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Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Coming Artilect War

The Coming Artilect War - "The issue of species dominance will dictate our global politics this century. Given the rate at which technologies are developing that enable "artilects"--artificial intellects--it is likely that humanity will be able to build artilects with mental capacities that are literally trillions upon trillions of times above the human level. Humanity will then have to choose whether to become the No. 2 species on the planet or not."

1 comment:

  1. i just read the post the coming artilect war.its not new all this. its decades thats is talking about.but now we are approaching this new world very fast.its this artilects will be friendly to us or will be enemy? my opinion is that in the first years they will be similar to us and friendly becouse they developed from us but years later nobody knows.
