Saturday, November 6, 2010

After 30 Years, Audio Tape Leaves UFO Encounter Unsolved

After 30 Years, Audio Tape Leaves UFO Encounter Unsolved: "(Nov. 4) -- Question: Which classic science fiction movie do you think the following dialog comes from?

'It's coming this way, it's definitely coming this way!'

'Pieces are shooting off!'

'There's no doubt about it! This is weird! It's like the pupil of an eye looking at you, winking, and the flash is so bright to the starscope that it almost burns your eye.'

'Hey, here he comes from the south -- he's coming in toward us now. Now we're observing what appears to be a beam coming down to the ground. This in unreal!'
What you just read might seam like it came straight out of a B-movie. But the truth is, that's a partial transcript of a tense December night 30 years ago when several military officers confronted what they thought might be a UFO from another planet.

An 18-minute recording of that encounter (click on the video player to the right to hear some of it) is making the Internet rounds faster than you can say 'Beam me up.'

The incident took place at the joint British/American airbases Bentwaters and Woodbridge in the U.K.'s Rendlesham Forest."

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