Monday, April 4, 2011

Giant monsters that haunt the Earth
Mon Apr 04 2011 20:31
From the dawn of time monsters have haunted this world. Many think them no more than legends lost in the mists of prehistoric myth. Yet some still walk the Earth existing like half-remembered nightmares from ages long gone by...

Famous photo of Scotland's 'Nessie'
Loch Ness Monster
The Loch Ness Monster has been seen, recorded, photographed and hunted by researchers for generations. Is it a big fish, an ancient whale, a giant ell or a donospars that refused to die?
No one knows for sure, but something's there and it's more than a piece of driftwood spotted by someone with too much to drink at the local pub. Recently, experts agree the best photo ever was captured on film. The picture of the beast was deemed authentic and appeared all over the world: New Loch Ness photo deemed best ever. And that was followed by details of the sighting: New sighting! Loch Ness monster seen, photographed November 2010. Debate about the creature erupted and both sides are vehemnt in their opnions: Debate over Loch Ness monster authenticity flares up. Seamonsters have been seen all over the world in lakes and the oceans. One, far from Scotland's Loch Ness was seen and reported by a sea captain off the coast of England: Seamonster spotted off English coast.

Aerial photo of giant snake in Amazon tributary
Giant 200-foot monster snakes
Gutsy explorers have been braving the Amazon jungle to track down a snake that natives have seen for hundreds of years. The terrifying creature is said to swallow men whole and can grow to a length of 200 feet long. The report Giant anacondas: Real or just a myth? explores the evidence accumalated. Another investigation delves into one of the reported species that natives in the are call the Yacumama: The legendary Yacumama, mysterious monster of the Amazon. Incredibly, there are at least three other types in other areas of the rainforest that may all be related.

Pterodactyl from 'Valley of Gwangi'
Living dinosaurs and giant monster spiders
Like Loch Ness, living dinosaurs have been reported by eyewitnesses for many years. Many of the reports come from Southeast Asia and central Afica. The Congo, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia are three areas rife with dinosaur reports. Many of the incidents do not make the world press, but researchers have been making expeditions to haunt the beasts down. Recently, a dinosaur was chased by police: Live dinosaur hunted by police on volcanic island. Videos were taken of a creature said to be a living pterodactyl: Two dinosaur species in Papua New Guinea [with videos].

Monster spiders inhabiting Congo
Back in the Congo, another dwelling place of the dinosaur-like creature called Mokele-mbembe by natives, reports of gigantic 5-foot spiders still surface: Possibility of the existence of the Congolese giant spider.

Man-eating plants from 'Day of the Triffids'
Monster man-eating plants
Finally, if all those monsters aren't enough to make weary explorers take much needed vacations, reports still erupt from time to time of the legendary monster man-eating plants lurking in the jungles of South America and Africa: The hunt for the man-eating plant. The world can be a stranger place than anyone imagines and things dwell in it that can be worse than any fleeting nightmare.

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