Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Goa'uld Zat Gun? Pentagon’s Mega Stun Gun Could Blast You Unconscious

Pentagon’s Mega Stun Gun Could Blast You Unconscious | Danger Room | "Imagine a stun gun that doesn’t just drop you to the floor, but renders you unconscious for several minutes. This tech is called a “nano-second electrical pulse,” and the Pentagon believes it could be used in a gun that would hit targets with high voltages of electricity for an amazingly short amount of time – we’re talking billionths of seconds here. That would make the enemy an easy capture. But today’s stun guns are already linked to dozens, if not hundreds, of abusive incidents. What happens if they become even more powerful?"


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  3. Stun weapons are additionally no-to-minimal effort support. Numerous models are battery-powered so you never need to stress over batteries. For those that aren't, it's the cost of a few nine volt batteries each couple of months. Contrast that and the cost of ammo for a handgun.Top 10 best stun batons
