Sunday, June 3, 2012

Zombie Apocalypse? Suddenly Criminals All Over America Are Chewing Flesh And Eating Brains

Okay, this is starting to get really weird.  In the past couple of weeks there have been reports all over the country of criminals chewing on human flesh and eating human brains.  So exactly what in the world is going on here?  Is this some kind of zombie apocalypse?  For the record, I certainly do not believe that zombies exist.  Let me be very clear on that.  However, zombies have become so prominent in popular culture in recent years that it was probably inevitable that people would try to mimic them.  In addition, I certainly do believe that demonic possession is real, and that could be a cause for some of this behavior as well.  And of course drugs can play a huge role in causing people to behave in absolutely crazy ways.  That certainly was the case with the "zombie attack" down in Miami recently.  It turns out that "bath salts" are being blamed for the bizarre cannibalism attack that made headlines all over the nation.  Police shot and killed 31-year-old Rudy Eugene as he was literally chewing the face off of another man.  According to authorities, the victim has "75 percent of his face missing, including an eye, his ears and lips."  Unfortunately, this is not just an isolated incident.  In fact, there have been a whole bunch of other attacks like this in recent days.

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