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Monday, May 23, 2011

Why Did Consciousness Evolve, and How Can We Modify It, Pt. II: The Supremacy of Vision

Why Did Consciousness Evolve, and How Can We Modify It, Pt. II: The Supremacy of Vision | Science Not Fiction | Discover Magazine: "With that background on range and resolution, we can ask “what senses provide detailed overviews at far distances (say, at least 100 times longer than your body)?” Let’s go through some of the biological possibilities: hearing; echolocation, also referred to as sonar (which also involves hearing, but at a much higher frequency, and includes the generation of an echolocation beam); touch; taste; smell; flow sensing (in science referred to as the “mechanosensory lateral line”); sensing of weak electric fields, called “electrosense”; active electrical sensing, called “electrolocation” (similar to normal electrosense, but like echolocation, includes not only perception of electric fields, but generation of them as well—so hearing is to echolocation what electrosense is to electrolocation); magnetosense, the ability to sense Earth’s magnetic field; vision (all types, including polarized light, and ultraviolet). For simplicity, we only consider these once at a time, although in many biological situations, multiple senses would be combined."

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