Friday, January 28, 2011

Cosmic Log - Bomb-sniffing plants to the rescue

Cosmic Log - Bomb-sniffing plants to the rescue: "Bomb-sniffing plants could make airport security a whole lot greener – at least until a bomb-packing terrorist walks by and causes the leaves to turn white, researchers report in the journal PLoS ONE.

The plants are being grown by a research team headed by June Medford, a biologist at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, with funding from the Depart of Defense and a host of other agencies.

The trick involves using DNA to rewire the plants' protein-based signaling process, so that the leaves change color when certain chemicals or environmental pollutants are detected. Plants usually rely on the system to release toxins that ward off insects looking for a leafy meal.

'Plants can't run or hide from threats, so they've developed sophisticated systems to detect and respond to their environment. We've taught plants how to detect things we're interested in and respond in a way anyone can see to tell us there's something nasty around,' Medford explained in a news release."

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