Friday, May 27, 2011

Vivid Ads Give You False Memories That You Swear Are Real

Remember that time you were drinking Coke with Ronald McDonald and Tony the Tiger while the Energizer Bunny danced in your living room? Yeah, that never happened….but that doesn’t mean you can’t remember it happening. A new study published in the Journal of Consumer Research reveals that not only do vivid ads give us false memories related to what we’re shown in marketing images, but we are remarkably confident that those memories are true. Long after you watch a commercial picturing a happy family enjoying Nestle cookies around a fire, or laughing on a beach, you may begin to remember those events not as ads, but as real memories of your life. This ‘false experience effect’ may have profound effects not only on our purchasing habits, but on the very way we perceive ourselves and reality. You thought our memories were our own? Silly reader, advertising tricks are screwing with your kids.

Ads Memories

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