Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Archaeologists Find Underground Pyramid at Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, Excavations Planned

Archaeologists Find Underground Pyramid at Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, Excavations Planned | Ancient Origins: "The ancient fortress site of Tiahuanaco (Tiwanaku) in western Bolivia is still revealing secrets thousands of years after its peak as capital of an empire, and home to one of the most important civilizations prior to the Inca. Archaeologists from the Tiahuanaco Archeological Research Center have discovered an underground pyramid at the site using ground-penetrating radar."

Giant UFO Flying Saucer Discovered On NASA Mars Orbiter Photo

Giant UFO Flying Saucer Discovered On NASA Mars Orbiter Photo – UFO Abandoned On Rugged Mars Terrain: "Mars anomaly hunters have discovered a giant UFO flying saucer abandoned on rugged Mars terrain. The latest UFO find on the Red Planet was reported on March 27 by two YouTube anomaly hunters, Mars Moon Space Photo Zoom Club (MMSPZC) and Paranormal Crucible."


Russian analyst urges nuclear attack on Yellowstone National Park and San Andreas Fault line to destroy U.S.

Russian analyst urges nuclear attack on Yellowstone National Park and San Andreas Fault line to destroy U.S. | The Extinction Protocol: "April 2015 – YELLOWSTONE - Russian geopolitical analyst says the best way to attack the United States is to detonate nuclear weapons to trigger a supervolcano at Yellowstone National Park or along the San Andreas fault-line on California’s coast. The president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems based in Moscow, Konstantin Sivkov said in an article for a Russian trade newspaper on Wednesday, VPK News, that Russia needed to increase its military weapons and strategies against the “West’ which was “moving to the borders or Russia.” He has a conspiracy theory that NATO – a political and military alliance which counts the US, UK, Canada and many countries in western Europe as members – was amassing strength against Russia and the only way to combat that problem was to attack America’s vulnerabilities to ensure a “complete destruction of the enemy.”"

The Next-Generation Weapons That Russia Will Use Against The United States In World War III

The Next-Generation Weapons That Russia Will Use Against The United States In World War III: "The Russian military is in the midst of a sweeping modernization program, and it is currently developing some incredibly impressive offensive and defensive next-generation weapons that are designed to be used in a future war with the United States."

Bionic ants could be tomorrow's factory workers

Bionic ants could be tomorrow's factory workers - Yahoo News Canada: "Robotic ants the size of a human hand that work together could be the future of factory production systems. The developers, German technology firm Festo, say it's not just the unusual anatomy of real-world ants that inspired the bionic version - the collective intelligence of an ant colony was also something they wanted to replicate."

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Congress Pushes Obama-backed National Biometric ID for Americans

Congress Pushes Obama-backed National Biometric ID for Americans: "After largely failing to prod state governments into developing a national identification system known as “REAL ID,” Republican lawmakers in Congress are once again pushing an Obama-backed scheme that would force every American to have a national ID card containing sensitive biometric data."

Is The Ten Muslim Nation Confederacy We See Forming To Fight Iran's Expansion, Is The Same Ten Nation Confederacy Spoken By Daniel?

Is The Ten Muslim Nation Confederacy We See Forming To Fight Iran's Expansion, Is The Same Ten Nation Confederacy Spoken By Daniel? - Walid Shoebat: "This war is no longer a war about Yemen, but a formation of a Sunni coalition they call it Al-Tahaluf Al-A’shari, literally the Ten Nation Confederacy which the media in English calls Ten Sunni-led Arab states."

Former NASA engineer claims he saw a NINE FOOT alien on 1991 space mission

Former NASA engineer claims he saw a NINE FOOT alien on 1991 space mission | Daily Mail Online: "The 'entity', he says, stood on two legs and approached two U.S. astronauts, that he would not name, for one minute and seven seconds in the space shuttle bay."

Fish Die-Off And Chemically Nucleated Winter Storms

Fish Die-Off And Chemically Nucleated Winter Storms » Fish Die-Off And Chemically Nucleated Winter Storms | Geoengineering Watch: "Fish are dying off all over the globe in bodies of fresh water and oceans. There are of course many underlying causes, but what part may the ongoing climate engineering contamination play in this equation?"

Scientists in Canada Being Censored from Covering Dangers of Aluminum in Vaccines

Scientists in Canada Being Censored from Covering Dangers of Aluminum in Vaccines: "Christina England writes about vaccine censorship in Canada and the involvement of the World Health Organization. This is an especially crucial topic, as recent studies show just how toxic and dangerous aluminum adjuvants in vaccines are, and the public has a right to have access to this information from scientists in Canada."

Saturday, March 28, 2015

New DNA Altering Tech Can Set Off A “Mutagenic Chain Reaction” Just As Watchers/Nephilim Did In Days Of Noah In Which “All Flesh Was Corrupted, Both Man And Beast” (See Genesis 6)

New DNA construct can set off a “mutagenic chain reaction” | Ars Technica: "By providing slightly different DNA to be used in the repair process, you can substitute altered bases, short deletions, or even entire additional genes, any of which can take their place within the chromosome.

In short, CRISPR/Cas9 lets you put any DNA you want anywhere in a genome."

Transhumanist position on human germline genetic modification

Transhumanist position on human germline genetic modification | KurzweilAI: "Recently a group of scientists and an industry group have issued statements calling for a moratorium on human heritable or germline genetic modifications (see here, here and here), now that we have the powerful CRISPR technique to pursue such modifications."

The battle for the Middle East's future begins in Yemen as Saudi Arabia jumps into the abyss

The battle for the Middle East's future begins in Yemen as Saudi Arabia jumps into the abyss - Middle East - World - The Independent: "As a Saudi-led coalition wades into the fight for Yemen – currently under siege from Houthi rebels who are backed by Iran - Robert Fisk examines the much wider-reaching repercussions of this escalating conflict"

Fears of martial law as special ops set to swarm Southwest and operate undetected among civilians who've been deemed HOSTILE in massive military exercise

Fears of martial law as special ops set to swarm Southwest and operate undetected among civilians who've been deemed HOSTILE in massive military exercise | Daily Mail Online: "'They're having Delta Force, Navy SEALS with the Army trained to basically take over,' Info Wars' Alex Jones said Sunday. 'Texas is listed as a hostile sector, and of course, we are...We're here defending the republic.'"

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Apple Co-Founder Wozniak Warns of Dark Future: ‘A.I. Will Be Bad For People’

Apple Co-Founder Wozniak Warns of Dark Future: ‘A.I. Will Be Bad For People’: "Throughout our media and film productions, there is this almost macabre fawning of future technologies and the corresponding technocracy they will bring. It’s as if technology is omnipotent and all-pervasive, and only fool or an anathema would dare stand in the way of the inevitability of ‘progress’."

Detection of mini black holes at the LHC could indicate parallel universes in extra dimensions

Detection of mini black holes at the LHC could indicate parallel universes in extra dimensions: "Phys.org)—The possibility that other universes exist beyond our own universe is tantalizing, but seems nearly impossible to test. Now a group of physicists has suggested that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the largest particle collider in the world, may be able to uncover the existence of parallel universes, should they exist."

Humans With Amplified Intelligence Could Be More Powerful Than AI

Humans With Amplified Intelligence Could Be More Powerful Than AI: "With much of our attention focused the rise of advanced artificial intelligence, few consider the potential for radically amplified human intelligence (IA). It’s an open question as to which will come first, but a technologically boosted brain could be just as powerful — and just as dangerous – as AI."

Humans With Amplified Intelligence Could Be More Powerful Than AI

The cyborg revolution: Technology’s body modifications

The cyborg revolution: Technology’s body modifications | ITProPortal.com: "The primary goal of technology should be to improve our lives in some way. So far that has seen us embrace computers, the Internet, smartphones and most recently wearable gadgets. However, many are predicting that the future will not see us hold or wear technology, but have it directly implanted into our bodies."

Shelf-Picking Robots Will Vie for a Prize from Amazon

Shelf-Picking Robots Will Vie for a Prize from Amazon | MIT Technology Review: "Robots will use the latest computer-vision and machine-learning algorithms to try to perform the work done by humans in vast fulfillment centers."

A Team of Biohackers Has Figured Out How to Inject Your Eyeballs With Night Vision

A Team of Biohackers Has Figured Out How to Inject Your Eyeballs With Night Vision - Mic: "In "people becoming superhuman" news, a small independent research group has figured out how to give humans night vision, allowing them to see over 50 meters in the dark for a short time."

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Did CERN Bring Down German Airbus A-320? Plane Crash Conspiracy Theories Emerge Include The Hudson ISIS Time River Theory

Did CERN Bring Down German Airbus A-320? Plane Crash Conspiracy Theories Emerge Include The Hudson ISIS Time River Theory: "Could CERN have caused this tragedy? While a fringe theory at best, this recent story from Susan Duclos points out that even scientific experts are deeply concerned about CERN's restart with talk of CERN possibly opening micro-black holes, parallel universes and extra dimensions. Much more below including the 'Hudson ISIS Time River Theory'."

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Historic UFO Sighting: Retired Police Officer Still Haunted By 'Boxcar' Size Object 48 Years Later

Historic UFO Sighting: Retired Police Officer Still Haunted By 'Boxcar' Size Object 48 Years Later: "A UFO spotted by police officer William Fisher 48 years ago was just one of what may be the largest wave of UFO sightings on record, extending from January to May of 1967 in Indiana and Illinois. Almost five decades later, the “boxcar” sized object seen hovering in the sky by Moline, Illinois, still haunts the man today."

Is NYC’s new gunshot detection system recording private conversations?

Is NYC’s new gunshot detection system recording private conversations? | Fusion: "This week, 300 of the microphones were activated in Brooklyn and the Bronx as part of a citywide pilot program."

British Girls Raped by Muslim Gangs on "Industrial Scale"

British Girls Raped by Muslim Gangs on "Industrial Scale": "Nearly 400 British girls as young as eleven are believed to have been sexually exploited by Muslim rape gangs in Oxfordshire over the past 15 years, according to a chilling new report. It charges local officials with repeatedly ignoring the abuse due to a "culture of denial.""

Human Biohacking: The Next Platform

Humans: The Next Platform | TechCrunch: "Biohacking and transhumanist advances (including nootropics, extended longevity, cybernetic implants, better behavioral and genetic self-understanding) will materially advance our quality of life and productivity in the coming decade, but we need to be thoughtful about the potential social and ethical pitfalls as we transform.

Google Trends shows a marked uptick in searches for “nootropics” and related biohacking fields, so now is the time to have the conversation about the direction we’re headed."

Nanorobots trial begins in humans: Microscopic DNA devices will be injected into a leukaemia patient in a bid to destroy abnormal cells

Nanorobots trial begins in humans: Microscopic DNA devices will be injected into a leukaemia patient in a bid to destroy abnormal cells | Daily Mail Online: "Tiny robots that can swim in the bloodstream and attack diseases may sound as if they belong in a sci-fi film.


But these so-called nanorobots are being used to treat a person who is seriously ill with leukaemia."

DARPA thinks it has a solution to Ebola (and all other infectious diseases)

DARPA thinks it has a solution to Ebola (and all other infectious diseases) | Fusion: "“We’re going to take the genetic code and put it into a format where you go to your drug store or doctor and get a shot in the arm,” Wattendorf told a room full of medical researchers and technologists. “There’s a low-cost of goods, no cold chain, and we would produce the correct antibody in [any] individual directly.”"

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Radical New 3-D Printer Grows Objects from Goo

Radical New 3-D Printer Grows Objects from Goo: "Silicon Valley startup Carbon3D has emerged from two years of strategic hiding to blow our minds: Engineers there designed a 3-D printer that makes intricate objects, like a miniature Eiffel Tower, rise from a primordial pool of resin. Apart from looking awesome, Carbon3D’s technique also prints smoother objects and does it 25 to 100 times faster than 3-D printers currently on the market."

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Is the sun going dark? Latest Nasa images reveal TWO giant holes - one covering almost 10% of the solar surface

Is the sun going dark? Latest Nasa images reveal TWO giant holes - one covering almost 10% of the solar surface | Daily Mail Online: "Nasa has spotted a  pair of huge 'holes' on the solar surface.

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, captured this solar image on March 16, 2015, which clearly shows two dark patches, known as coronal holes.

The larger coronal hole of the two, near the southern pole, covers an estimated 6 to 8-percent of the total solar surface, 142 billion miles - making it one of the largest polar holes scientists have observed in decades."

Passover Blood Moon Preceded by Exceedingly Rare Solar Eclipse

Passover Blood Moon Preceded by Exceedingly Rare Solar Eclipse - Israel News: "An exceedingly rare solar eclipse will take place next week over a most symbolic location on a day infused with both great natural significance and profound religious meaning."

The Hindu Shiva 'Dance Of Destruction' Filmed Inside CERN Collider

The Hindu Shiva 'Dance Of Destruction' Filmed Inside CERN Collider - Now The End Begins : Now The End Begins: "Why was a statue dedicated to the Hindu Lord Nataraja, also known as the “dark one”, at the CERN collider? Because the New World Order is sending you a message."


The Coming Technocalypse: CERN, Quantum Computing, and Particle Teleportation

The Coming Technocalypse: CERN, Quantum Computing, and Particle Teleportation | Josh Peck's Blog: "As we rapidly approach the scientifically-prophesied year of singularity in 2045, we look at our modern technology and wonder where it is headed? The scientific discoveries made today will become the norm and lead to commonplace devices tomorrow. What might these devices look like? Where will they lead humanity? Can we trust in our own human innovations to save us; or in believing that, are we already doomed?"

Monday, March 16, 2015

Kuwaiti preacher, ISIS call for demolition of Egypt’s Sphinx, pyramids

Kuwaiti preacher, ISIS call for demolition of Egypt’s Sphinx, pyramids — RT News: "An Islamist preacher from Kuwait has called to destroy Egypt's Sphinx and pyramids, stating it is time for Muslims to erase the pharaohs' heritage. The alleged call comes as Islamic State jihadists ramp up their attacks against historic sites."

Death toll from swine flu crosses 1,700 mark, more than 30,000 people affected

Death toll from swine flu crosses 1,700 mark, more than 30,000 people affected: "New Delhi: Thirty six more deaths drove the swine flu toll past the 1700-mark while the total number of people suffering from the contagious disease reached close to 30,000 in the country this season."

Mutating H7N9 bird flu may pose pandemic threat, scientists warn

Mutating H7N9 bird flu may pose pandemic threat, scientists warn - Yahoo News: "LONDON (Reuters) - A wave of H7N9 bird flu in China that has spread into people may have the potential to emerge as a pandemic strain in humans, scientists warn."


News from The Associated Press: "AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- As a plane with a Grumpy Cat flag flew overhead, courtesy of Friskies, the Technorati flooded into panel discussions and happy hour spots at the annual tech festival South by Southwest in Austin, Texas, on Sunday."

Sunday, March 15, 2015

As Predicted In The Book Of Revelation? Vein Scanners To Outperform Other Biometric Identifiers

As Predicted In The Book Of Revelation? Vein Scanners To Outperform Other Biometric Identifiers » SkyWatchTV: "Biometrics is a technique to measure fingerprints, iris patterns, facial features and other physiological characteristics which are unique to an individual, for the purpose of identification and authorization. Global biometrics market is witnessing escalation in demand from various sectors. This is primarily due to improving accuracy rate, reliability and longevity of biometric authentication systems. Biometric systems market is driven by continuous launch of better products.


Of the available technologies in the market, fingerprint biometrics is the most widely used biometric recognition technology, but the trend seems to be changing given that other biometric technologies like palm vein and hand geometry are becoming more feasible and prevalent. Over the next five years, vein scanners are expected to witness escalation in demand and consequently register fastest growth among all other segments."

Is Technology Becoming the New Religion of Silicon Valley?

Is Technology Becoming the New Religion of Silicon Valley? - Jim Denison: "There people are "creating new religions" built on technological advances, and these religions "will take over the world.""

Film ponders future of humans in a world run on artificial intelligence

Film ponders future of humans in a world run on artificial intelligence | Deseret News National: "As more artificial intelligence works its way into everyday life — from Google to Siri — problems with the technology have raised concerns about the future of human control over artificial intelligence. In January, technology moguls and leaders like Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk attended the Future of Life Institute’s A.I. conference with a plea to change A.I. research priorities to include safety measures as the technology develops — and potentially overtakes — human comprehension."

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Scientists discover some DNA is NOT from our ancestors

Scientists discover some DNA is NOT from our ancestors | Daily Mail Online: "Humans contain 'alien' genes not passed on from our ancestors, researchers have discovered.

Cambridge researchers say we acquired essential 'foreign' genes from microorganisms co-habiting their environment in ancient times.

The say we acquired essential 'foreign' genes from microorganisms co-habiting their environment in ancient times. The study challenges conventional views that animal evolution relies solely on genes passed down through ancestral lines - and says the process could still be going on."

The Milky Way is 50% BIGGER than we thought

The Milky Way is 50% BIGGER than we thought | Daily Mail Online: "Next time someone asks you how wide the Milky Way is, you might want to rethink your answer of '100,000 light-years'.

Astronomers in New York have revised the size estimate for our galaxy (shown). They now say it is 50 per cent bigger in size at 150,000 light-years wide, not 100,000 light-years. This is based on re-examining a ring of stars in the so-called Monoceros Ring

Astronomers have discovered that a strange ring of distant stars may actually be part of our galaxy, making it 50 per cent bigger at 150,000 light-years wide."

Interactive map reveals how zombies could spread across the US 

Interactive map reveals how zombies could spread across the US  | Daily Mail Online: "Their lumbering, menacing gait and insatiable hunger for flesh strikes fear into even the most seasoned horror film fan.

Now, a new map show exactly how a zombie outbreak could spread across the US."

Conspiracy theorists claim to see a 'mushroom cloud' on Mars

Conspiracy theorists claim to see a 'mushroom cloud' on Mars | Daily Mail Online: "A striking image that allegedly shows a mushroom cloud rising on Mars has been pounced on by conspiracy theorists."

OSU researchers create fast robot modeled after birds

OSU researchers create fast robot modeled after birds: "ORVALLIS, Ore. -- Researchers at Oregon State University have built a robot that's the first of its kind. Its name is Atrias. Compared to other robots in the world today, its creators say it works better, runs faster and is much more efficient. It's able to do all that because it is modeled after not a human, but a bird."

American scientists are trying to genetically modify human eggs

American scientists are trying to genetically modify human eggs - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent: "American scientists have attempted to modify the DNA of human egg cells using a new gene-editing technique that could eliminate inherited diseases from subsequent generations of affected families, The Independent can reveal."

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Liquid Metal Drop Shapeshifts Like a 'Terminator' Bot

Liquid Metal Drop Shapeshifts Like a 'Terminator' Bot : Discovery News: "When I think of any kind of liquid metal form changing shape and moving around on its own accord, I can’t help but conjure up images of the T-1000 robot assassin from the movie, Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The 300,000-Year-Old Nanotechnology Artifacts of Russia

The 300,000-Year-Old Nanotechnology Artifacts of Russia | Humans Are Free: "In 1991, the appearance of extremely tiny, coil-shaped artifacts found near the banks of Russia’s Kozhim, Narada, and Balbanyu rivers brought about a debate that has continued to this day. These mysterious and minuscule structures suggest that there may have been a culture capable of developing nanotechnology 300,000 years ago."

Franklin Graham: Muslims Kill Christians to Emulate Muhammad

Franklin Graham: Muslims Kill Christians to Emulate Muhammad: "The Rev. Franklin Graham says that just as he tries to "emulate" Jesus, who was "a man of peace," Muslims try to emulate their leader, who "was a man of war.""

An Atheist's Perspective on the Rise of Christian Transhumanism

An Atheist's Perspective on the Rise of Christian Transhumanism | Zoltan Istvan: "I've said this before: In order for existing formal religion to survive in the 21st Century, it will have to bend and evolve to fit coming technological advancement. Technology is simply too powerful and all-encompassing to not make one's beliefs work with it."

Scientists Harvest Organs From Aborted Babies to Use in Animal Research

Scientists Harvest Organs From Aborted Babies to Use in Animal Research | LifeNews.com: "In California, a biotech company called Ganogen Inc. is bragging about their new research breakthrough in a procedure that harvests the organs of aborted children and transplants them in animals, where they can grow and then be made available to patients."

Chimeras & Hybrids: Reality of The Situation

a-call-to-action- | Chimeras & Hybrids: Reality of The Situation: " The term “chimera” is not quite a household term.  Why would it be?  It is the product of mythology. Mysticism.  Fiction. Correct?  The ancient Egyptians depicted chimeric beings within carvings and paintings.  But, does this mean that we should take them for only myths?"

This Great Threat To Humanity Is About To Be Unleashed On The World

Richard Russell – This Great Threat To Humanity Is About To Be Unleashed On The World | King World News: "As people continue to digest breaking news from around the globe, today the Godfather of newsletter writers, 90-year-old Richard Russell, warned of a great threat to humanity that is about to be unleashed on the world."

Monday, March 9, 2015

UFO Flies Over Silicon Valley at Incredible Speed

UFO Flies Over Silicon Valley at Incredible Speed | Mysterious Universe: "Are aliens interested in the new technology being developed in California’s Silicon Valley? A video taken by a drone flying over the area has a lot of people wondering … not just because a UFO zoomed over the home of Apple and Google but because it flew at what appears to be hypersonic speed."

French Submarine 'Sinks' Entire US Aircraft Carrier Group During Wargames

French Submarine 'Sinks' Entire US Aircraft Carrier Group During Wargames / Sputnik International: "A series of joint naval drills between the United States and France recently didn't quite turn out the way the US, no doubt, expected. The practice scenario ended with the French nuclear submarine that was acting the part of an enemy ship "sinking" the American aircraft carrier and most of its escort."

New memories implanted in mice while they sleep

New memories implanted in mice while they sleep - life - 09 March 2015 - New Scientist: "Sleeping minds: prepare to be hacked. For the first time, conscious memories have been implanted into the minds of mice while they sleep. The same technique could one day be used to alter memories in people who have undergone traumatic events."

Google Ventures' Bill Maris Investing in Idea of Living to 500

Google Ventures' Bill Maris Investing in Idea of Living to 500 - Bloomberg Business: "“If you ask me today, is it possible to live to be 500? The answer is yes,” Bill Maris says one January afternoon in Mountain View, California. The president and managing partner of Google Ventures just turned 40, but he looks more like a 19-year-old college kid at midterm."

Friday, March 6, 2015

What is Chrislam?

What is Chrislam? - Op-Eds - Arutz Sheva: "In recent years, the merger of Christianity and Islam is happening on a wide scale in the West, particularly in the United States where several bridge-building exercises between the two religions have been implemented. It is not good for the Jews."

Vintage 'alien' photos that governments couldn't explain revealed

Vintage 'alien' photos that governments couldn't explain revealed | Daily Mail Online: "The US government is still unable to explain around five per cent of UFO sightings in its archives.

Searchlights focus on an unidentified object over Los Angeles on February 25, 1942. The bright dots around the flashes are anti-aircraft shells exploding

Now one team of ‘alien hunters’ has dug up some of the best images to see if the public can shed light on the eerie glows, mysterious orbs and flying objects from the last few decades."

CNN now pushing the very same North American union it once decried as a conspiracy theory

CNN now pushing the very same North American union it once decried as a conspiracy theory - NaturalNews.com: "A pair of globalist-minded academics is arguing for an idea that, just a few short years ago, was derided as conspiratorial -- and by the same cable news outlet where the two are making their case: CNN."

What the Future of Government Surveillance Looks Like

What the Future of Government Surveillance Looks Like - Defense One: "A future awaits where countries share intelligence one minute, then hack and cyberattack each other the next."

Has Russia Just Changed The Future Of Warfare Completely, And Rendered US High-Tech Weapons Systems Inoperable?

Has Russia Just Changed The Future Of Warfare Completely, And Rendered US High-Tech Weapons Systems Inoperable?: "Via a tip from an ANP trusted source, we see a few pieces of a puzzle that when added to the big picture offers us insight to what could be one of the biggest game changers in history, putting the Russian military in a position of total dominance over the US military in any upcoming war, which as was explained in an earlier article, is rapidly approaching."

666 It Has Begun! - YouTube

666 It Has Begun! - YouTube: "InfoWars.com Darrin McBreen explores the coming of the Mark of the Beast. RFID microchips implanted under the skin and wearable technology (Smart Tattoos) will soon be mandatory. Meanwhile the European Union and U.S. Cybercom develop plans for a worldwide standardized Internet ID system. Will you accept the mark of the beast?"

Black Knight Satellite Interest Mysteriously Increasing

Black Knight Satellite Interest Mysteriously Increasing | Mysterious Universe: "A day after I post an article about a new video of Russia’s Tesla Tower, other videos relating to Nikola Tesla began popping up. These concern the Black Knight Satellite whose signals Tesla claimed to have picked up in 1899, long before Sputnik and NASA.

black knight

Later signals were decoded by a ham radio operator and revealed information indicating the satellite arrived from another star system 13,000 years ago to monitor Earth. Is the Black Knight Satellite showing some interest in Russia’s Tesla Tower?"

Nasa finds evidence of a vast ancient ocean on Mars

Nasa finds evidence of a vast ancient ocean on Mars | Science | The Guardian: "A huge primitive ocean covered one-fifth of the red planet’s surface, making it warm, wet and ideal for alien life to gain a foothold, scientists say"

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Has the White City of the Monkey God been found after 500 years?

Has the White City of the Monkey God been found after 500 years? | Daily Mail Online: "A team hunting for the legendary 'lost city' of Ciudad Blanca in Honduras has made a dramatic discovery of untouched ruins deep in the jungle that are thought to be thousands of years old, according to National Geographic.

Morde learned they city had been a shrine to the monkey God akin to Hindu's Hanuman

Researchers believe the complex of plazas, mounds, a pyramid and dozens of artefacts belong to a civilization which was blooming thousands of years ago and then vanished without a trace."

Incredible images show life of India's cannibal Aghori tribe

Incredible images show life of India's cannibal Aghori tribe | Daily Mail Online: "The mysterious tribe members live in cemeteries and feast on human flesh as part of their rituals, as well as drinking from human skulls, chewing the heads off live animals and meditating on top of cadavers in search of spiritual enlightenment."

The monks feast on human flesh, drink from human skulls and are even said to bite the heads off life animals for their rituals

"Humanities Worst Nightmare" Now A Reality! People Willingly Lining Up To Be Flagged, Tagged And Bagged

"Humanities Worst Nightmare" Now A Reality! People Willingly Lining Up To Be Flagged, Tagged And Bagged: "Implanting the masses with technology to supposedly make "everyday life" more convenient, with Hannes Sjoblad, one of the founders of BioNyfiken, stating "The technology is already happening," before informing readers that "We are seeing a fast-growing community of people experimenting with chip implants, which allow users to quickly and easily perform a variety of everyday tasks, such as allowing access to buildings, unlocking personal devices without PIN codes and enabling read access to various types of stored data."


BioNyfiken believes "having a smart sub-dermal implant is not so different from wearing an earring or having a tattoo, and that an increasing number of people will choose to have NFC-compatible implants containing an array of information.""

The IDF is prepared for an 'alien invasion'

The IDF is prepared for an 'alien invasion' - Israel News - Jerusalem Post: "Lights appear in the dim night sky. An unknown number of alien spaceships are descending on Earth. The world's inhabitants take refuge in shelters. Time is running out. How would the Israel Defense Forces face this alien invasion threatening to destroy the world? The IDF looks to its tech-force for answers."


Should Humanity Try to Contact Alien Civilizations?

Should Humanity Try to Contact Alien Civilizations?: "Is it time to take the search for intelligent aliens to the next level?"

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Tracing the Mysterious Path to Disappearance

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Tracing the Mysterious Path to Disappearance: "One year ago this month, Malaysia Airlines flight 370 disappeared from the skies. No trace, not even wreckage. The void has confounded experts, anguished families, and hatched endless conspiracy theories. But as Sean Flynn reports, some disturbing truths are emerging, including a clear trail of failure that turned a disaster into something so much worse"

Astronomers Find a Dusty Galaxy That Shouldn't Exist

Astronomers Find a Dusty Galaxy That Shouldn't Exist: "An object from the very early universe is bafflingly rich with dust that theory says shouldn't have formed yet."

Picture of star cluster Abell 1689