Thursday, May 31, 2012

Back to the Stone Age: Early space dwellers will 'live in caves on planets as we make our baby-steps into the universe'

Back to the Stone Age: Early space dwellers will 'live in caves on planets as we make our baby-steps into the universe' | Mail Online: "For almost all of humanity's existence, the idea of exploring the galaxy was just a far-off dream.

But in the 50 years since we began conquering the pull of gravity and escaped our atmosphere, we have been able to get beyond the dreaming and discuss the practical ways we can settle on other worlds.

As we take our baby-steps into the wider world, one suggestion is that we, in a sense, return to the Stone Ages - and use caves as our initial dwelling places.

The idea was given even more credence in 2007 when NASA captured images of 'skylights' on Mars - showing that caves do exist on the red planet, giving us four walls, a roof, and potentially even a fairly air-tight environment to set up a new home."

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