Thursday, November 25, 2010

Probe into alien life forms picks up steam -

Probe into alien life forms picks up steam - "Bryan Fains still thinks the blue object he saw skittering across the sky above Centreville, Va., on Nov. 3 might have been a UFO. Although the object that Fains captured on cellphone video was later identified as a remote-controlled glider plane outfitted with LED lights, he's just not sure. 'It seems impossible that we're the only ones in this universe,' says Fains, 29, a warehouse worker. 'Whatever it was, I've never seen anything like it before.'

Recent sightings have revived a debate that has stirred skepticism and research for generations. Were lights over El Paso in October skydivers with flares or extraterrestrial aircraft? Were objects over New York City this fall balloons or alien visitors? Was the California mystery plume really a jet contrail?"

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