Saturday, October 16, 2010

Genetically Modified Mosquitoes: Malaysia to use lab mosquitoes to fight dengue - Yahoo! News

Malaysia to use lab mosquitoes to fight dengue - Yahoo! News: "PUTRAJAYA, Malaysia – Malaysia could be the first country in Asia to use genetically modified mosquitoes to battle a rise in dengue fever, government authorities said Monday.
The program calls for genetically engineered male mosquitoes to be released into the wild that would mate with females and produce offspring that live shorter lives, thus curbing the population. Malaysian scientists say laboratory test trials have made them optimistic. 'It is a pilot project, and hopefully it will work,' Prime Minister Najib Razak told reporters on the sidelines of a World Health Organization conference in Malaysia.
Dengue fever, spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, is common in Asia and Latin America. Symptoms include high fever, joint pains and nausea, but in severe cases, it can lead to internal bleeding, liver enlargement, circulatory shutdown and death. There is no known cure or vaccine."

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