Saturday, April 21, 2012

Google in space: Search giant reveals plans to mine asteroids for 'human race's prosperity' in project headed by James Cameron

It could be the plot from a Hollywood movie: After exhausting the Earth's supply of natural resources, global corporations turn to space to replenish their stockpile of raw materials.

However the stuff of science fiction could soon become a reality following the revelation of proposals to begin mining asteroids to guarantee the human race's prosperity.

A team of scientists are to unveil plans for the new space venture - and the project has the backing of Hollywood film maker and explorer James Cameron.

Cosmic quarry: A team of scientists have unveiled plans to mine asteroids for their raw materials

Cosmic quarry: A team of scientists have unveiled plans to mine asteroids for their raw materials

As well as the Hollywood director, other investors include chiefs from internet giant Google and a former software architect for computer corporation Microsoft.

Details of the the space mission are to be officially launched on Tuesday, by start-up company Planetary Resources.

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