Friday, February 18, 2011

Archives of the Weird Kind | Mysterious Universe

Archives of the Weird Kind | Mysterious Universe: "That government agencies around the world - including the United States’ Air Force and National Security Agency, Britain’s Ministry of Defense, and the former Soviet Union’s KGB – have clandestinely investigated UFO sightings is a matter of record. And, it’s much the same with the mysteries of the human mind: throughout the 1970s, the Defense Intelligence Agency, CIA, and U.S. Army secretly studied the strange realms of ESP and psychic phenomena. Less well known, however, is the large body of files that official organizations have collated on a wide range of additional paranormal topics.

Who would have guessed that Britain’s Admiralty had a “Sea-serpent File”?

One fascinating report of a sighting of such a beast is held at the National Archives, Kew, England. The documentation describes the astounding encounter with a monster of the sea on May 9, 1830, by the crew of the Rob Roy, a British Royal Navy ship that was homeward-bound after a journey across the Atlantic. As the ship passed the island of St. Helena, something bizarre occurred, as the captain, James Stockdale, recorded in his log....:"

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