Tuesday, September 18, 2012

UFOs: What the Hell?

In a world filled with terrorism, Middle Eastern wars and skirmishes, disturbing changes in weather patterns, apocalyptic tales of the Mayans and 2012, and Hollywood’s ongoing obsession with “end of the world”-type movies – check out Contagion; Children of Men;Knowing; Dawn of the Dead; The Happening; and 28 Days Later as just a few examples from the last 10 years – it’s hardly surprising that people might be tempted to look to the stars for salvation.

In other words, if we can’t help ourselves, maybe “the aliens” will do a better job. Of course, people have looked for advanced, outside help ever since the era of the UFO was born in the summer of 1947. The problem, however, is that our call has not been answered. At least, not yet it hasn’t. But, some say, maybe that’s about to change – but not in ways most might imagine or hope for.

Read More: http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2012/09/ufos-what-the-hell/

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