Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Triangular UFO's - Conclusive evidence of their existence

Triangular UFO's - Conclusive evidence of their existence: "Triangular UFO's, 'Black Triangles', have been buzzwords in the UFO community ever since the Belgian sighting of 1990. What are they? Who's are they? Although witnessed by thousands wider society refused to acknowledge their existence. It didn't matter they were detected on radar throughout Europe, it didn't matter they were taken seriously enough for the Belgian air force to scramble and try to track them down. One hastily snapped image and scores of sightings weren't enough to convince a wider audience that this was no more than another delusion invented by people who regularly stood with one foot in reality and another in fantasy. Chalk one up to the fantasists who have been vindicated this week by irrefutable evidence - Triangular UFO's exist. Now the debate on their existence is closed, the remaining questions which surround them, may just have answers which completely change the course of humankind."

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