Wednesday, January 26, 2011

REWIND -- Ghost in the Shell: Why Our Brains Will Never Live in the Matrix | h+ Magazine

Ghost in the Shell: Why Our Brains Will Never Live in the Matrix | h+ Magazine: "When surveying the goals of transhumanists, I found it striking how heavily many of them favor conventional engineering. This seems inefficient and inelegant, since such engineering reproduces slowly, clumsily and imperfectly, what biological systems have fine-tuned for eons, from nanobots (enzymes and miRNAs) to virtual reality (lucid dreaming). Recently, I was reading an article about memory chips. (See Resources) In it, the primary researcher makes two statements that fall in the “not even wrong” category: “Brain cells are nothing but leaky bags of salt solution,” and “I don’t need a grand theory of the mind to fix what is essentially a signal-processing problem.”"

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