Monday, September 30, 2013
Game Over: Total Collapse is Imminent
Game Over: Total Collapse is Imminent | Pakalert Press: "America, while you slept, your country was stolen from you. Your country was absconded by all the political misfits and corporate criminals that the disenfranchised former Republicans and Democrats have been trying to warn you about during the last several years."
Syria says 'terrorists' eat human hearts
Syria says 'terrorists' eat human hearts - Israel News, Ynetnews: "Syria's foreign minister has claimed at the UN that his regime is fighting a war against al-Qaeda linked militants who eat human hearts and dismember people while they are still alive, then send their limbs to family members."
Did we steal our moon from Venus? Controversial new theory suggests Earth pulled the planet's moon away and into our orbit
Did we steal our moon from Venus? Controversial new theory suggests Earth pulled the planet's moon away and into our orbit | Mail Online: "Earth has one moon, Uranus has 27 and and Saturn has over 50. Venus, however, has none. A wild new theory presented at a Royal Society conference is claiming that Earth may have stolen its only moon from Venus. The theory, put forward by a Caltech University professor, suggests that Earth pulled Venus's moon out of Venus' orbit and into our own."
Beyond Area 51: Reviewed
Beyond Area 51: Reviewed | Mysterious Universe: "One of the biggest puzzles concerning secret military-, government- and intelligence-based facilities is this: Why do so many of these classified installations seemingly attract far more than their fair share of UFOs? There are, I believe, several possibilities. The first is that if the stories of crashed UFOs in the hands of officialdom are valid, then it may be the case that what we are seeing in the skies above these bases are attempts by military project personnel to test-fly captured UFOs."
NSA Has Built Its Own, Secret, Warrantless, Shadow Social Network, And You've Already Joined It
NSA Has Built Its Own, Secret, Warrantless, Shadow Social Network, And You've Already Joined It | Techdirt: "Soon after the very earliest reporting on Ed Snowden's leaked documents about PRISM, the folks from Datacoup put together the very amusing GETPRSM website, which looks very much like the announcement of a new social network, but (the joke is) it's really the NSA scooping up all our data and making the connections. It's pretty funny. Except, of course, when you find out that it's real. And, yes, that seems to be the latest revelation out of Ed Snowden's leaks. The NY Times has an article by James Risen and Laura Poitras (what a combo reporting team there!) detailing how the NSA has basically built its own "shadow" social network in which it tries to create a "social graph" of pretty much everyone that everyone knows, foreign or American, and it all happens (of course) without a warrant."
Star Wars lightsabers finally invented
Star Wars lightsabers finally invented | Film | "Scientists in America have 'accidentally' found a way forward to the creation of real-life weapons as used by Jedi Knights"
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Attacks on Christians are being met with indifference
Colbert King: Attacks on Christians are being met with indifference - The Washington Post: "Hiding the Christian name on his ID with his thumb, Joshua Hakim approached the gunmen and showed them the plastic card. “They told me to go. Then an Indian man came forward, and they said, ‘What is the name of Muhammad’s mother?’ When he couldn’t answer they just shot him.”"
DARPA Funds A Stealthy, Bulletproof, Robotic Walker
DARPA Funds A Stealthy, Bulletproof, Robotic Walker > "Boston Dynamics has long been known as an innovator in the world of advanced robotics. Leveraging that reputation the company has just been awarded a $10M contract to create a next-generation stealthy, bulletproof walker whose missions would likely see it support troops in surprise operations."
Human implants, drones and traffic systems could all be hacked in future, Europol warns
Human implants, drones and traffic systems could all be hacked in future, Europol warns - Telegraph: "Cyber criminals could soon hack in to unmanned drones, traffic management systems and even medical implants causing death and mayhem, Europol has warned."
![Cyber, hackers, crime, infrastructure](
MasterCard tracks global 'cashless journey'
Finextra: MasterCard tracks global 'cashless journey': "MasterCard (NYSE: MA) today unveiled a new global report, "The Cashless Journey," that tracks how 33 major economies are progressing from cash-based to cashless societies."
Beast Tech -- The Mark of the Beast is Here
Night vision UFOs filmed over Germany
Night vision UFOs filmed over Germany - Unexplained Mysteries: "Three unusual objects have been caught on night vision camera in the skies east of Wittenberg in Germany.
MPs give green light to online firms that spy on your personal data from mobile apps and social networks to show you targeted ads
MPs give green light to online firms that spy on your personal data from mobile apps and social networks to show you targeted ads | Mail Online: "MPs have given the green light to companies who make money by harvesting personal data from internet connected gadgets, prompting disquiet over Parliament's commitment to protecting consumer rights."
The Other Side of Truth: The Roswell "Dream Team" Nightmare
The Other Side of Truth: The Roswell "Dream Team" Nightmare: "Things reached a head this week when Mr. Reynolds published an article titled "The Rumored 'New Roswell Evidence' by Anonymous", the central claim of which centered on the question of whether or not the "new evidence" which is the focus of the investigation by members of the "Dream Team" was photographic slides purportedly from 1947 showing alien bodies..."
Dilapidated Mansion Has Had Many Occupants, Maybe Even a Ghost
Dilapidated Mansion Has Had Many Occupants, Maybe Even a Ghost - "BEIJING — It was 1949, and the Communists had just defeated the Nationalists in the civil war. Legend has it that during the losing army’s rushed retreat to Taiwan, a high-ranking Kuomintang official living in Beijing abandoned his wife, leaving her to fend for herself as the Communists marched into the city. Devastated, the wife (some say she was his concubine) hanged herself from the rafters of their three-story French Baroque-style home."
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Power Outage Wreaks Havoc in NYC: "There Appears to Have Been No Plan for This Type of Catastrophic Failure"
Power Outage Wreaks Havoc in NYC: "There Appears to Have Been No Plan for This Type of Catastrophic Failure": "Outgoing Department of Homeland Security Head Janet Napolitano has repeatedly warned of the imminence of a widespread power outage originating from a rogue attack on the nation’s electricity grid."
Kenya mall attack torture claims emerge from soldiers: 'Eyes gouged out, bodies on hooks, fingers removed'
Kenya mall attack torture claims emerge from soldiers: 'Eyes gouged out, bodies on hooks, fingers removed' | Mail Online: "Soldiers told of the horrific torture meted out by terrorists in the Nairobi mall massacre yesterday with claims hostages were dismembered, had their eyes gouged out and were left hanging from hooks in the ceiling. Men were said to have been castrated and had fingers removed with pliers before being blinded and hanged. Children were found dead in the food court fridges with knives still embedded in their bodies, it was claimed. "
3 Major Earthquakes in Ring of Fire! Active! Warning!
ALERT: 3 Major Earthquakes in Ring of Fire! Active! Warning! | Alternative: "Anyone who lives near or has family near the Fault Line of the Pacific Ring of Fire Zone including the West Coast Area of the United States needs to be paying attention to the Strong Seismic Activity occurring over the last 48 hours. Just in the past 2 hours there has been 3 Major Quakes have struck and seems not to be showing signs of letting up. Be safe and have a plan just in case."
Florida store specializes in zombie-related items
Florida store specializes in zombie-related items: "The owner of the newly opened Zombie Survival store in Florida said the shop carries everything a customer could need for an undead apocalypse."
Take a sneak peek into CERN's Large Hadron Collider: Tour the tunnel and get close to ALICE using Google Street View
Take a sneak peek into CERN's Large Hadron Collider: Tour the tunnel and get close to ALICE using Google Street View | Mail Online: "‘We’re delighted that CERN opened its doors to Google Maps Street View allowing anyone, anywhere in the world to take a peek into its laboratories, control centers and its myriad underground tunnels housing cutting-edge experiments,’ said Pascale Milite of Google."
A Global Slaughter of Christians, but America’s Churches Stay Silent
A Global Slaughter of Christians, but America’s Churches Stay Silent - The Daily Beast: "Christians are being singled out and massacred from Pakistan to Syria to the Nairobi shopping mall. Kirsten Powers on the deafening silence from U.S. pews and pulpits."
Friday, September 27, 2013
Pakistan's Christians fear for their lives
Pakistan's Christians fear for their lives - Telegraph: "Pakistan's Christians now fear for their lives after a bomb ripped through the All Saints' Church in the biggest ever suicide attack on their community.
Have scientists accidentally created a lightsaber? New form of matter discovered that has only ever been seen in science-fiction
Have scientists accidentally created a lightsaber? New form of matter discovered that has only ever been seen in science-fiction | Mail Online: "Scientists have accidentally discovered a completely new form of matter that works in the same way as the lightsabers used in Star Wars.
![Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader have a lightsaber duel in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back](
A team of physicists were messing around with photons when they managed to get the particles to stick together and form a molecule."
A team of physicists were messing around with photons when they managed to get the particles to stick together and form a molecule."
US killer robot policy: Full speed ahead
US killer robot policy: Full speed ahead | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: "In November 2012, United States Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter signed directive 3000.09, establishing policy for the “design, development, acquisition, testing, fielding, and … application of lethal or non-lethal, kinetic or non-kinetic, force by autonomous or semi-autonomous weapon systems.” Without fanfare, the world had its first openly declared national policy for killer robots."
Perfectly Preserved Woolly Mammoth Trunk Found In Siberia Could Aid Cloning Efforts
Perfectly Preserved Woolly Mammoth Trunk Found In Siberia Could Aid Cloning Efforts - International Science Times: "A 10,000-year-old wooly mammoth trunk, perfectly preserved in the Siberian permafrost, could aid in the cloning of the animal."
Curiosity discovers water in the dust that coats Mars
Curiosity discovers water in the dust that coats Mars - "Recent discoveries by NASA's Curiosity rover show Mars to be more complex than had been known, with water-embedded dust covering its surface and a mature, almost Earthlike, geology."
Scientists Are Convinced Mind Transfer Is the Key to Immortality
Scientists Are Convinced Mind Transfer Is the Key to Immortality | Motherboard: "Call it mind transfer, uploading, brain backup, whatever—the idea of copying the human brain to a computer so it can live on without the body has a strong hold on futurists, neuroscientists, and folks that just want to live forever."
Ohio State Gets Armored Fighting Vehicle: “Specifically Designed for Asymmetric Warfare”
Ohio State Gets Armored Fighting Vehicle: “Specifically Designed for Asymmetric Warfare” - "The Ohio State University Department of Public Safety has acquired an armored military vehicle that looks like it belongs in Iraq or Afghanistan."
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Terrifying giant toad who swallowed a bat WHOLE in the Peruvian rainforest
Terrifying giant toad who swallowed a bat WHOLE in the Peruvian rainforest | Mail Online: "A greedy toad found deep in the Peruvian rainforest tried to swallow a hapless bat whole but only succeeded in making itself look like a bizarre mutant animal as it failed to eat its super-sized meal. A quick-witted ranger captured the comic scene, which saw both animals suffer some discomfort but survive"
UFOs, Nazis, and Secret Projects
UFOs, Nazis, and Secret Projects | Mysterious Universe: "Although such things are less common today, in decades-past there were far more than a few UFO encounters in which the witnesses reported how their vehicles – whether cars, trucks, or even motorbikes - were adversely affected by the presence of a UFO. Such events have become known in Ufology as “vehicle interference” cases. Typically, engines, lights, and radios are mysteriously affected by the presence of the unknown craft. Only when the strange vehicle exits the area does normality return."
UFOs and Significant Voices
UFOs and Significant Voices | Mysterious Universe: "When it comes to intriguing quotes of the UFO variety made by famous and influential individuals, there are certain ones that very often spring to mind. I’m thinking, for example, about things like (a) US President Ronald Reagan’s comments about how an alien threat would unite the Human Race; (b) the profound words of NASA astronaut Gordon Cooper, who went on record as stating: “I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which are a little more technically advanced than we are on Earth;” and (c) US Senator Barry Goldwater’s statements about being denied access to the alleged “Blue Room” at Wright-Patterson, Air Force Base."
Sophisticated U.S. Arms Flowing to Jihadists
Sophisticated U.S. Arms Flowing to Jihadists – "Fox News is reporting a stunning theft of U.S. arms by jihadist salafists in Libya. This news item will be made much of by critics of Obama on the right. However, military and government blunders, cost overruns, unneeded weapons systems, and general mis-management are par for the course."
Earth’s Mysterious Third Radiation Ring Driven By ‘Different Physics’
Earth’s Mysterious Third Radiation Ring Driven By ‘Different Physics’: "Earlier this year, NASA scientists discovered a “previously unknown surprise circling Earth” — an ephemeral third ring of radiation surrounding our planet. Now, some eight months later, UCLA scientists say they know what’s going on — and it’s unlike anything physicists have ever seen before."
New Prosthetic: Man Controls Bionic Leg with Thoughts
New Prosthetic: Man Controls Bionic Leg with Thoughts | LiveScience: "A 32-year-old man who lost his leg below the knee after a motorcycle accident four years ago now has a robotic prosthesis he can control with his mind, according to a new report of his case."
Hornet attacks kill 18 in China
Hornet attacks kill 18 in China | World news | "An unusual spate of hornet attacks in central China has killed at least 18 people."
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Check Out the New Gun That Allows Cops to Shoot and Capture Your DNA
Check Out the New Gun That Allows Cops to Shoot and Capture Your DNA | Video | "A new tool that would allow law enforcement to prevent criminals from running away or disappearing into a crowd before arrest was highlighted last week at The SHOT Show in Las Vegas."
'Big One' is due, quake experts say
'Big One' is due, quake experts say | "Sitting on a major fault line, Oregon is "like an eight-and-a-half-month pregnancy, due any time now" for a major earthquake, a geologist with the Oregon Office of Emergency Management told an overflow crowd Friday in Medford."
School programs show teens where fusion of engineering, biology can take us
School programs show teens where fusion of engineering, biology can take us - "“All life is a DNA software system,” he said. “We are DNA-driven cellular machines.”"
This is what life on Mars will be like
This is what life on Mars will be like – Jack Flanagan – The Kernel: "There are people willing to put billions of dollars into putting people on Mars. Entrepreneur and billionaire Elon Musk’s SpaceX program has been considering the idea for some time, and some related organisations have gone public with their intentions, such as Mars One, a non-profit seeking to establish a colony by 2022. They intend to put a group of chosen applicants through 7 years of rigorous training, and will to fund it as a “global media event” – a.k.a., reality television."
Brain activity found after 'brain death'
Brain activity found after 'brain death' - "Maybe cats have nine lives, or maybe brain dead people aren’t so dead. Parts of the brain may still be active after a commonly used brain activity reading goes to a flat line, according to a study on cat brains published Wednesday in the online journal PLOS One."
'Chemtrails' and other aviation conspiracy theories
'Chemtrails' and other aviation conspiracy theories - Telegraph: "Ever wondered why some planes emit long, lingering clouds of white vapour, while others pass overhead without leaving a trace?"
Science May Explain Why Egyptians Worshiped Dung Beetle as Sun God
Science May Explain Why Egyptians Worshiped Dung Beetle as Sun God » Mythphile: "Why did the ancient Egyptians worship a large beetle that rolls a ball of dung, lays its eggs inside it, and then pushes the ball along the ground? Why did the Egyptians call this beetle kheper, with the metaphorical meaning ”becoming, to come into being”? Why did they associate the lowly dung beetle with Re, their supreme being and sun god, and give their beetle-god avatar of Re the name Khepri?"
Pakistan earthquake kills at least 200, as tremor creates a new island in the sea
Pakistan earthquake kills at least 200, as tremor creates a new island in the sea - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation): "A major earthquake has hit a remote part of western Pakistan, killing at least 200 people and prompting a new island to rise from the sea just off the country's southern coast."
Terceira: Subaquatic pyramidal shaped structure found
Terceira: Subaquatic pyramidal shaped structure found – Azores | Portuguese American Journal: "An underwater pyramidal structure was identified at a depth of 40 meters off the coast of Terceira Island. The perfectly squared structure was sighted by a private yacht owner, Diocleciano Silva, during a recreational trip."
Jacques Vallee - A Man of Many Dimensions
Jacques Vallee - A Man of Many Dimensions | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History: "There are few people who bring more credibility to the field of UFO research than Dr Jacques Vallee. As one of the most respected investigators of the phenomenon over the course of more than four decades, he has perhaps the widest experience and knowledge about the topic of any person living today."
Doctors Grow Nose on Man’s Forehead
Doctors Grow Nose on Man’s Forehead - ABC News: "After a Chinese man’s nose was irreparably damaged from infection, his doctors decided to “grow” a second nose on the man’s forehead to replace the original nose."
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Scientists find black holes on EARTH: Oceanic whirlpools are thought to work same way as space phenomena
Scientists find black holes on EARTH: Oceanic whirlpools are thought to work same way as space phenomena | Mail Online: "They are impossible to see, but astronomers are convinced they exist. Black holes are tears in the fabric of space-time that pull in everything that comes too close to them.
Nothing that gets sucked in can escape, not even light. Now, scientists believe they have found features of these black holes here on Earth, in the southern Atlantic Ocean."
Nothing that gets sucked in can escape, not even light. Now, scientists believe they have found features of these black holes here on Earth, in the southern Atlantic Ocean."
Universe may be curved 'like a saddle' and not flat, according to study of light emitted when cosmos was just 400,000 years old
Universe may be curved 'like a saddle' and not flat, according to study of light emitted when cosmos was just 400,000 years old | Mail Online: "For the past decade, scientists studying radiation left after the Big Bang have suspected that our universe is lopsided. Now, cosmologists in Edinburgh believe the data actually shows that the universe is curved in a saddle-like shape."
Interviewing a Monster Hunter
Interviewing a Monster Hunter | Mysterious Universe: "Some time ago, I conducted an interview with Jon Downes, the director of the British-based Center for Fortean Zoology – one of the very few full-time organizations dedicated to the study of mysterious beasts such as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster and the Yeti. From his home in Devonshire, England, Jon had much to say about the history of the CFZ, its current activities, and its plans for the future."
How a Crypto 'Backdoor' Pitted the Tech World Against the NSA
How a Crypto 'Backdoor' Pitted the Tech World Against the NSA | Threat Level | "The Times story has kindled a firestorm over the integrity of the byzantine process that produces security standards. The National Institute of Standards and Technology, which approved Dual_EC_DRBG and the standard, is now facing a crisis of confidence, having been forced to re-open the standard for public discussion, while security and crypto firms scramble to unravel how deeply the suspect algorithm infiltrated their code, if at all. On Thursday, corporate giant RSA Security publicly renounced Dual_EC_DRBG, while also conceding that its commercial suite of cryptographic libraries had been using the bad algorithm as its default algorithm for years."
Christian Swingers? Even Progressive Pastors Are Shocked - ABC News
Christian Swingers? Even Progressive Pastors Are Shocked - ABC News: "Christian Swingers, a new website, invites faithful couples to be unfaithful, but it is creating a veritable Battle of Jericho among even the most progressive ranks in the church."
Chimeras, Cybrids, and Hybrids: A Christian’s Observations and Critique of Some Aspects of the Controversy Involving the Mixing of Human and Animal Materials for Scientific Research
Chimeras, Cybrids, and Hybrids: A Christian’s Observations and Critique of Some Aspects of the Controversy Involving the Mixing of Human and Animal Materials for Scientific Research - Answers in Genesis: "The paper discusses and critiques some aspects of the controversy in bioethics concerning the mixing of human and animal materials for scientific research, including the science and technology of chimeras, cybrids, and human-animal hybrids, and the conceptual logic of evolutionists."
Genetically Modified Babies on the way...
Genetically Modified Babies | Global Research: "In October 2013, the US Food and Drug Administration will hold a two-day public meeting to discuss genetic modification within the human egg, which changes will be passed on generationally. The United Kingdom is also moving to allow GM babies."
Terror of the Fox
Terror of the Fox | Mysterious Universe: "As Connor lay in the dark, the beating of his heart took over the night. “I was very conscious of my heartbeat. It was shaking my whole body,” he said. “I was kind of getting freaked out.”"
World's oldest bog body hints at violent past
BBC News - World's oldest bog body hints at violent past: "Compressed by the peat that has preserved his remains, he looks like a squashed, dark leather holdall.
![bog bodies comp](
Apart, that is, from one forlorn arm that stretches out and upward and tells us something of the deliberate and extremely violent death that he suffered 500 years before Tutankhamen was born."
Apart, that is, from one forlorn arm that stretches out and upward and tells us something of the deliberate and extremely violent death that he suffered 500 years before Tutankhamen was born."
Poltergeist at Birmingham hair salon
Poltergeist at Birmingham hair salon - Birmingham Mail: "A poltergeist is giving customers at a Birmingham salon a hair-raising experience by spooking them as they get their locks cut."
Jack the Ripper mystery solved by top detective after 125 years
Jack the Ripper mystery solved by top detective after 125 years | Weird | News | Daily Express: "THE Jack the Ripper mystery that has kept the world enthralled since the killer first struck on the streets of Victorian London has been blown apart on the 125th anniversary of the grisly crimes by a former murder squad detective."
Monday, September 23, 2013
Can Evangelical Chaplains Serve God and Country? The Crisis Arrives "Can chaplains committed to historic biblical Christianity serve in the United States military? That question, though inconceivable to our nation’s founders, is now front and center. And the answer to that question will answer another, even more important question: Can religious liberty survive under America’s new moral order?"
The real Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: Gene discovery paves the way for a pill to erase your most painful memories
The real Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: Gene discovery paves the way for a pill to erase your most painful memories | Mail Online: "It sounds like a plot from a Hollywood sci-fi movie, but neurologists believe they have come a step closer to being able to erase those haunting memories you've never been able to shake.
![Kate Winslet and Jim Carey in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind](
Echoing the 2004 Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet film, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, a group of researchers think they have identified the gene, called Tet1, which performs the fascinating role of 'memory extinction'."
Echoing the 2004 Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet film, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, a group of researchers think they have identified the gene, called Tet1, which performs the fascinating role of 'memory extinction'."
Gold, and Gone: The Mysterious Disappearance of Nazi Wartime Hoards
Gold, and Gone: The Mysterious Disappearance of Nazi Wartime Hoards | Mysterious Universe: "While there is much room for speculation regarding such Nazi-themed conspiracy theories, it is less easy to discount the untold millions in Nazi plunder that went missing after the fall of the Reich, a majority of which remains unaccounted for even in the present day."
Facebook wants to use artificial intelligence to better understand what you post, predict online actions
Facebook wants to use artificial intelligence to better understand what you post, predict online actions - "Facebook is reportedly now conducting research on “deep learning” artificial intelligence technology to allow better analysis of the data captured from the social network’s 1 billion users, though details of the experiments remain secret."
FBI calls half of populace with 9/11 doubts potential terrorists
FBI calls half of populace with 9/11 doubts potential terrorists: "A Department of Justice memo instructs local police, under a program named "communities against terrorism," to consider anyone who harbors "conspiracy theories" about 9/11 to be a potential terrorist."
Argentina: Disappearing Paranormal UFOs
Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Argentina: Disappearing Paranormal UFOs: "It is well known that the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) is among the most acceptable propositions with regard to the nature of the UFO phenomenon. However, there are those who feel that it barely offers an adequate explanation for certain aspects of the problem, such as the absence or scant detection of the phenomenon in space with astronomic devices, which contrasts with what occurs within our own atmosphere."
Strange Historic Photos Of Intelligent Animals
Strange Historic Photos Of Intelligent Animals: "Some of the best vintage LOL pictures from history feature animals acting as intelligent as humans. Which — you be the judge of just how intelligent that really is."
Lair of the Beasts: The Real Night of the Living Dead
Lair of the Beasts: The Real Night of the Living Dead - "In centuries past, however, Halloween was far from being a night on which to hit the streets and have a good time. In fact, the exact opposite was the case. Long before Halloween existed, as we know it today, there was All Hallows’ Eve, which was inextricably linked to the rise of the dead."
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Hackers claim security flaws in Apple's new iOS 7 software means they are able to access personal data stored on iPhones
Hackers claim security flaws in Apple's new iOS 7 software means they are able to access personal data stored on iPhones | Mail Online: "Hackers say they have been able to access people's personal data on iPhones due to a security glitch in Apple's new iOS 7 software."
Google Wants to be Your Doctor; And its Director of Engineering Wants You to Have a Brain Chip
Google Wants to be Your Doctor; And its Director of Engineering Wants You to Have a Brain Chip | Old-Thinker News: "Google is launching a health care company called Calico. In partnership with Arthur Levinson, former chief executive of Genentech – the first genetic engineering company founded in 1976 – Google will strive to “significantly expand the human life span.”
Are we headed to a Rollerball like future in which corporations have replaced countries and their governments? According to Parag and Ayesha Khanna we are indeed headed in that direction. In the Hybrid Age, mega coporations will provide advanced technology to their constituents and thus gain loyalty. As we stray away from broken governments to provide security and prosperity, these entities will fill the gap."
Are we headed to a Rollerball like future in which corporations have replaced countries and their governments? According to Parag and Ayesha Khanna we are indeed headed in that direction. In the Hybrid Age, mega coporations will provide advanced technology to their constituents and thus gain loyalty. As we stray away from broken governments to provide security and prosperity, these entities will fill the gap."
Altxerri Cave Paintings: Pushing Back Europe's History (even) Further
Altxerri Cave Paintings: Pushing Back Europe's History (even) Further | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History: "Would this new discovery force us to push back the arrival of modern humans into the Old Continent, or does it simply indicate Cro-Magnons arrived to a level of sophistication we hadn't credited them with at a much early age?"
Attenborough: 'the Yeti may be real'
Attenborough: 'the Yeti may be real' - Unexplained Mysteries: "Naturalist Sir David Attenborough has stated that he believes the Yeti may be a real creature."
The truth IS out there: British scientists claim to have found proof of alien life
The truth IS out there: British scientists claim to have found proof of alien life - Science - News - The Independent: "Life on Mars? No, say scientists, it’s floating 27km above Chester"
Hawking: 'in the future brains could be separated from the body'
Hawking: 'in the future brains could be separated from the body' - Telegraph: "Professor Stephen Hawking has predicted that it could be possible to preserve a mind as powerful as his on a computer"
How Far Are We From a Super-Pandemic?
How Far Are We From a Super-Pandemic? : Discovery News: "cientists say there are much more deadly bugs lurking out there that could someday make the jump from local outbreak to a worldwide super pandemic that could wipe out people across the globe."
Attack on Pakistani church kills over 60 people
My Way News - Attack on Pakistani church kills over 60 people: "PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) - A pair of suicide bombers detonated their explosives outside a historic church in northwestern Pakistan on Sunday, killing over 60 people in the deadliest-ever attack on the country's Christian minority, officials said."
Saturday, September 21, 2013
A Mad Scientist Designing Organs That Could Give You Superpowers
A Mad Scientist Designing Organs That Could Give You Superpowers | Wired Design | "Acquiring a superpower usually requires a bite from a radioactive insect, an uncomfortable dose of cosmic radiation, or the discovery of extraterrestrial parentage, but scientist Michael McAlpine hopes to make the process as simple as purchasing aspirin at the pharmacy. So far, he’s invented a “tattoo” for teeth that can detect cavities—not exactly the stuff of Hollywood blockbusters—although his latest project, a 3-D printed bionic ear that enables superhuman hearing, could be."
Israel pushes world not to be deceived by Rouhani as he takes 'charm offensive' to US airwaves
Israel pushes world not to be deceived by Rouhani as he takes 'charm offensive' to US airwaves | JPost | Israel News: "Jerusalem urged the world on Thursday not to be fooled by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s smiles and to intensify sanctions against the regime until he takes concrete steps toward dismantling Tehran’s nuclear program."
Biometric ID coming to a government office near you
Biometric ID coming to a government office near you -- GCN: "Biometric systems are increasingly found across government for personal identification/authentication applications, being used for homeland security, identity management, border crossing, electronic commerce and the prevention of ID theft. This week’s Biometric Consortium Conference in Tampa, Fla., showcases a wide range of hardware and software solutions to identity management challenges, such as fingerprint, earlobe, hand geometry and gait recognition, as well as PC/network access, point-of-sale authentication and surveillance."
'Biometric Classroom' Monitors Students' Eye Movements And Conversations
'Biometric Classroom' Monitors Students' Eye Movements And Conversations: "The report reads: “Students listen up! If you are used to passing notes, tapping out texts or even sneaking in quick conversations when you’re supposed to be working on fractions…beware! Those kinds of activities could be a thing of the past – or at the very least, closely monitored – in the biometric classroom of the future.”"
The time is right for biometric technology
The time is right for biometric technology | My Sinchew: "(AFP Relaxnews) -- Analysts and experts agree that with the launch of Apple's latest iPhone, not just fingerprint, but also voice and facial recognition are about to become the de-facto forms of web authentication."
Cyberattacks Hide Chinese Spies Inside US Companies
Cyberattacks Hide Chinese Spies Inside US Companies » The Epoch Times: "Each year, at least $13 billion in U.S. industrial secrets are stolen, damaging the prospects of companies and sapping the strength of the American economy. Company CEOs seeking to stop the theft often blame cyberattacks from China, but the hacking may actually be covering the tracks of someone on the company’s, and China’s, payroll."
The Science Of Erasing Memories: New Insights Into "Memory Extinction"
The Science Of Erasing Memories: New Insights Into "Memory Extinction" May Have Therapeutic Potential For PTSD Victims: "Recent analyses of a particular gene shed new light on “memory extinction” – the neuronal process whereby certain memories are gradually replaced by new ones. According to researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a more sophisticated understanding of the gene may eventually inspire efforts to control harmful and unwanted memories. The findings could thus have significant bearing on future post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment."
Saudi Arabia’s Proxy Wars
Saudi Arabia’s Proxy Wars — Phantom Report: "Saudi Arabia appears resolute: It wants Bashar al-Assad out of Damascus. The Saudis view the fighting in Syria with the same intensity that they did the civil war in Yemen that raged in the 1960s — as a conflict with wide and serious repercussions that will shape the political trajectory of the Middle East for years to come."
Empathy Toward Robots Could Impact Battlezones
Empathy Toward Robots Could Impact Battlezones : Discovery News: "he more robots become embedded in human society as toys and workers, the more people treat them like pets, friends or even as an extension of themselves. For soldiers who rely more and more on battlefield robots, researchers wondered: If a soldier attaches human or animal-like characteristics to these machines, could they care too much about the robot to send it onto a dangerous battlefield?"
'Shape-shifting' UFO filmed over Belfast
'Shape-shifting' UFO filmed over Belfast - Unexplained Mysteries: "While being hailed as a typical UFO sighting by some, others, such as the cameraman, believe the object could be something a bit different. Describing it as an "inter-dimensional being", he goes on to claim that the object has "legs" and that not only has he filmed something similar before but that objects like this have been sighted in countries all over the world."
Researchers make flexible, transparent e-paper from silicon
Researchers make flexible, transparent e-paper from silicon: "Now in a new study, researchers have synthesized silicon nanowires and woven them into a paper that outperforms many other paper-like materials in terms of transparency and flexibility. Since today's integrated circuit technology is designed for silicon (in bulk form), silicon nanowires would be much more compatible with these existing technologies than other materials, an advantage that could potentially rejuvenate research into silicon-based flexible electronics."
Ancient ruined cities that remain a mystery
Ancient ruined cities that remain a mystery | "They are the astounding feats of architecture that have been left to decay for centuries.
![Derinkuyu. Picture: Supplied](
But while they may be in ruins, the sites of the world's most ancient and intriguing cities continue to wow travellers."
But while they may be in ruins, the sites of the world's most ancient and intriguing cities continue to wow travellers."
Are we just numbers in the matrix?
Are we just numbers in the matrix? | COSMOS magazine: "There may be no such thing as matter. What we perceive as the universe may just be fluctuations in a field, and that is an unsettling thought."
Friday, September 20, 2013
'Alien Bugs' Discovered In Earth's Atmosphere
'Alien Bugs' Discovered In Earth's Atmosphere: "British scientists believe they have found small bugs from outer space in the Earth's atmosphere."
The bug that turns mice into ZOMBIES: Parasite makes rodents lose their fear of cats - even after the infection disappears
The bug that turns mice into ZOMBIES: Parasite makes rodents lose their fear of cats - even after the infection disappears | Mail Online: "Chronic infection with the parasite Toxoplasma can make mice lose their innate, hard-wired fear of cats, effectively turning them into zombies"
Gargoyles of the Lone Star State
Gargoyles of the Lone Star State | Mysterious Universe: "One of the most notably odd things about my home-state of Texas is the large number of strange “winged things” that dominate the skies of the Lone Star State. In our book, Monsters of Texas, fellow creature-seeker and good friend Ken Gerhard revealed the details of an intriguing story told to him by a south San Antonio business owner. As Ken noted, the man told him of a “…weird episode from the 1970s that he remembered being reported in local newspapers, as well as on some television news broadcasts.”"
Land Destroyer: In Syria, There are no Moderates
Land Destroyer: In Syria, There are no Moderates: "Latest Western fabrication attempts to portray "moderate rebels" locked in combat with hordes of Al Qaeda militants as ploy to justify further arming of terrorists and even direct intervention along Syria's borders."
Who you gonna call? Belief in ghosts is rising
Who you gonna call? Belief in ghosts is rising - Telegraph: "There may have been centuries of sightings with no proof of their existence, but a new study suggests belief in ghosts is growing in the UK."
Chinese man turns green after eating river snails
Chinese man turns green after eating river snails - NY Daily News: "He Yong, 24, had abdominal pains for two months before his skin and the whites of his eyes turned green from a parasitic infection. 'I looked like the Incredible Hulk,' he said."
Mars Mystery Deepens: Curiosity Rover Finds No Sign of Methane
Mars Mystery Deepens: Curiosity Rover Finds No Sign of Methane | "NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has revealed no trace of methane, a potential sign of primitive life, on the Martian surface, contradicting past evidence of the gas spotted by spacecraft orbiting the Red Planet, researchers say."
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Gov Estimates Pandemic Would Kill At Least 2 Million: "Completely Realistic and Based on Years of Data"
Gov Estimates Pandemic Would Kill At Least 2 Million: "Completely Realistic and Based on Years of Data": "In early 1918 the Spanish flu was nowhere on the radar. A couple years later, by the end of 1920 over 500 million people had been infected and about 100 million were dead – roughly 5% of the world’s population.
The virus spread like wildfire, destroying everyone in its path. But such things could not happen in our modern society. Or could they?"
The virus spread like wildfire, destroying everyone in its path. But such things could not happen in our modern society. Or could they?"
The Armageddon Looting Machine: The Looming Mass Destruction from Derivatives
The Armageddon Looting Machine: The Looming Mass Destruction from Derivatives | WEB OF DEBT BLOG: "Increased regulation and low interest rates are driving lending from the regulated commercial banking system into the unregulated shadow banking system. The shadow banks, although free of government regulation, are propped up by a hidden government guarantee in the form of safe harbor status under the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act pushed through by Wall Street. The result is to create perverse incentives for the financial system to self-destruct."
Betting Against The Transhumanist Wager
Betting Against The Transhumanist Wager: "There have been glowing reviews at the IEET of Zoltan Istvan’s The Transhumanist Wager. This will not be one of those. As I will argue, if you care about core transhumanist concerns, such as research into pushing out the limits of human mortality, little could be worse than the publication of Istvan’s novel. To put it sharply in terms of his so-called First Law of Transhumanism “A transhumanist must safeguard his own existence above all else”; Istvan, by creating a work that manages to disparage and threaten nearly every human community on earth has likely shortened the length of your life"
Ancient Chinese Jade Discs Mystery Remains
Video -- Jade Mystery Remains -- National Geographic: "ade bi (discs), from China, that resemble modern-day CD's or donuts, and date to the late Neolithic Period, Liangzhu culture (ca. 3300-2250 BC) remain a mystery."
Is The Developed World So Hygienically Clean That It’s Making Us Sick?
Is The Developed World So Hygienically Clean That It’s Making Us Sick? | Singularity Hub: "Few would argue the overall health benefits of living in the industrialized world. Clean drinking water, fewer fatal accidents and greatly reduced infant mortality are just a few of the advantages. So pronounced are the health boons of development that researchers may sometimes be blinded to health risks that it brings."
Night of the Living Virus
Night of the Living Virus | Mysterious Universe: "In George A. Romero’s classic movie of 1968, Night of the Living Dead, speculation was raised that the birth of the zombie hordes was possibly triggered by the actions of a U.S. spacecraft. While visiting the planet Venus, the craft, it was surmised, became bathed in radiation. Then, on its return to Earth, the craft let loose that same radiation upon an unsuspecting populace. The outcome was nothing less than the rise of the staggering, flesh-eating dead. Is it truly feasible that such a thing could actually occur in the real world?"
Auto-Brewery Syndrome: Apparently, You Can Make Beer In Your Gut
Auto-Brewery Syndrome: Apparently, You Can Make Beer In Your Gut : The Salt : NPR: "The patient had an infection with Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Cordell says. So when he ate or drank a bunch of starch — a bagel, pasta or even a soda — the yeast fermented the sugars into ethanol, and he would get drunk. Essentially, he was brewing beer in his own gut. Cordell and McCarthy reported the case of "auto-brewery syndrome" a few months ago in the International Journal of Clinical Medicine."
Google's New Project to Solve Death
Calico: Google's New Project to Solve Death - TIME: "The unavoidable question this raises is why a company built on finding information and serving ads next to it is spending untold amounts on a project that flies in the face of the basic fact of the human condition, the existential certainty of aging and death? To which the unavoidable answer is another question: Who the hell else is going to do it?"
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Transhumanism, humanity, and the Gospel
Transhumanism, humanity, and the Gospel: "For centuries humanity has expressed an innate desire to transcend themselves. To reach beyond the limitations brought on by such a feeble mortal body. From the Epic of Gilgamesh, where Gilgamesh's confrontation with the death of his friend inspires him to embark on a perilous journey to achieve immortality; to the fountain of youth in the Caribbean, to the elixir of life spread throughout ancient China, India, and Europe; humanity has sought a release in many different forms."
Monsanto Spends Millions to Defeat Washington GMO Labeling Initiative
Monsanto Spends Millions to Defeat Washington GMO Labeling Initiative: "With the help of a $4.6 million check from the biotech giant Monsanto and millions more from other out-of-state corporate interests, the campaign to defeat a Washington state ballot initiative in November to label groceries that contain genetically engineered ingredients has outraised the initiative's supporters by nearly three times, according to campaign data released last week."
Snake robots may be on the next mission to Mars: Slithering space machines set to help rovers explore the red planet's tricky areas
Snake robots may be on the next mission to Mars: Slithering space machines set to help rovers explore the red planet's tricky areas | Mail Online: "Snakes are sneaky creatures that can be found almost anywhere. From the freezing Arctic to the planet’s arid deserts, these animals are talented travellers.
![SINTEF snake robot](
Now space scientists are planning to use this talent to explore a much tougher location- the hostile surface of Mars. A team from the SINTEF research institute in Trondheim, Norway, is studying how snake robots could be used to gather samples from hard-to-reach places on the red planet."
Now space scientists are planning to use this talent to explore a much tougher location- the hostile surface of Mars. A team from the SINTEF research institute in Trondheim, Norway, is studying how snake robots could be used to gather samples from hard-to-reach places on the red planet."
Feeding the UFO Phenomenon
Feeding the UFO Phenomenon | Mysterious Universe: "In 2010, I wrote a book called Final Events. It’s probably my most controversial book to date. Final Events told the story of a semi-official/quasi-official think-tank that concludes the UFO phenomenon is demonic. And when I say demonic, I mean in the horned, fork-tailed, and fiery pit sense. But, they put a distinctly unusual spin on things: namely, they believe the phenomenon “feeds” upon a poorly understood form of energy contained in the human soul. In other words, we are being reared, nurtured, and finally digested, just like cattle. Or, so the think-tank asserts."
S. FL Doctor Uses New Technology To “Re-Grow” Man’s Finger
S. FL Doctor Uses New Technology To “Re-Grow” Man’s Finger « CBS Miami: "DELRAY BEACH (CBSMiami) — It’s being called a medical marvel. A south Florida doctor used a unique procedure to actually grow back a man’s finger that a horse bit off..."
Revealing Pictures From 1972 Rothschild Illuminati Ball
Revealing Pictures From 1972 Rothschild Illuminati Ball - The Vigilant Citizen - The Vigilant Citizen: "On 12/12/72 Marie-Hélène de Rothschild, member of the most powerful elite family in the world, held a Surrealist Ball at Château de Ferrières, one of the family’s gigantic mansions. While these events are usually extremely secretive, photographs of this particular Ball surfaced on the web. In short, it is a mix of an “Eyes Wide Shut”-style masked ball mixed with a Lady Gaga-style pop video. I’m not even kidding. Indeed, behind the fun and games, these pics reveal the underlying ideology and the mind state of the occult elite – which is apparently also used in the countless MK/Illuminati theme music videos discussed on this site."
![On the diner table are dolls that are dismembered or with a shattered skull. This imagery is also prevalent in countless music videos. Its all about the occult elite's MK culture.](
Sun Mysteriously Goes All Quiet Just When Its Activity Should Be Highest
Sun Mysteriously Goes All Quiet Just When Its Activity Should Be Highest - Wired Science: "Almost every measure of solar activity flatlined over the weekend. The event, though not unprecedented, is odd considering that our local star has just passed what is supposed to be the peak of its solar cycle, when activity is at its highest."
We’ll never find Atlantis. That’s why we keep looking
We’ll never find Atlantis. That’s why we keep looking. - Slate Magazine: "This fall, Britain will discover Atlantis. The makers of the television show Merlin are turning the age-old tale of a submerged city into a series (it will be called, unsurprisingly, Atlantis), which is slated to air in the United States in late 2013.
![The destruction of Atlantis, 1928.](
But this is only the latest in a long search to find Atlantis. The allegedly “lost” empire has had a hold on us for centuries. How? And, for that matter, why do people keep trying to find it?"
But this is only the latest in a long search to find Atlantis. The allegedly “lost” empire has had a hold on us for centuries. How? And, for that matter, why do people keep trying to find it?"
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Scientists Discover Source of Imagination in Human Brain
Scientists Discover Source of Imagination in Human Brain: "Do you remember playing pretend when you were a child? A stick became a sword while a playground became a castle. This ability to use your imagination doesn't disappear after childhood, though; it persists when people create art, invent tools and think scientifically. Now, scientists have discovered the source of human imagination."
Seen At 11: ‘Pulse Passwords’ Could Soon Replace Pin Numbers
Seen At 11: ‘Pulse Passwords’ Could Soon Replace Pin Numbers « CBS New York: "Pin Numbers, Credit Cards, And Passwords Could Soon Be A Thing Of The Past"
CDC Threat Report: 'We Will Soon Be in a Post-Antibiotic Era'
CDC Threat Report: 'We Will Soon Be in a Post-Antibiotic Era' - Wired Science: "The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has just published a first-of-its-kind assessment of the threat the country faces from antibiotic-resistant organisms, ranking them by the number of illnesses and deaths they cause each year and outlining urgent steps that need to be taken to roll back the trend."
Six sea monsters that make their horror movie counterparts look tame
Six sea monsters that make their horror movie counterparts look tame « Southern Fried Science: "volution is infinitely creative. Sometimes, amid the beauty and wonder, the awe that emanates from the shear power of natural selection, and the poetry of descent with modification, evolution produces something that terrifies. I am not talking about our natural predators, for whom fear is part of our evolutionary heritage, but rather creatures that appear as though they emerged from our darkest nightmares. But even our nightmares are limited by our finite minds."
Radio signal from Nasa's Voyager 1 as it travels outside our solar system is seen from Earth
Radio signal from Nasa's Voyager 1 as it travels outside our solar system is seen from Earth | Mail Online: "This incredible photo shows radio signals glowing blue from the spacecraft Voyager 1 nearly 12 billion miles away.
![Outer space: The Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), a network of radio telescopes operated by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, spotted the signal of NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft from 11.5 billion miles away](
Scientists can't actually see the spacecraft but they can detect its radio light. They used the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) a network of powerful radio telescopes to pick up the signal which looks like a blue speck."
Scientists can't actually see the spacecraft but they can detect its radio light. They used the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) a network of powerful radio telescopes to pick up the signal which looks like a blue speck."
Buzzing back: Bee extinct in the UK since the 1980s has nested and produced its first offspring
Buzzing back: Bee extinct in the UK since the 1980s has nested and produced its first offspring | Mail Online: "A bumblebee species reintroduced after being driven to extinction in the UK has nested and produced its first offspring. The short-haired bumblebee vanished in the 1980s, having declined over 60 years as its wildflower-rich grassland habitat was lost. It was officially declared extinct in 2000. Seven of the UK’s 27 bumblebee species are in decline and two have become extinct."
iPhone 5S Will Be a Trial Balloon for Biometric Log-in Systems
iPhone 5S Will Be a Trial Balloon for Biometric Log-in Systems | Singularity Hub: "An aura of spooky futurism has clung to biometric identification systems, which convert human bodies into combinations of measurements and patterns that a machine can read and store. Questions remain about how accurately our putatively unique biological traits can be translated into data. The United States, despite its technological dominance, has been particularly slow to adopt biometric technologies."
Mysteries at Sea: Boaters Share True Tales of Ghosts, UFOs, and Submerged Oddities
Mysteries at Sea: Boaters Share True Tales of Ghosts, UFOs, and Submerged Oddities | Mysterious Universe: "Much like the woods, the sea is a place people visit to revel in the beauty of nature and get away from the hassles of life. Of course, the ocean can also be deadly, and if the stories below are true, violent storms and vicious predators aren’t the only dangers sailors encounter. Here are six creepy tales from real-life boaters."
How a comet impact may have jump-started life on Earth -- and elsewhere
How a comet impact may have jump-started life on Earth -- and elsewhere - "Did life on Earth come from space? The scientific evidence is mounting.
![Icy Comet NEAT](
A new report suggests amino acids, the chemical building blocks necessary for life as we know it, may be scattered throughout the solar system, created when high-speed comets smacked into the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and rocky planets like our very own Earth."
A new report suggests amino acids, the chemical building blocks necessary for life as we know it, may be scattered throughout the solar system, created when high-speed comets smacked into the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and rocky planets like our very own Earth."
Monday, September 16, 2013
Drug-resistant 'superbugs' deemed urgent threats, CDC says
Drug-resistant 'superbugs' deemed urgent threats, CDC says | Fox News: "Antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea, a diarrhea-causing superbug and a class of fast-growing killer bacteria dubbed a "nightmare" were classified as urgent public-health threats in the United States on Monday."
Report Suggests Nearly Half of U.S. Jobs Are Vulnerable to Computerization
Report Suggests Nearly Half of U.S. Jobs Are Vulnerable to Computerization | MIT Technology Review: "Oxford researchers say that 45 percent of America’s occupations will be automated within the next 20 years."
Land Destroyer: Syria's "Rebels" Threaten UN - Will Use US Weapons
Land Destroyer: Syria's "Rebels" Threaten UN - Will Use US Weapons: "Terrorists operating in Syria have threatened to "block" UN inspectors, any bloodshed will be on the hands of the US who is now openly arming them."
25 Fast Facts About The Federal Reserve
25 Fast Facts About The Federal Reserve - "As we approach the 100 year anniversary of the creation of the Federal Reserve, it is absolutely imperative that we get the American people to understand that the Fed is at the very heart of our economic problems."
Israel has 80 nuclear warheads, can make 115 to 190 more
Israel has 80 nuclear warheads, can make 115 to 190 more, report says - "JERUSALEM-- Israel has 80 nuclear warheads and the potential to double that number, according to a new report by U.S. experts."
The Aluminum Airship of the Future Has Finally Flown
The Aluminum Airship of the Future Has Finally Flown: "There was once a time when man looked to the skies and expected to see giant balloons rather than airplanes drifting above. The Hindenburg Disaster promptly put an end to those dreams. But nearly a century later, one company may have finally figured out how to build a dirigible suitable for the 21st century. Just don't call it a blimp."
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Will super-human artificial intelligence (AI) be subject to evolution?
Will super-human artificial intelligence (AI) be subject to evolution?: "There has been much speculation about the future of humanity in the face of super-humanly intelligent machines. Most of the dystopian scenarios seem to be driven by plain fear that entities arise that could be smarter and stronger than us. After all, how are we supposed to know which goals the machines will be driven by? Is it possible to have “friendly” AI? If we attempt to turn them off, will they care? Would they care about their own survival in the first place? "
Hacked, Attacked, And Burned To The Ground - Tom Horn
ZENITH 2016 -- PART TWELVE (Did Something Begin In 2012 That Will Apex In 2016?): "Horn, a veteran media figure and key apologist in the modern Bible-prophecy movement, has compiled enough detail on some of the powerful contenders who are interested in human enhancement, GRINS and transhumanism to merit serious consideration. Increasingly over the last few years, an eerie volume of personal attacks against him have been displayed by leading names among transhumanist think tanks, the Singularity Institute, even U.S. National Science Foundation Report co-authors who have sought to quiet or discredit his goal of making the public aware of the GRINS/transhumanist agenda. "
Why one microbe seemingly doesn't age at all
Why one microbe seemingly doesn't age at all - NBC "Aging is an inevitable fact of life for most organisms, but one particular microbe has found a way to avoid getting older, at least in a sense, a new study finds. Under favorable conditions, the microbe, a species of yeast called S. pombe, does not age the way other microbes do, the researchers said."
Did a hyper-black hole spawn the Universe?
Did a hyper-black hole spawn the Universe? : Nature News & Comment: "It could be time to bid the Big Bang bye-bye. Cosmologists have speculated that the Universe formed from the debris ejected when a four-dimensional star collapsed into a black hole — a scenario that would help to explain why the cosmos seems to be so uniform in all directions."
Ghost screaming in haunted hotel -- Freaky
People staying at the hotel began calling in noise complaints to the front desk with reports of loud screaming coming from the 2nd floor--particularly room #209. There is no known history to the room according to our investigation. However, upon further review, we found that over the years, multiple complaints of "strange noises" were reported to be coming from the room. This is the only known recording of it.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Brain-Eating Amoeba Kills 4-Year-Old Boy
Brain-Eating Amoeba Kills 4-Year-Old Boy - ABC News: "A 4-year-old child has died after he contracted a deadly amoeba that was found in the water supply of St. Bernard Parish, La."
Spanish scientists create self-healing 'Terminator' plastic
Spanish scientists create self-healing 'Terminator' plastic: "Spanish scientists are reporting the world's first self-healing polymer that spontaneously and independently repairs itself without any intervention."
Zoologger: Transformer insect has gears in its legs
Zoologger: Transformer insect has gears in its legs - life - 12 September 2013 - New Scientist: "The insect Issus coleoptratus is another animal with an unexpected bit of machinery hidden in its body. Its larvae are the first animals known to have interlocking gears, just like in the gearbox of a car."
Physics: Quantum quest
Physics: Quantum quest : Nature News & Comment: "Physicists have spent a century puzzling over the paradoxes of quantum theory. Now a few of them are trying to reinvent it."
Time travel IS possible - but only if you want to go to the future and not come back
Time travel IS possible - but only if you want to go to the future and not come back, says Professor Brian Cox | Mail Online: "Travelling through time may not be the far-fetched science fiction theory it was once thought to be, according to Professor Brian Cox.
![Professor Brian Cox told the British Science Festival that travelling to the future, in a craft such as Doctor Who's Tardis, pictured, is possible](
Speaking at the British Science Festival, Cox declared to the audience: 'Can you build a time machine? The answer is yes.' However, the theory only works when travelling to the future, and Cox explained that once in the future it's not possible to come back."
Speaking at the British Science Festival, Cox declared to the audience: 'Can you build a time machine? The answer is yes.' However, the theory only works when travelling to the future, and Cox explained that once in the future it's not possible to come back."
Disney Researchers Create Mind-Blowing Communication Device
Disney Researchers Create Mind-Blowing Communication Device | Video | "Imagine being able to communicate with someone just by touching them. Based on the Japanese concept Ishin-Denshin, which translates to “what the mind thinks, the heart transmits,” Disney Research created a microphone that records a sound and then transmits it to another person — not audibly but through touch."
Do You See What I Hear? Mysterious Disembodied Voices
Do You See What I Hear? Mysterious Disembodied Voices | Mysterious Universe: "What did we hear? A ghost? A time slip? Or something wicked? Regardless, disembodied voices are more common than mainstream people comfortable in their worldview will ever know"
TEPCO Official Admits Fukushima "Out Of Control"
TEPCO Official Admits Fukushima "Out Of Control" | Zero Hedge: "A month ago, when we quoted an independent expert that "TEPCO has lost control of Fukushima" many took offense, despite all signs to the contrary. Perhaps the skeptics will reevaluate their position following today's news reported by AFP, which cited Kazuhiko Yamashita, who holds the executive-level title of "fellow" at Tokyo Electric Power, who finally admitted what those not mired in prejudice about the state of nuclear energy refuse to accept, that the nuclear plant was "not under control.""
Head of Syrian Rebels Calls for Terrorist Attacks On America
Head of Syrian Rebels Calls for Terrorist Attacks On America | Washington's Blog: "Why Are We Supporting Guys Who Want to Blow Us Up?"
Friday, September 13, 2013
As rebels behead Assad's thugs in front of children, the question: should we really take sides in Syria's bloodbath?
As rebels behead Assad's thugs in front of children, the question: should we really take sides in Syria's bloodbath? | Mail Online: "The sword rests briefly on his neck as a blindfolded man kneels under a clear blue sky. Moments later, the executioner raises his right arm, slashes downwards and the prisoner is dead. The whole barbaric episode is watched by a crowd of jeering men, many of them armed. And sitting on a low wall only a few feet from where the wretched captive died so violently is a line of young boys. They were still there as the dead man’s head was dumped on his body. Another child, even younger, was led by the hand past the corpse."
If the end of the world were nigh, you’d want the world’s biggest brains trying to stop it. And that’s exactly what's happening
If the end of the world were nigh, you’d want the world’s biggest brains trying to stop it. And that’s exactly what's happening - Science - News - The Independent: "Leading scholars establish centre for the study of 'existential risk' in order to prepare for potentially devastating events"
Science superheroes and famous thinkers form 'doomsday' society to save humanity from asteroids, pandemics - and itself
Science superheroes and famous thinkers form 'doomsday' society to save humanity from asteroids, pandemics - and itself | Mail Online: "They are an improbable group of superheroes. But some of Britain's greatest minds have got together to focus their powers on saving humanity from itself. Led by the Astronomer Royal and Cambridge don Martin Rees, famous thinkers such as physicist Stephen Hawking and former Government chief scientist Robert May have formed a society to draw up a doomsday list of risks that could wipe out mankind. From crippling cyber-attacks by terrorists using the internet to cause havoc, to the release of engineered diseases and killer computers, they warn the future is far from rosy."
Are the Bible’s End Times Prophecies Coming True? Here Are the Stunning Stats Showing What Americans Think
Are the Bible’s End Times Prophecies Coming True? Here Are the Stunning Stats Showing What Americans Think | "A startling proportion of Americans believe that we’re currently living in the End Times, according to a stunning new poll that was conducted by the Barna Group, a research firm that focuses on faith. In fact, more than four in 10 individuals (41 percent) over the age of 18 believe that “the world is currently living in the ‘end times’ as described by prophecies in the Bible.”
![Shocking Number of Americans Believe Were Now Living in the End Times as Described in the Bible, Poll Finds](
While this number is certainly noteworthy, among various cohorts, the results were even more stunning. While 54 percent of Protestants agreed that we are currently living in these times, the vast majority of evangelicals — 77 percent, to be exact — embrace this same sentiment."
While this number is certainly noteworthy, among various cohorts, the results were even more stunning. While 54 percent of Protestants agreed that we are currently living in these times, the vast majority of evangelicals — 77 percent, to be exact — embrace this same sentiment."
It's no wonder he looks grumpy: 'Hideous' blobfish is crowned the world's ugliest animal
A living blob of jelly that dwells in the darkest depths of the ocean has been officially named the world's ugliest animal.
The blobfish, described as 'hideous' by Simon Watt from the Ugly Animal Preservation Society, is a jelly-like fish that resembles a bald, grumpy old man.
Measuring up to a foot in length, it lives between 600 and 1,200 metres below the ocean surface off the coasts of Australia and Tasmania.
The blobfish, described as 'hideous' by Simon Watt from the Ugly Animal Preservation Society, measures up to a foot in length. It lives between 600 and 1,200 metres below the ocean surface off the coasts of Australia and Tasmania
Despite being completely inedible, it has a habit of being hauled up in trawler nets.
Experts believe the blobfish is under serious threat, although there are no reliable estimates of its numbers.
Read more:
The blobfish, described as 'hideous' by Simon Watt from the Ugly Animal Preservation Society, is a jelly-like fish that resembles a bald, grumpy old man.
Measuring up to a foot in length, it lives between 600 and 1,200 metres below the ocean surface off the coasts of Australia and Tasmania.
The blobfish, described as 'hideous' by Simon Watt from the Ugly Animal Preservation Society, measures up to a foot in length. It lives between 600 and 1,200 metres below the ocean surface off the coasts of Australia and Tasmania
Despite being completely inedible, it has a habit of being hauled up in trawler nets.
Experts believe the blobfish is under serious threat, although there are no reliable estimates of its numbers.
Read more:
Scientists claim to have found evidence of ALIEN LIFE: Balloon sent to edge of atmosphere picks up organisms that can only have come from space
Scientists claim to have found evidence of ALIEN LIFE: Balloon sent to edge of atmosphere picks up organisms ¿that can only have come from space¿ | Mail Online: "British scientists believe they have found evidence alien life after sending a balloon to the edge of space. The team of scientists sent a balloon 27km into the stratosphere and captured small biological organisms they say can only have come from space. The group, headed up by astrobiologist Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, claims the 'seeds of life' have been transported between planets by passing meteors."
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Mom Upset Daughter Wasn’t Allowed To Write About God
Mom Upset Daughter Wasn’t Allowed To Write About God « CBS Charlotte: "MEMPHIS (CBS CHARLOTTE) – A mother is angry after her daughter wasn’t allowed to write about God for a school assignment."
Extraterresterial Life Exists, Scientist Chandra Wickramasinghe Claims
Extraterresterial Life Exists, Scientist Chandra Wickramasinghe Claims: "If a group of scientists are correct, tiny fossils uncovered inside a meteorite found in Sri Lanka in December are proof of extraterrestrial life."
Richard Dawkins Defends 'Mild' Pedophilia, Again and Again
Richard Dawkins Defends 'Mild' Pedophilia, Again and Again - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire: "Richard Dawkins defended "mild pedophilia" in an interview this weekend. And while the quote itself is quite jarring, especially to those who look to Dawkins for his influential writings on atheism (but haven't noticed some of his other strange stances), it's far from the first time that the scientist has launched a defense of the behavior "
Georgia's Own Doomsday Stonehenge Monument
Georgia's Own Doomsday Stonehenge Monument - The Crux | "“Planned genocide has begun,” read the Facebook entry on one of the groups I browse daily. The link: a picture of five monoliths looming like an American Stonehenge over a lush and lonely hill in remote Elberton, Georgia. I was only an hour away at the time, and decided to visit them in person."
Unearthed: 1,400-year-old Mayan mass grave of DECAPITATED aristocrats discovered in Mexico
Unearthed: 1,400-year-old Mayan mass grave of DECAPITATED aristocrats discovered in Mexico | Mail Online: "A 1,400-year old mass grave of decapitated prisoners of war has been discovered in the Mayan city of Uxul in Mexico.
![Maya cave](
The 7th-century grave contained dismembered skeletons of 24 victims, thought to have been prisoners of war, in what was once a water reservoir. The finding provides the first physical evidence that the violent murder of opponents, which was so often shown in Maya art, was in fact practiced."
The 7th-century grave contained dismembered skeletons of 24 victims, thought to have been prisoners of war, in what was once a water reservoir. The finding provides the first physical evidence that the violent murder of opponents, which was so often shown in Maya art, was in fact practiced."
Do lobsters hold the key to eternal life? Forget gastronomic indulgence, the crustacean can defy the ageing process
Do lobsters hold the key to eternal life? Forget gastronomic indulgence, the crustacean can defy the ageing process | Mail Online: "They are usually associated with a life of gastronomic indulgence and heart-stopping excess. But away from the dinner table, lobsters may actually hold the secret to a long, healthy — and possibly even eternal — life.
![of coke like a paper cup. The massive crustacean was caught in Lyme Bay o](
For this crustacean is one of a handful of bizarre animals that appear to defy the normal ageing process."
For this crustacean is one of a handful of bizarre animals that appear to defy the normal ageing process."
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