Friday, September 21, 2012

From Man To Animal

As readers of Mysterious Universe will know, I have a particular fascination with the legendary tales of blazing-eyed, supernatural black hounds roaming the British countryside in times both past and present. And, as I have noted, some of the reports suggest the beasts are kind of like animal-like Grim Reapers, coming to call and collect on the soon-to-die. But, there’s another angle I have not yet touched on here, but will do so now. It’s the idea that the phantom black dogs are not coming for those that death has in its icy grips. But that they are the dead: deceased humans whose souls have shape-shifted into animal form. To be sure, it sounds strange. But it’s a theory that had widespread support in the past…

Elliott O’Donnell was the author of numerous classic titles on all manner of mysteries, but it is his 1912 book, Werewolves, that has a bearing upon the very matters under the microscope – namely, the ghostly black dogs of Britain. O’Donnell presented a fascinating body of data in his near-legendary book, which is essential reading for anyone wishing to acquaint themselves with hard to find data on all manner of strange beast, including black dogs, and not solely the werewolves of the book’s title. Nevertheless, O’Donnell’s words are deeply applicable to this particular debate concerning the real nature of the British black dog.

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