Saturday, September 24, 2011

Challenging Einstein is usually a losing venture

albert einstein

Famed physicist Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity — the famous E (equals) mc2 equation — is facing unprecedented scrutiny.

GENEVA — Betting against Einstein and his theory of relativity is a way to go broke.

For more than a century, everyone from physicists to the Nazi Party — which encouraged the publication of the tract "One Hundred Authors Against Einstein" — has tried to find cracks in his work. And all have failed.

On Thursday, the world's biggest physics lab unveiled a shocking finding: that one type of subatomic particle was clocked going faster than the speed of light. If true — a big if, even the scientists there concede — it could undercut Einstein's theories. Physicist Michio Kaku of City College of New York called it "the biggest challenge to relativity in 100 years."

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