Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hacked, Attacked, And Burned To The Ground! Are 'Forces' Trying To Silence Researcher?

Hacked, Attacked, And Burned To The Ground! Are 'Forces' Trying To Silence Researcher?: "Before he could get out the door, Tom heard a series of 'pops', which at first sounded like small firecrackers going off in unison. Listening closer, Tom then heard something similar to arc-welding, a hot electrical burning somewhere in the walls. He rushed to shut off the breakers to the house while his wife dialed 9-11. The first fire-truck arrived within 15 minutes, but that crew said they could not get the pump to turn on. By the time a second crew of firefighters, trucks, and equipment arrived 10 minutes later, the house was fully involved. Over 45,000 gallons of water could not stop the inferno, and the Horn's lost everything inside the house including thousands of pages of documents and research materials into the subject of transhumanism and GRINS technology (genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and synthetic biology), emerging fields of science that Tom believes could, in the hands of transhumanist aspirations, result in the annihilation of mankind."

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