Saturday, October 23, 2010

CERN's LHC May Provide Clues to "The Great Attractor"

CERN's LHC May Provide Clues to "The Great Attractor": "With its successful test run at the end of 2009, the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland, is poised to answer some of the most vexing problems of modern physics and. open new frontiers in understanding space and time, the microstructure of matter and the laws of nature.

One of the profound of the unsolved problems is the missing mass of the universe. We know that the matter that makes up our existence as well as every onservable object in the universe, is a mere fraction -- 20 percent -- of the matter in the universe. The remaining 80 percent apparently is mysterious 'dark matter'- its existence is inferred only via its gravitational pull on visible matter. LHC collisions could produce dark-matter particles so we can study their properties directly and thereby unveil a totally new face of the universe."

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