Friday, June 18, 2010


THE VATICAN AND UFOS: "Of late, astronomers, astronauts, politicians, and other prominent personalities have indicated their belief that there may be extraterrestrial life, as has the Vatican observatory, causing bloggers in this realm to speculate that mankind is being prepared for a revelation.

'Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a theologian member of the Vatican Curia, and an insider close to the Pope, has gone on Italian national television five times, including recent months, to proclaim that extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon,' noted one UFO newsletter. 'Balducci provided an analysis of extraterrestrials that he feels is consistent with the Catholic Church's understanding of theology. Monsignor Balducci emphasizes that extraterrestrial encounters 'are not demonic, they are not due to psychological impairment, they are not a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve to be studied carefully.' Balducci revealed to a visiting American professional that the Vatican is closely following this phenomenon quietly.'"

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