Sunday, November 14, 2010

M6 Paranormal Crash Report: Man Arrested in Manchester | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.

M6 Paranormal Crash Report: Man Arrested in Manchester | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.: "Detective Silverton stated that the accident took place within a 20 mile radius of Birmingham on the M6 southbound carriageway but the exact location was kept secret because they were concerned about public safety, believing that people would flood to the location and also they were keen to avoid a multitude of false statements about the incident.

When asked about the alleged flash of light that was apparently seen on the CCTV footage from the scene Detective Silverton said that they now believe this was caused by a lightening strike nearby the location at the time. He did not offer any explanation for the lack of human tissue found in the cars at the front of the accident; citing that this has not been confirmed by anyone other than an anonymous source who they believe was acting from the inside on behalf of the man they hold in custody.

But answers were still thin on the ground and whilst no full denial was issued about the prospect that some of the facts still being unexplainable, Detective Silverton continually reiterated that what had hampered their investigations the most had been the speculation and rumour as this was now attracting 'every person who has ever thought they have seen a UFO' and wasting a lot of time and resource."

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