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Monday, January 7, 2013

Pandemic Watch: Another insider announces that a global pandemic is imminent

Pandemic Watch: Another insider announces that a global pandemic is imminent | Pakalert Press: "Dr. J. Joseph Kim, founder and director of Inovio Pharmaceuticals, has recently declared that a global pandemic is “inevitable” in the next couple of years.

Pandemic Watch Another insider announces that a global pandemic is imminent

Quoted in an article in US News on December 24, Dr. Kim opined that a global bird flu pandemic would result in a considerable death rate, stating, “I really believe we were lucky in 2009 [with the swine flu] because the strain that won out was not particularly lethal,” he says. “Bird flu kills over 60 percent of people that it infects, regardless of health or age. It is a phenomenal killing machine—our only saving grace thus far is the virus has not yet jumped to humans.”"

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