Friday, March 25, 2011

“Supermoon” UFO Video

“Supermoon” UFO Video

Apparently during the supermoon that we had a few days ago, a man in Essex, UK. managed to film some strange UFO-like lights while out recording the supermoon.

The lights appear to be stationary and fade in and out during the filming. Reminds one of the infamous ‘Phoenix lights’ incident. Now that I’ve viewed the video again, I must say that these lights bare a similarity to some of the Chinese lanterns that I’ve seen recorded in flight.

According to the YouTube user, he is a paranormal investigator who was out recording the lunar cycle when he spotted the bright red lights.

Full source: YouTube

Last night 19th March 2011 was the night of the Super Moon and I was at the end of my garden filming the event. It was about 11pm and freezing cold but it was so light outside and really quite beautiful, looking across the fields and listening to the night wildlife. It was a clear night and there was no wind at all. The video shows the moon filmed through trees. I had my back to the fields at this point, then when I turned to look out over the fields right in front of me was three huge red lights moving across the sky in total silence. I was filming in infa-red at the time and this was when the lights were at their brightest. I switched to normal mode and the lights began to vanish one by one in a clear, cloudless sky.

To be honest this video does’nt do justice to the intensity of the lights when I first saw them, they were huge and red in colour flying in formation coming out from the West. At the time I wanted to watch them, film them, look at them through binoculars, take pictures of them, all at once. At least I captured them on film and you get an idea of what I saw, this upload is darker than it appears on my TV. At the end of the video I filmed a plane coming over so you can see that what I filmed moments before was no aircraft. I am a paranormal researcher, ghosts, big cat sightings, ufos, etc, so this for me was just fantastic.

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