Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Earth's Calling Card: Our 50-Lightyear Electronic 'ET' Billboard (Weekend Feature)

The Earth's Calling Card: Our 50-Lightyear Electronic 'ET' Billboard (Weekend Feature): "Subjugation by aliens is a clear danger. It can be military subjugation, cultural subjugation or even misguided attempts to uplift Human civilization and in the process destroying it. Stephen Hawking has voiced concern about the dangers, he believes, are posed by alien predators who may arrive in giant space ships, to conquer, enslave, destroy, colonize, and voraciously exploit the resources of Earth, an assertion that is analogous to what is known as the “The Wisdom Principle'. It states that “Any advanced civilization in the universe does not want to be visited ‘first’ by any other more advanced civilization.' In short, it would be ‘wise’ of a civilization to ensure that it does not play host to any advanced alien race.�'To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational. The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like...'"

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