Tuesday, April 26, 2011



ELEnin: What are they? And what is the "Jupiter" sized Planet that is following them?
April 25, 2011
Most of you more than likely heard the show where my husband Bob was invited to call in during the last half hour and spoke about what we knew at that time about what we believed was Elenin, and its possible history.
Events have been moving hard and fast ever since that show, and more and more photos/images of Elenin, and its traveling companions have been hitting the internet.
Leonid Elenin has had his web site www.spaceobs.org swamped with questions ever since!
And I am sorry to say, he is very dismissive of the claims and annualized images showing other objects coming with, or behind "His" comet. And he is starting to complain about people doctoring his images, to show objects that were never there in the first place. And while he did not mention any names … I want to say right here … no trickery or photo-shopping was involved in the enlargement & enhancing of either his photos, or anyone else's photos to obtain what you are about to see.
There are several web sites that are hosting photos of Elenin; from various Astronomers from around the globe … here are a few links
  1. www.aerith.net/comet/catalog/2010X1/pictures.html
  2. gustavomuler.fotografiaastronomica.com/www/images/cometas/C1010X1/
  3. severastro.narod.ru/sla/com/2001-2010/2010/c2010x1/c2010x1.htm
  4. www.amication.de/Bernhards_Comet_Project/indexd.htm
Let's start with the photos and Photo Analysis. Here is the first photo we found of Elenin
xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/31007477/sn/906694764/name/C2010X1-110307-J47c.jpg A nice photo taken by Gustavo Muler … here is an enhancement of the center imagexa.yimg.com/kq/groups/31007477/sn/2005807719/name/elenincore02.jpg and anotherxa.yimg.com/kq/groups/31007477/sn/1205462251/name/Snap_2011_04_08_15h47m06s_010.jpg .This last enhancement brought out at least 13 objects that were tightly orbiting the center mass … they are indicated by the dark-blue dots very close in to the central mass.
Comets do not have objects orbiting them!
Then we discovered an article from the online EU web site dated Mar 1st, 2011www.eutimes.net/2011/03/russian-warning-issued-over-controlled-comet-headed-towards-earth/titled "Russian Warning Issued over Controlled Comet headed towards Earth" And this quote from the article "Most ominous in Minister Serdyukov's report is his assertion that Comet Elenin appears to be in "direct contact" with the mysterious Jupiter-sized planet discovered beyond the orbit of Pluto that is, also, headed inbound towards our Sun."
A Jupiter sized Planet that is in direct contact with Elenin that is also headed in towards our Sun … WOW!

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