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Monday, January 14, 2013

Miraculous Cures, Stigmata & Religious Visions in Ancient Tongues

Miraculous Cures, Stigmata & Religious Visions in Ancient Tongues | Mysterious Universe: "In the Bavarian village of Konnersreuth in March of 1918, a 19-year-old peasant girl, Therese Neumann, fell from a stool while tending a fire in her uncle’s barn. Therese was left partially paralysed by the fall and over the coming months the poor, unfortunate Therese would suffer further falls. After one such fall in 1919, she was left completely blind. Now bedridden, Therese developed bed sores that so deeply ate into her flesh, at times, bone was exposed. Life was not looking good for the teenage girl who should have, at that age, been in her prime."


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