Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Illuminati Music Videos: Satanism, Crowley and Neurological Warfare

Paul McGuire -- Illuminati Music Videos: Satanism, Crowley and Neurological Warfare: "The Illuminati motto is “Order through Chaos” or “New World Order through Chaos.” The Illuminati was officially formed in 1776, which was the same year America became a nation, and it was instrumental in the forming of our nation, along with the Biblical ideas of the Puritans and Pilgrims. Right at the very beginning of America there was a spiritual and ideological conflict between the Illuminati and those who held a Biblical worldview. Sir Francis Bacon, head of the Rosicrucians in the 1600s, developed a secret occult plan for America, a plan to make America the “New Atlantis” and the head of the New World Order."

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