalism And Open Borders
The Dark Agenda Behind Globalism And Open Borders: "When people unfamiliar with the liberty movement stumble onto the undeniable fact of the “conspiracy” of globalism they tend to look for easy answers to understand what it is and why it exists. Most people today have been conditioned to perceive events from a misinterpreted standpoint of “Occam’s Razor” — they wrongly assume that the simplest explanation is probably the right one."
Apocalyptic strange sound was heard again in Slovakia
Apocalyptic strange sound was heard again in Slovakia,15.10.2016 What is it? - YouTube: "Something very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planet
Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth's core or CHEMTRAILS, HAARP?
People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomena. Why are they appear and what is the meaning of them? What is going on? "
Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth's core or CHEMTRAILS, HAARP?
People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomena. Why are they appear and what is the meaning of them? What is going on? "
Macrophilia: Men who fantasise about sex with giants will use virtual reality to make it happen
Macrophilia: Men who fantasise about sex with giants will use virtual reality to make it happen | The Independent: "Men who want to have sex with giants are using the internet and new technology to bring their incredibly niche fetish to life – and virtual reality could be the next frontier."
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
In haunted Salem, a Jewish church founder preaches the art of 'Satanic' social change
In haunted Salem, a Jewish church founder preaches the art of 'Satanic' social change | The Times of Israel: "SALEM, Massachusetts — Just in time for Halloween, a controversial Satanic temple has set up its international headquarters in Massachusetts’ beloved Salem."
WVU experts claim mind controlled computers are just a decade away"
WVU experts claim mind controlled computers are just a decade away | Daily Mail Online: "A team of researchers has developed technology that lets a human control multiple drones using their brain"
The Coming Of The Motherless Child
The Coming Of The Motherless Child | Huffington Post: "This experiment is not the only event that will push bioethics back into the forefront of the public conversation. In a few months the National Academies will publish a consensus study about the implications of the new gene editing technologies."
DARPA and Qualcomm brain implants for 6G and neural engineering
DARPA and Qualcomm brain implants for 6G and neural engineering — Quartz: "It would be the ultimate user interface: a device the size of two stacked nickels that allows your thoughts to control computers. The only catch is it’ll have to be implanted in your brain."
Archaeologists find battle site where Romans breached Jerusalem walls
Archaeologists find battle site where Romans breached Jerusalem walls | The Times of Israel: "Israeli archaeologists found the site of a fierce battle where the Roman army bombarded and breached the walls of Jerusalem before conquering the city and destroying the Second Temple almost 2,000 years ago"
Russian scientists find Nazi base whereer staff ate infected polar bear meat
Russian scientists find Nazi base whereer staff ate infected polar bear meat | Daily Mail Online: "A secret Nazi base in the Arctic abandoned after scientists ate infected polar bear meat has been unearthed. The mysterious site, named ‘Schatzgraber’ or ‘Treasure Hunter’ by Hitler's underlings, was constructed in 1942 - a year after the Third Reich invaded Russia."
DARPA wants to prevent genetic engineering from destroying the world
DARPA wants to prevent genetic engineering from destroying the world | Fusion: "This week, news broke that Jennifer Lopez has signed on to produce a futuristic new series titled “C.R.I.S.P.R.” which is, of course, also the name of the hip and cutting-edge genetic engineering technique. The series will depict a world of bioterror, where the president is threatened with a genetic assassination attempt and an unborn child is framed for murder."
NASA Space Probe Speeds Toward Mysterious Red Object At Edge Of Solar System
NASA Space Probe Speeds Toward Mysterious Red Object At Edge Of Solar System: "A $700 million NASA spacecraft is now traveling more than 36,000 mph toward the edge of the solar system on a mission to explore a strange red object astronomers noticed in the depths of outer space."
Monday, October 24, 2016
Archaeological sensation in Spain: The first Spanish Pyramid discovered
Archaeological sensation in Spain: The first Spanish Pyramid discovered - Tales from out there: "It seems that there are Pyramids all over Europe, not only in Bosnia. According to reports from, located in the Cuenca region of Spain, an amateur archaeologist has found the first Spanish Pyramid in September this year."
The Little-Known Company That Enables Worldwide Mass Surveillance
The Little-Known Company That Enables Worldwide Mass Surveillance: "IT WAS A POWERFUL piece of technology created for an important customer. The Medusa system, named after the mythical Greek monster with snakes instead of hair, had one main purpose: to vacuum up vast quantities of internet data at an astonishing speed."
Tom DeLong Warns That Big UFO Things Are Coming
Tom DeLong Warns That Big UFO Things Are Coming | Mysterious Universe: "Former Blink-182 frontman and current Wikileaks UFO star Tom DeLonge has emerged from the shadows after staying silent during the recent revelations and subsequent rumblings caused by the release of emails between John Podesta – Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager and longtime UFO believer – and DeLonge, as well as the late astronaut and ufologist Edgar Mitchell."
Hey E.T. – Does Earth Look Livable to You?
Hey E.T. – Does Earth Look Livable to You? | Mysterious Universe: "Fans of Mysterious Universe know that we like to report on exoplanets and moons that look like they could sustain life. That “look” comes from our vast array of orbiting and terrestrial telescopes trained on all corners of the universe. If we’re looking out, is anyone looking in? And if they are, do they see Earth as a place that could sustain their life?"
Mind-Controlled Computers on the Horizon
Mind-Controlled Computers on the Horizon | Mysterious Universe: "Technology has come a long way from mainframe computers housed in behemoth-sized refrigerated rooms with keypunched programming. Touch screens and voice recognition are newer advances. However, in ten to twenty years, anyone will be capable of programming a computer … with their mind."
Artificially intelligent 'judge' predicts result of human rights trials with 79% accuracy
Artificially intelligent 'judge' predicts result of human rights trials with 79% accuracy | Daily Mail Online: "An artificial intelligence that predicts the outcome of court proceedings may sound like a futuristic dream.
![A new study claims to have developed an AI that predict the results of human rights trials with 79 per cent accuracy](
But a new study claims to have developed an AI that predicts the results of human rights trials with 79 per cent accuracy."
But a new study claims to have developed an AI that predicts the results of human rights trials with 79 per cent accuracy."
The universe may have a 'self-destruct button' that could WIPE OUT life in an instant - and we wouldn’t see it coming
The universe may have a 'self-destruct button' that could WIPE OUT life in an instant - and we wouldn’t see it coming | Daily Mail Online: "The destruction of the universe may be a task best left to evil super villains, but finding the most efficient way to bring existence as we know it to an end is a job for physicists."
Miniature 3D printed organ could one day put an end to animal testing
Miniature 3D printed organ could one day put an end to animal testing | Daily Mail Online: "In a breakthrough that could mean the end for animal testing, scientists have created a heart-on-a-chip that is capable of collecting data on how strongly the organ is beating."
Sunday, October 23, 2016
World War III Update: Experts say 5 of Russia’s Satan missiles could destroy US east coast & kill 4 million people
World War III Update: Experts say 5 of Russia’s Satan missiles could destroy US east coast & kill 4 million people: "Experts warn that if Russia would unleash just five of its SS-18 missile, also known as the Satan, it could destroy the east coast of the US and kill more than 4 million people. Russia is believed to have 55 Satans, its most powerful missile, part of the largest nuclear stockpile in the world which could make the nuclear bombs dropped during World War II in Japan pale in comparison."
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Scientists turn mouse skin cells into egg cells and make baby mice
Scientists turn mouse skin cells into egg cells and make baby mice - The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram: "In theory, techniques like these could even allow two biological men to co-parent a child without the use of an egg donor."
EXPOSED: State Department H.Q. houses secretive Shadow Government's "7th Floor group"
EXPOSED: State Department H.Q. houses secretive Shadow Government's "7th Floor group": "Information contained inside documents released by the FBI pertaining to Hillary Clinton’s email scandal show that there really is a “Shadow Government” and that it is based out of the 7th floor of the State Department H.Q., located at 2201 C Street NW, which is the Harry S. Truman Building."
Deadly Superbugs Released to Environment via Hospital Wastewater
Breaking: Deadly Superbugs Released to Environment via Hospital Wastewater | Health Nut News: "Published in the Clinical Infectious Diseases journal , scientists found that of 11 sites tested in France, 96 percent of wastewater samples contained antibiotic-resistant strains of E. coli bacteria."
Pentagon Video Warns of “Unavoidable” Dystopian Future for World’s Biggest Cities
Pentagon Video Warns of “Unavoidable” Dystopian Future for World’s Biggest Cities: "The video is nothing if not an instant dystopian classic: melancholy music, an ominous voiceover, and cascading images of sprawling slums and urban conflict. “Megacities are complex systems where people and structures are compressed together in ways that defy both our understanding of city planning and military doctrine,” says a disembodied voice. “These are the future breeding grounds, incubators, and launching pads for adversaries and hybrid threats.”"
The U.S. Has No Defense Against A Russian Nuclear Attack. Really.
The U.S. Has No Defense Against A Russian Nuclear Attack. Really.: "But this commentary isn’t about Russian military intentions. It is about the utter absence of U.S. active defenses for repulsing the sole man-made threat capable of wiping out American civilization for the foreseeable future. Imagine every person you know dead, injured, or lacking shelter and sustenance. Not at some dim point in the future, but by this time tomorrow. Russia has that power, because America has no defenses against long-range ballistic missiles."
Apple employs tech guru from university that taught computers to 'defeat humans'
Apple employs tech guru from university that taught computers to 'defeat humans': "APPLE has employed a world-leading artificial intelligence guru from a university which famously taught computers to “defeat humans”."
Yes, an after-school Satan Club could be coming to your kid's grade school
Yes, an after-school Satan Club could be coming to your kid's grade school - LA Times: "As founder of the Satanic Temple of Seattle, she’s under pressure from national satanic headquarters — located in the Colonial witch trials city of Salem, Mass. — to launch a counter-strike against grade school Christianity by opening an after-school Satan Club."
Monday, October 17, 2016
Map reveals Minnesota is worst hit by solar storms that can knock out power for millions
Map reveals Minnesota is worst hit by solar storms that can knock out power for millions | Daily Mail Online: "Officials warn that the massive electromagnetic pulse (EMP) from solar flares could cause $2.6 trillion in damages across the globe and bring an end to modern civilization as we know it."
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Human beings can now be edited … but we may not like the results
Human beings can now be edited … but we may not like the results - The Scotsman: "If you modified or edited your genes, would you remain the same person or would you become someone else? Suppose that you changed your appearance or became more intelligent through genetic engineering. A friend might say that you look or seem different, and you might also feel different."
We’re Not Ready For Superintelligence
We’re Not Ready For Superintelligence | Motherboard: "The problem with the world today isn’t that too many people are afraid—it’s that too many people are afraid of the wrong things. Consider this: what scares you more, that your life could end because of a terrorist attack or because you get crushed to death under a large piece of furniture?"
The combination of human and artificial intelligence will define humanity’s future
The combination of human and artificial intelligence will define humanity’s future | TechCrunch: "Through the past few decades of summer blockbuster movies and Silicon Valley products, artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly familiar and sexy, and imbued with a perversely dystopian allure."
There's Still Room for Spirituality in Transhumanism
There's Still Room for Spirituality in Transhumanism | Inverse: "The gods of old are gone from this world, replaced by smartphones and touchscreens and social media. These are the new gods, the ones to which we bow down. Instead of putting trust in a higher reality, one in which deities subtly judge, we have created an alternate reality in which self-erected deities subtly judge our every action. Instead of heaven or hell, we get curated advertisements or jail."
Our Need for Friendly Giants
Our Need for Friendly Giants | Christianity Today: "How 'The BFG' rekindles our dream of the divine."
![Our Need for Friendly Giants](
How could the Large Hadron Collider unlock other dimensions?
How could the Large Hadron Collider unlock other dimensions? WIRED explains: "One of the strangest questions scientists are using the LHC to answer is how many dimensions there actually are. Some theories of quantum physics point towards there being more than just the three dimensions in space we deal with in our everyday lives – but this is not predicted in the Standard Model."
UNESCO backs motion nullifying Jewish ties to Temple Mount
UNESCO backs motion nullifying Jewish ties to Temple Mount - Israel News - "Due to Israeli efforts, no European country backed the motion, which describes the Temple Mount as holy to Muslims alone, without mentioning the site's significance to Jews."
Friday, October 14, 2016
Nuclear war between Russia and USA imminent as Russian's take to bunkers
Nuclear war between Russia and USA imminent as Russian's take to bunkers | World | News | Daily Express: "NUCLEAR war could be imminent as Russia told its citizens to urgently prepare for a devastating radioactive conflict as relations with the West stoop to their lowest since the Cold War."
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Apocalypse now or later: The fight For Dabiq puts the ISIL brand to the test
Apocalypse now or later: The fight For Dabiq puts the ISIL brand to the test – World Tribune: Window on the Real World: "The town of Dabiq, in northern Syria, around 25 miles from Aleppo, with its population of just under 3,500, is an unimpressive site for a battle that is supposed to herald the Apocalypse."
A League of Extraordinary Machines: First Steps to Autonomous Reasoning Systems
A League of Extraordinary Machines: First Steps to Autonomous Reasoning Systems: "In 2013, DARPA announced the Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC). The challenge was to build an autonomous cyber reasoning system that could analyze software, identify vulnerabilities, formulate patches and deploy them on a network all in real time. In 2016 at DEFCON 24 in Las Vegas, Nevada, an audience of 22,000 watched seven extraordinary machines compete in a historic, first ever machine vs. machine CTF contest with the winner receiving a $2 million cash prize."
![Transhuman soldier](
Experts say RNA could hold the key to 'eternal life pill'
Experts say RNA could hold the key to 'eternal life pill' | Daily Mail Online: "Elisa Lazzari with the University of California has found that cell's RNA (pictured) may have the potential to identify the changes that our cells gain from aging. This focus on RNA represents a potentially major shift in how scientists try to prevent cellular damage"
World War 3 would be ‘extremely lethal and fast’ US Army chiefs reveal
World War 3 would be ‘extremely lethal and fast’ US Army chiefs reveal: "Military bosses were taking part in a ‘future-of-the-Army’ panel in Washington"
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Asgardia: First SPACE NATION was revealed today and you can sign up to be a citizen
Asgardia: First SPACE NATION was revealed today and you can sign up to be a citizen: "We could see people living in space in less than 12 months time, experts say as the christen the new 'country' Asgardia"
5 Corporations Now Dominate Our Privatized Intelligence Industry
5 Corporations Now Dominate Our Privatized Intelligence Industry | The Nation: " The recent integration of two military contractors into a $10 billion behemoth is the latest in a wave of mergers and acquisitions that have transformed America’s privatized, high-tech intelligence system into what looks like an old-fashioned monopoly."
Russia orders all officials to fly home any relatives living abroad
Russia orders all officials to fly home any relatives living abroad | Daily Mail Online: "Russia is ordering all of its officials to fly home any relatives living abroad amid heightened tensions over the prospect of global war, it has been claimed."
BMW Motorrad Vision Next 100
BMW Motorrad Vision Next 100 - Bloomberg: "On Tuesday in Santa Monica, Calif., BMW Group debuted a motorcycle concept so artificially intelligent that it eliminates the need for the rider to wear protective gear, including a helmet."
![According to BMW, the “flexframe” extends from the front to the rear wheel of the BMW Motorrad Vision Next 100. It allows the bike to be steered without the various joints found on today’s motorcycles. Turning the handlebar adjusts the entire frame, changing the direction of the bike.](
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Mysterious Ghost Ship Image Appears On Lake Superior Video
Mysterious Ghost Ship Image Appears On Lake Superior Video « CBS Detroit: "Eye witnesses and theories from the internet range from the divine to the supernatural to the mundane. Is it Jesus walking on water, an oil rig … or perhaps a ghost ship? With the Great Lakes’ history of shipwrecks the idea of a paranormal visitor can catch on quickly."
Is our world a simulation? Why some scientists say it's more likely than not
Is our world a simulation? Why some scientists say it's more likely than not | Technology | The Guardian: "If we believe that there is nothing supernatural about what causes consciousness and it’s merely the product of a very complex architecture in the human brain, we’ll be able to reproduce it. “Soon there will be nothing technical standing in the way to making machines that have their own consciousness,” said Rich Terrile, a scientist at Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory."
‘3-parent’ baby method already used for infertility
Exclusive: ‘3-parent’ baby method already used for infertility | New Scientist: "The first babies to be created using a “three-parent” method to overcome their parents’ infertility are due to be born in early 2017. New Scientist has learned that two women in Ukraine are both more than 20 weeks pregnant with fetuses created using such a technique."
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Alien Life? Scientists Baffled by Radio Signals in Deep Space
Alien Life? Scientists Baffled by Radio Signals in Deep Space: "Scientists are baffled by nearly two dozen radio sources from deep space that could potentially be coming from extraterrestrial life."
SCARY!!! RING CLOUD and Sound of Trumpets (SHOFAR) in Jerusaelm - YouTube
SCARY!!! RING CLOUD and Sound of Trumpets (SHOFAR) in Jerusaelm - YouTube: "this phenomenon was filmed in Jerusalem on saturday 1.10.2016
strange ring with loud sound of trumpets (shofar)."
strange ring with loud sound of trumpets (shofar)."
Uterus transplant patient in Sweden who gave birth with mom's womb shares her story
Uterus transplant patient in Sweden who gave birth with mom's womb shares her story - CBS News: "Emelie Eriksson has a bond with her son that hardly seems possible: She and her son were born from the same womb."
Friday, October 7, 2016
Why Americas Annihilation Is Assured Even If We Defeat Russia In World War 3
Why Americas Annihilation Is Assured Even If We Defeat Russia In World War 3: "The 'flashback' story from Whiteout Press that Steve Quayle linked to on his website this morning reminds us that our 'continuity of government' requires an 'alternative capitol' be in place just in case Washington DC is destroyed. Giving us a great deal of evidence that the US's 'alternative capitol' is indeed hidden underneath the 57 square miles that make up the Denver International Airport in Colorado, we pray that all of the recent talk of World War 3 and swift and sudden destruction doesn't soon materialize, leading to the confirmation of another long-held 'conspiracy theory'."
Experts said Arctic sea ice would melt entirely by September 2016 - they were wrong
Experts said Arctic sea ice would melt entirely by September 2016 - they were wrong: "Dire predictions that the Arctic would be free of sea ice by September of this year have proven to be unfounded after latest satellite images showed there is far more ice now than in 2012."
Pentagon Hyping Test of Two Fake Nuke Bombs in Nevada Desert
Pentagon Hyping Test of Two Fake Nuke Bombs in Nevada Desert: "Amid efforts to modernize its nuclear stockpile, the US test-dropped two dummy nukes in the Nevada desert earlier this month."
Facebook reveals first version of social network's VR software
Facebook reveals first version of social network's VR software | Daily Mail Online: "Mark Zuckerberg showed off the firm's first attempt at social software for the Oculus Rift headset at the Oculus Connect conference in San Francisco."
ISIS to send wannabe 'serial killers' to the West in bloody new terror tactic
ISIS to send wannabe 'serial killers' to the West in bloody new terror tactic: "Terror group's leaders even give advice on what types of knives to use to carry out the slaughter"
Recipe for creating miniature 'organs in a jar' is revealed
Recipe for creating miniature 'organs in a jar' is revealed | Daily Mail Online: "Researchers are now growing hundreds of tiny human brains in labs, in an attempt to understand what gives us unique disorders like autism and schizophrenia - and the method they use to create these brains is surprisingly simple."
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Tech billionaires convinced we live in the Matrix are secretly funding scientists to help break us out of it
Tech billionaires convinced we live in the Matrix are secretly funding scientists to help break us out of it | The Independent: "Some of the world’s richest and most powerful people are convinced that we are living in a computer simulation. And now they’re trying to do something about it."
![Image result for The Matrix](
Samsung acquires Viv, the futuristic AI platform developed by the creators of Siri
Samsung acquires Viv, the futuristic AI platform developed by the creators of Siri: "Samsung has acquired Viv, the intelligent AI platform developed by Siri co-creator Dag Kittlaus and a handful of former Apple engineers. Word of the acquisition was first made public late on Wednesday via Techcrunch."
Nuclear Targets Map Shows "Dead Zones" All Across America
Nuclear Targets Map Shows "Dead Zones" All Across America: "The new story over at Infowars that the Drudge Report linked to this morning tells us that according to US Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley, "the United States is ready to 'destroy' its enemies" in comments clearly directed at Russia. Rather than focusing upon the Islamic terrorists who have already declared war upon us and are pushing towards a nuclear apocalypse for the West and the world, a 'spectacular experience' they would claim, America under Barack Obama has decided we may attack a nation that could completely destroy us as well."
US Army bosses reveal what could happen if the US took on Russia or China
US Army bosses reveal what could happen if the US took on Russia or China | Daily Mail Online: "It is a chilling vision of war - and one unlike any other ever fought.
US military bosses have revealed their predictions for a major conflict, and say war between nation states at some point in the future 'is almost guaranteed'."
US military bosses have revealed their predictions for a major conflict, and say war between nation states at some point in the future 'is almost guaranteed'."
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Rocket attack in Israel is claimed by ISIS-linked group who declare it part of 'jihad against Jews' by
Rocket attack in Israel is claimed by ISIS-linked group who declare it part of 'jihad against Jews' by | Daily Mail Online: "A rocket attack in Israel was declared part of the "jihad against Jews" after a terrorist group linked to ISIS claimed responsibility."
'Alien Megastructure' Star Keeps Getting Stranger
'Alien Megastructure' Star Keeps Getting Stranger: "The more scientists learn about "Tabby's Star," the more mysterious the bizarre object gets."
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Forget the robocalypse— 'Homo connecticus' may be what's coming
Forget the robocalypse— 'Homo connecticus' may be what's coming | PCWorld: "Robots’ potential to take over the world is a commonly expressed fear in the world of AI, but at least one Turing Award winner doesn’t see it happening that way. Rather than replacing mankind, technology will create a new kind of human that will coexist with its predecessors while taking advantage of new tech-enabled tools."
Biochip Technologies: From Fringe To Mainstream
Biochip Technologies: From Fringe To Mainstream: "Biochip technology is becoming big business, but not everyone is embracing the changes. There are concerns about the potential dangers these technologies can offer."
Monday, October 3, 2016
Giant dinosaur footprint discovered in Mongolia desert
Giant dinosaur footprint discovered in Mongolia desert | Daily Mail Online: "One of the biggest dinosaur footprints ever recorded has been unearthed in the Gobi Desert, offering a fresh clue about the giant creatures that roamed the earth millions of years ago."
Isis prepares for 'apocalyptic’ battle to defend the village at the heart of its propaganda operation
Isis prepares for 'apocalyptic’ battle to defend the village at the heart of its propaganda operation | The Independent: "Turkey-backed Syrian rebels say they are less than 48 hours away from launching an attack on the town of Dabiq, held by Isis since 2014."
3-D Printed 'Hyperelastic Bone' Could Be the Future of Mending a Break
3-D Printed 'Hyperelastic Bone' Could Be the Future of Mending a Break - D-brief: "A new composite material that integrates seamlessly into living tissue could someday bind bones and tendons together following an injury."
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Mystery as alien hunters catch bizarre UFO spotted on International Space Station live stream
Mystery as alien hunters catch bizarre UFO spotted on International Space Station live stream: "The strange phenomenon was spotted by UFO hunters watching the live stream from the International Space Station"
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Hurricane Matthew becomes the most powerful storm to hit the Atlantic in a decade
Hurricane Matthew becomes the most powerful storm to hit the Atlantic in a decade | Daily Mail Online: "With winds reaching 140 miles per hour, forecasters said the storm - downgraded to a Category 4 storm from the top Category 5 - was still powerful enough to wreck homes as islanders braced for its arrival."
The 'Jedi mind trick' that could make quantum computing a reality: Scientists discover how to stop light
The 'Jedi mind trick' that could make quantum computing a reality: Scientists discover how to stop light | Daily Mail Online: "It is a trick that could stop rogue Stormtrooper attacks - or help revolutionise computing.
![Mr Everett likened the team's experiment at ANU to a scene from Star Wars: The Force Awakens when the character Kylo Ren used the Force to stop a laser blast mid-air.](
Researchers have revealed a radical experiment that can stop light - and could one day lead to optical computers."
Researchers have revealed a radical experiment that can stop light - and could one day lead to optical computers."
Was this Massive Sword from the 15th Century used by a Giant Samurai?
Was this Massive Sword from the 15th Century used by a Giant Samurai? - Tales from out there: "The longest nihonto (Japanese blade): This Odachi called "Norimitsu Odachi" is 377 cm long and weighs 14.5 kilograms.
It´s a real, "live" shinken. It was forged as one piece. This sword is from the 15th century. Who would have used such a massive sword? What was the size of the samurai who used this sword for battle?"
It´s a real, "live" shinken. It was forged as one piece. This sword is from the 15th century. Who would have used such a massive sword? What was the size of the samurai who used this sword for battle?"
French Historian: Schools Lie About History – Present Islam as Peaceful, Demonise Christians
French Historian: Schools Lie About History – Present Islam as Peaceful, Demonise Christians: "A historian has slammed the double standards employed in French schools which present Muslim conquerors as peaceful and brilliant, and Christians as backwards oppressors."
Christian Persecution: China launches 'RELIGIOUS WINTER' in bid to DESTROY Christianity
Christian Persecution: China launches 'RELIGIOUS WINTER' in bid to DESTROY Christianity: "Christians in China face yet more restrictions. The communist party is attempting to silence the voices and movement of Christians throughout China. The restrictions begin next month, and any and all unauthorized religious activity will be suppressed, making house churches disband."
The War on Reality: How globalists occupy your mind to control everything
The War on Reality: How globalists occupy your mind to control everything - YouTube: "The War on Reality: How globalists occupy your mind to control everything"
AI will be TEN TIMES more destructive than nuclear bombs, warns expert
AI will be TEN TIMES more destructive than nuclear bombs, warns expert | Science | News | Daily Express: "WHICHEVER nation develops AI first will completely control the military landscape as the machine has the potential to be ten times as devastating as the nuclear bomb, an expert has warned."
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