Saturday, January 31, 2015
Flaming V-Shaped UFO in Brazil, Horse-Shaped One in Mexico
Flaming V-Shaped UFO in Brazil, Horse-Shaped One in Mexico | Mysterious Universe: "Here’s this week’s UFO wrap-up: reports and a video of a flaming V-shaped UFO came from both Brazil and Argentina while a sharp-eyed woman watching a volcano erupting in Mexico spotted a horse-shaped object hovering and watching with her."
Obama Precision Medicine Initiative Aims to Collect One Million Genomes
Obama Precision Medicine Initiative Aims to Collect One Million Genomes | MIT Technology Review: "Precision medicine refers to treatments tailored to a person’s genetic profile, an idea already transforming how doctors fight cancer and some rare diseases."
An Irreverent Guide To Transhumanism And The Singularity
An Irreverent Guide To Transhumanism And The Singularity: "Futurists R.U. Sirius and Jay Cornell have published a witty, snide, and incredibly informative new book titled, Transcendence: The Disinformation Encyclopedia of Transhumanism and the Singularity. We spoke to the authors to learn more about the project and their own personal visions of the future."
‘They Should Be Eradicated’: Sociologists Reveal Shocking Results of ‘Christianophobia’ Research — and a Cautionary Warning for Conservative Bible-Believers
‘They Should Be Eradicated’: Sociologists Reveal Shocking Results of ‘Christianophobia’ Research — and a Cautionary Warning for Conservative Bible-Believers | "Sociologists at the University of North Texas are issuing a cautionary warning to Christians noting that, though there isn’t widespread “Christianophonia” in the U.S., the small group of those who have a strong aversion to conservative believers are among the influential and elite."
Piercings, tats and even devil horns out in force at the Venezuela Tattoo International Expo
Piercings, tats and even devil horns out in force at the Venezuela Tattoo International Expo | Daily Mail Online: "They look like they may be taking a break from the latest low-budget horror movie featuring either aliens or the un-dead.

But for these people, who are exhibiting at the Venezuela Tattoo International Expo in Caracas, all of the modifications and colourings are real."
But for these people, who are exhibiting at the Venezuela Tattoo International Expo in Caracas, all of the modifications and colourings are real."
Friday, January 30, 2015
Bill Gates: We Should Worry About 'Artificial Intelligence'
Bill Gates: We Should Worry About 'Artificial Intelligence': "Computer mogul and philanthropist Bill Gates has joined fellow "brainiacs" Stephen Hawking and Tesla Motors Founder Elon Musk in arguing that artificial intelligence (AI) may pose a threat to humanity."
Thursday, January 29, 2015
The real-life Matrix: MIT researchers reveal interface that can allow a computer to plug into the brain
The real-life Matrix: MIT researchers reveal interface that can allow a computer to plug into the brain | Daily Mail Online: "It has been the holy grail of science fiction - an interface that allows us to plug our brain into a computer.

Now, researchers at MIT have revealed new fibres less than a width of a hair that could make it a reality. They say their system that could deliver optical signals and drugs directly into the brain, along with electrical readouts to continuously monitor the effects of the various inputs."
Now, researchers at MIT have revealed new fibres less than a width of a hair that could make it a reality. They say their system that could deliver optical signals and drugs directly into the brain, along with electrical readouts to continuously monitor the effects of the various inputs."
Scientists are actually creating microscopic life in laboratories. Should you worry?
Scientists are actually creating microscopic life in laboratories. Should you worry? - The Washington Post: "One of the strange things about being human beings is that we are highly conscious of our surroundings, yet are oblivious to the molecular machinations within our own bodies."
Rise of the Cybergods
Rise of the Cybergods | The gods are dead; long live the Cybergods: "Sharon mentioned a recent article by philosophy professor John G. Messerly in a science update she produced for SkyWatchTV. In his column, Messerly argues that religion is “the enemy of the future.”"
Visa expert sees big year for biometric passwords
Visa expert sees big year for biometric passwords - Chicago Tribune: "ometric markers could surpass passwords within 12 months. That would mean a shift from notoriously weak letter-and-number combinations to stronger, less hackable protection measures like fingerprint authentication.

So said Mark Nelsen, senior vice president of risk products and business intelligence at Visa, who was in town Thursday to join a panel on keeping customer trust."
So said Mark Nelsen, senior vice president of risk products and business intelligence at Visa, who was in town Thursday to join a panel on keeping customer trust."
Monday, January 26, 2015
Nasa spots 'alien' mark on dwarf planet Ceres
Nasa spots 'alien' mark on dwarf planet Ceres | Daily Mail Online: "A mysterious white spot glowing on the surface of Ceres has baffled scientists, who are closing in on the dwarf planet.
The 'alien' mark can be clearly seen in the latest images of the icy world as the Dawn probe prepares itself for a rendezvous on March 6."
The 'alien' mark can be clearly seen in the latest images of the icy world as the Dawn probe prepares itself for a rendezvous on March 6."
Monsters in America: A cryptozoological map of the United States
Monsters in America: A cryptozoological map of the United States | Daily Mail Online: "The map, created by artist Mark Adams, reveals the imaginary beasts that are feared the most in each state. 'It is a bit of a declaration of optimism and wonderment as to what might be possible on planet Earth,' he told"

Growing Human Kidneys in Rats Sparks Ethical Debate
Growing Human Kidneys in Rats Sparks Ethical Debate: ""Our long-term goal is to grow human organs in animals, to end the human donor shortage," said study co-author Eugene Gu, a medical student at Duke University and the founder and CEO of Ganogen, Inc., a biotech company in Redwood City, California."
Bowing to Monsanto, USDA Approves New GMO Soy and Cotton Crops
Bowing to Monsanto, USDA Approves New GMO Soy and Cotton Crops | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community: "The United States Department of Agriculture on Thursday approved Monsanto's controversial herbicide-resistant genetically modified strains of soybean and cotton, in a move that critics say is a bow to the powerful biotechnology industry, at the expense of human and environmental health."
Millions of genetically modified mosquitoes could be released to help combat viral diseases
Florida Keys: Millions of genetically modified mosquitoes could be released to help combat viral diseases - Sun Sentinel: "Millions of genetically modified mosquitoes could be released in the Florida Keys if British researchers win approval to use the bugs against two extremely painful viral diseases."
Thursday, January 22, 2015
The ‘Doomsday’ Scenario Even Obama Is Prepping For
The ‘Doomsday’ Scenario Even Obama Is Prepping For | Off The Grid News: "Is President Obama a prepper? Maybe not, but he did issue a “doomsday” alert during recent fundraising stops in New York City – and referenced it during the State of the Union."
Privacy is dead, Harvard professors tell Davos forum
Privacy is dead, Harvard professors tell Davos forum | Daily Mail Online: "Imagine a world where mosquito-sized robots fly around stealing samples of your DNA. Or where a department store knows from your buying habits that you're pregnant even before your family does. That is the terrifying dystopian world portrayed by a group of Harvard professors at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Thursday, where the assembled elite heard that the notion of individual privacy is effectively dead."
The Googlebot: Atlas robot overhauled to win $2m 'Robot Olympics'
The Googlebot: Atlas robot overhauled to win $2m 'Robot Olympics' | Daily Mail Online: "It is a terrifying sight - 6.2 feet of metal with a plastic body that can walk, run, jump and even open doors.
This is latest version of the Atlas robot created by Boston Dynamics, a Google-owned robot firm."
This is latest version of the Atlas robot created by Boston Dynamics, a Google-owned robot firm."
World's strangest UFO cases revealed
World's strangest UFO cases revealed | Daily Mail Online: "The US government recently revealed its investigations into 12,000 encounters with UFOs spanning between 1947-1969.

Microfilms of these cases, collectively known as Project Blue Book, have become available for anyone to view online.
Now some of the strangest from the collection have been highlighted, revealing the mysterious objects in the sky that left UFO hunters baffled."
Microfilms of these cases, collectively known as Project Blue Book, have become available for anyone to view online.
Now some of the strangest from the collection have been highlighted, revealing the mysterious objects in the sky that left UFO hunters baffled."
AI system forecasts devastating solar flares
AI system forecasts devastating solar flares | Daily Mail Online: "Artificial intelligence is helping astronomers predict deadly solar flares that have the potential to cause havoc on Earth.

US researchers say their super computer can provide advance warning of solar eruptions, which can release energy equivalent to 100 billion atomic bombs."
US researchers say their super computer can provide advance warning of solar eruptions, which can release energy equivalent to 100 billion atomic bombs."
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Genetically Modified Cattle With Human DNA Might Hold Ebola Cure
Genetically Modified Cattle With Human DNA Might Hold Ebola Cure - NBC "The cattle have been genetically engineered with human DNA so that their bodies don't produce cattle antibodies but human antibodies. They're cloned to make a herd of genetically identical, part-human animals."
Mysterious Planet X May Really Lurk Undiscovered in Our Solar System
Mysterious Planet X May Really Lurk Undiscovered in Our Solar System: ""Planet X" might actually exist — and so might "Planet Y.""
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Two Earth-sized planets could be hiding in our solar system
Two Earth-sized planets could be hiding in our solar system - Science - News - The Independent: "At least two planets that could be bigger than Earth might have been hiding at the edge of our solar system, scientists have claimed."
Monday, January 19, 2015
New police radars can 'see' inside homes
New police radars can 'see' inside homes: "At least 50 U.S. law enforcement agencies quietly deployed radars that let them effectively see inside homes, with little notice to the courts or the public."
Does this mummy mask hide the oldest known GOSPEL?
Does this mummy mask hide the oldest known GOSPEL? | Daily Mail Online: "A piece of papyrus used to make a mask worn by a mummy may contain the oldest known copy of a gospel. This image shows another mask destroyed using a new technique, which yielded ancient text"
Scape, the 3D microscope that lets doctors see neurons firing inside the brain
Scape, the 3D microscope that lets doctors see neurons firing inside the brain | Daily Mail Online: "Scientists have developed a new microscope that can image living things in 3D, ten to 100 times faster than existing technologies. Dubbed 'Scape', the technology can also help unlock the secrets of brain activity by monitoring neurons as they fire in real-time."
Mystery cosmic burst captured LIVE and we could be closer to understanding its meaning | Daily Mail Online
Mystery cosmic burst captured LIVE and we could be closer to understanding its meaning | Daily Mail Online: "Astronomers have for the first time seen a 'fast radio burst' – a short, sharp flash of radio waves from an unknown source – tearing through space.

The discovery brings scientists a step closer to understanding the strange 'alien' phenomenon, which astronomers worldwide are vying to explain."
The discovery brings scientists a step closer to understanding the strange 'alien' phenomenon, which astronomers worldwide are vying to explain."
The Search for Starivores, Intelligent Life that Could Eat the Sun
The Search for Starivores, Intelligent Life that Could Eat the Sun | Motherboard: "There could be all manner of alien life forms in the universe, from witless bacteria to superintelligent robots. Still, the notion of a starivore—an organism that literally devours stars—may sound a bit crazy, even to a seasoned sci-fi fan. And yet, if such creatures do exist, they’re probably lurking in our astronomical data right now."
Scientists Tremble As “Asteroid Army” Hurtles Towards Earth
Scientists Tremble As “Asteroid Army” Hurtles Towards Earth | "An unsettling report prepared by the Aerospace Defence Forces (ADF) that is circulating in the Kremlin today appears to show that many scientists are in fear of the potential effects to our solar system of what they term is an “asteroid army” of at least 83 giant space objects due to hurtle past Earth and Mars over the next three months.

According to this report, these giant asteroids appear to have an “intelligent trajectory” not unlike a military formation and is comprised of three waves with 43 of them flying close to Earth in January, 25 in February, and 15 in March."
According to this report, these giant asteroids appear to have an “intelligent trajectory” not unlike a military formation and is comprised of three waves with 43 of them flying close to Earth in January, 25 in February, and 15 in March."
Bibles Banned on Religious Freedom Day Over Satanists Seeking to Pass Out Coloring Books
Bibles Banned on Religious Freedom Day Over Satanists Seeking to Pass Out Coloring Books | Christian News Network: "A Christian group in Florida was not allowed to distribute Bibles for Religious Freedom Day on Friday after the school district decided to change its policy on distribution by outside groups when a New York-based Satanic organization sought last fall to pass out coloring books to students."
Artificial Intelligence Take-over: Truth or Myth?
Artificial Intelligence Take-over: Truth or Myth?My Family Survival Plan: "Though the idea of an Artificial Intelligence world domination may have a cartoonish status in our survivalist community, unfortunately the concept is closer to the truth than you might think. "
‘Thought Crime’ Law Hits Britain: Defy the PC Mob and You’ll Be Deemed a ‘Terror Threat’
‘Thought Crime’ Law Hits Britain: Defy the PC Mob and You’ll Be Deemed a ‘Terror Threat’: "Mandarins seem to be in a mad rush in the wake of events in Paris… "

UFOs spotted over nuclear plants in France and Belgium
UFOs spotted over nuclear plants in France and Belgium - "The French government is on high alert due to a large amount of UFO sightings over nuclear power plants since October, 2014. The latest sighting in France was just last week, and witnesses in Belgium spotted one in December. Most media outlets suspect that the objects are drones, but not all of the witnesses are convinced. If they are drones, the authorities say they do not know who they belong to."
Galactic zombies roam the cosmos and refuse to die
Galactic zombies roam the cosmos and refuse to die - space - 14 January 2015 - New Scientist: "Cannibalism plays a big part in the life cycle of galaxies, but some rise from the dead as zombies – including one on a collision course with our own"
UFO hunters cry foul over NASA space station live feed
UFO hunters cry foul over NASA space station live feed « CBS Tampa: "UFO watchers complain NASA has been cutting its live feed of the International Space Station just when it keeps getting good…meaning as soon as a strange object appears…reports the Seattle Post-Intelligencer."
DNA Extracted from Extinct Giant Kangaroo
DNA Extracted from Extinct Giant Kangaroo : Discovery News: "A pair of giant kangaroos that died about 45,000 years ago have had their DNA extracted by scientists from the University of Adelaide in Australia."
Researchers create Methuselah fly by selecting best cells
Researchers create Methuselah fly by selecting best cells: "A team of researchers at the University of Bern has managed to considerably prolong the lifespan of flies by activating a gene which destroys unhealthy cells. The results could also open new possibilities in human anti aging research."
Elon Musk donates $10m to keep artificial intelligence good for humanity
Elon Musk donates $10m to keep artificial intelligence good for humanity | Technology | The Guardian: "Billionaire entrepreneur and space travel-fan says his money should be used to address concerns over safety"
Exorcist Elected Head of Political Party in Mexico
Exorcist Elected Head of Political Party in Mexico | Mysterious Universe: "If you’re tired of politicians promising to “clean house” when they’re elected and then failing to accomplish the task once they’re in office, perhaps it’s time to take the lead of a political party in Mexico whose members elected an exorcist as their president."
'Designer babies' debate should start, scientists say
BBC News - 'Designer babies' debate should start, scientists say: "Rapid progress in genetics is making "designer babies" more likely and society needs to be prepared, leading scientists have told the BBC."
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Were Neanderthals smarter than we thought?
Were Neanderthals smarter than we thought? | Daily Mail Online: "Neanderthals have a reputation for being lumbering, cavemen with low IQs, but a new discovery suggests they may have been more intelligent than we think."
New DNA technique may reveal face of killer in unsolved double-murder
New DNA technique may reveal face of killer in unsolved double-murder: "Reston, Va.-based Parabon Nanolabs, with funding from the Department of Defense, has debuted a breakthrough type of analysis called DNA phenotyping which the company says can predict a person's physical appearance from the tiniest DNA samples, like a speck of blood or strand of hair."
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
The Coming "Disclosure " - Diabolical Vatican Plan To Unveil Humanity's Deliverer (Satan The Savior!) - "The Spiral Staircase To Hell"
The Coming "Disclosure " - Diabolical Vatican Plan To Unveil Humanity's Deliverer (Satan The Savior!) - "The Spiral Staircase To Hell": "Keeping in mind recent astonishing statements made by Pope Francis indicating he would be willing tobaptise aliens should he ever be asked to, as well as somevery weird statements made by the Pope's astonomer regarding aliens, Monday's Sheila Zilinksy show where she is joined by researchers and authors Steve Quayle and Tom Horn, titled "Satan as Saviour- Vatican's Astonishing Plan to Unveil the Devil As Humanity's Deliverer," is a must-see as we hear about the events "now in play" across the globe."
We are Charlie, indeed! 22 Islamic terror camps in U.S.
We are Charlie, indeed! 22 Islamic terror camps in U.S.: "Last week’s brazen attack by a “home-grown” terrorist cell in France that targeted the staff of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has sparked renewed interest in potential cells operating inside the United States."
'Technology key to military preparedness'
'Technology key to military preparedness' | Free Press Journal: "Noting that rapidly accelerating technology in the areas of biology, robotics, information, nanotechnology and energy offered a new set of challenges due to asymmetry in the rate of advance of civil versus military technology, Paulraj said lines in the role of military between conventional war fighting and political functions were getting blurred."
Is Microchip Implanting For Humans A Possibility In The Near Future?
Is Microchip Implanting For Humans A Possibility In The Near Future?: "Currently, the kind of microchip implants which is used by pet owners to keep a track of their pets can become an effective identification tool for us human beings in the future."
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Scientists use human cells to grow a fully-functional small intestine inside mouse

Scientists use human cells to grow a fully-functional small intestine inside mouse | Daily Mail Online: "Scientists have grown 'fully-functioning' human gut tissue inside a mouse - a breakthrough that could one day help many thousands suffering with intestinal disorders. By transplanting cells from a human into a mouse, paediatric surgeons successfully grew small intestine tissue that worked just like the 'real' thing."
Wave to your TV! Apple patents 'Minority Report' gesture controls for computers and televisions
Wave to your TV! Apple patents 'Minority Report' gesture controls for computers and televisions | Daily Mail Online: "It could mean the end of the TV remote - and even the computer keyboard.

Apple has been granted a patent for 'Minority Report'-style 3D gesture controls."
Apple has been granted a patent for 'Minority Report'-style 3D gesture controls."
Rare microfilms of alien sightings available online at Project Blue Book for free
Rare microfilms of alien sightings available online at Project Blue Book for free | Daily Mail Online: "In 1948, the US government launched several inquiries into UFO sightings, which many believed were sparked by Cold War paranoia.
In what became known as 'Project Blue Book,' more than 12,000 encounters with UFOs were looked into by the Air Force.
Now, decades after the files were closed, the microfilms have been made available online for free – allowing anyone to re-examine the evidence."
In what became known as 'Project Blue Book,' more than 12,000 encounters with UFOs were looked into by the Air Force.
Now, decades after the files were closed, the microfilms have been made available online for free – allowing anyone to re-examine the evidence."
Kepler 438b is a ‘twin’ of Earth discovered this week and it’s only the beginning of human (or post-human) goals in space
Kepler 438b is a ‘twin’ of Earth discovered this week and it’s only the beginning of human (or post-human) goals in space | National Post: "The starry sky is now far more fascinating to us than it ever was to our forebears. Stars may seem just points of light, but we’ve learnt recently that most are orbited by retinues of planets, just as our Sun is. Our galaxy probably harbours many billions of planets. The most fascinating question of all is how many might harbour life — even intelligent life? Could Kepler 438b be part of the answer?"
Monday, January 12, 2015
An electronic apocalypse is coming unless we act now | Life and style
An electronic apocalypse is coming unless we act now | Life and style | The Guardian: "We need to switch off the screens and connect with each other again – a whole generation is losing its way"
Ingenious molecular mechanisms in the age of transformable DNA
Ingenious molecular mechanisms in the age of transformable DNA | ExtremeTech: "DNA has emerged as the premier material for nanoscale construction. Its applications now extend beyond simple information storage, sensing, or even molecular computing, to being programmable vehicles for drug delivery and cell control."
IBM hastens END OF HUMANITY with teachable AI 'brain'
IBM hastens END OF HUMANITY with teachable AI 'brain' • The Register: "IBM researchers in Almaden have built a brain-like system capable of recognising hand-written numbers, essentially by using phase-change memory chips instead of flash.

Neuromorphic computing is a variant of artificial intelligence research, which has a computer’s memory configured in a rudimentary brain-like way, as quasi-neurons and synapses, and termed a neural network."
Neuromorphic computing is a variant of artificial intelligence research, which has a computer’s memory configured in a rudimentary brain-like way, as quasi-neurons and synapses, and termed a neural network."
Project Cyborg: 3 Tech Giants Quietly Investing in Synthetic Biology (ADSK, INTC, MSFT)
3 Tech Giants Quietly Investing in Synthetic Biology (ADSK, INTC, MSFT): "Project Cyborg seeks to transform the design of living systems
Computer-aided design, or CAD, software has revolutionized how our world is built. But the seamless efficiency and accuracy won't be relegated to digital movies, buildings, engine parts, and airplanes for long. Autodesk is investing in bioCAD tools for synthetic biology applications through Project Cyborg, which is part of the company's Bio/Nano/Programmable Matter Group"
Computer-aided design, or CAD, software has revolutionized how our world is built. But the seamless efficiency and accuracy won't be relegated to digital movies, buildings, engine parts, and airplanes for long. Autodesk is investing in bioCAD tools for synthetic biology applications through Project Cyborg, which is part of the company's Bio/Nano/Programmable Matter Group"
Welcome to the Matrix: Enslaved by Technology and the Internet of Things
The Rutherford Institute :: Welcome to the Matrix: Enslaved by Technology and the Internet of Things: "If ever Americans sell their birthright, it will be for the promise of expediency and comfort delivered by way of blazingly fast Internet, cell phone signals that never drop a call, thermostats that keep us at the perfect temperature without our having to raise a finger, and entertainment that can be simultaneously streamed to our TVs, tablets and cell phones.

Likewise, if ever we find ourselves in bondage, we will have only ourselves to blame for having forged the chains through our own lassitude, laziness and abject reliance on internet-connected gadgets and gizmos that render us wholly irrelevant."
Likewise, if ever we find ourselves in bondage, we will have only ourselves to blame for having forged the chains through our own lassitude, laziness and abject reliance on internet-connected gadgets and gizmos that render us wholly irrelevant."
Stem cells engineered using genome editing technology
Stem cells engineered using genome editing technology: "Gene drives that select some genes and even include some man-made ones, driving particular traits to spread through a species, could present environmental and security challenges warned experts "
Human Genetic Modification: Are We Destroying Ourselves?
Human Genetic Modification: Are We Destroying Ourselves? - Billionaires Australia: "Human genetic modification might sound like a science fiction fantasy, but it’s increasingly becoming part of our reality. The topic was touched upon in more ways than one in the recent film Transcendence. While it proved a disappointment at the box office and attracted many negative reviews for its ropey characters, dialogue and structure, the thought-provoking themes in the film exceeded its narrative grasp and may well have dealt with reality much more than we realise."
Mysterious booms rattle homes in Oklahoma
Mysterious booms rattle homes in Oklahoma - Unexplained Mysteries: "Scientists have been attempting to determine what has been causing the spate of unexplained explosions."
Virtual Reality Enters a New Dimension
Virtual Reality Enters a New Dimension : Discovery News: "Welcome to "The Matrix?" Not quite, but new technologies are pushing ultra-convincing virtual realities out of the realm of science fiction and into the now."
The 9 Greatest Monsters in North America
The 9 Greatest Monsters in North America: "No less an authority than seminal travel journal Weird NJ will have you know that "without a doubt, New Jersey's oldest, most enduring, and important pieces of folklore is the tale of the infamous Jersey Devil." The Devil has been slinking around the state's Pine Barrens for nearly 300 years, making it one of America's most enduring cryptozoological phenomenons."
Friday, January 9, 2015
GMOs: New Gene 'Editing' Enables Companies To Skirt Regulations
GMOs: New Gene 'Editing' Enables Companies To Skirt Regulations : News : Headlines & Global News: "Scotts is among the myriad companies using "get-around" scientific techniques to avoid regulation on its genetically modified products, according to a report in The New York Times."
Apocalypse 2015: Five ways the world could end in the near future
Apocalypse 2015: Five ways the world could end in the near future | Metro News: "Professor Stephen Hawking has warned that recent developments towards ‘true’ artificial intelligence could be the beginning of a process that ends with the annihilation of all life on Earth."

Archeologists discover Mythical Tomb of Osiris, God of the Dead, in Egypt
Archeologists discover Mythical Tomb of Osiris, God of the Dead, in Egypt | Ancient Origins: "A Spanish-Italian archaeological team, in cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, has made an incredible discovery in the necropolis of Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, on the West Bank at Thebes, Egypt – an enormous ancient reproduction of the mythical Tomb of Osiris as described by Egyptian legend, complete with multiple shafts and chambers. Inside the tomb complex, researchers found a carving of Osiris and a room with a wall relief depicting a demon holding knives."
Seven possible doomsday scenarios
Opinion: Seven possible doomsday scenarios: "An asteroid striking Earth is a possibility, but we’re more likely to destroy ourselves"
Two Orange Dwarf Stars To Reach The Solar System Might Wipe Out Human Race
Two Orange Dwarf Stars To Reach The Solar System Might Wipe Out Human Race - International Business Times: "Some would say that the given time frame is truly a long stretch from today. However, the big threat that the phenomena might cause makes the study worth considering as it will have direct effect to future humanity."
Will That Be Cash, Credit, Fingerprint or Iris Scan?
Will That Be Cash, Credit, Fingerprint or Iris Scan? | Fast Forward | OZY: "Once used for getting high-level security clearances and criminal record checks done, biometric security features — fingerprints, iris scans and other unique human identifiers — are just starting to make inroads as forms of payment.

Already, companies like Apple and Samsung have implemented fingerprint-scanning features into their latest smartphones."
Already, companies like Apple and Samsung have implemented fingerprint-scanning features into their latest smartphones."
DARPA Developing Microdrones Designed to Sneak Into Homes
DARPA Developing Microdrones Designed to Sneak Into Homes: "The federal government apparently isn’t content with remotely watching and recording your every electronic (and real world) movement; it will soon control microdrones that could then be sent surreptitiously into your home."
ALIEN EARTH: Red sun's habitable world spotted 470 light years away
ALIEN EARTH: Red sun's habitable world spotted 470 light years away • The Register: "The discovery of new planets likely to be able to support life along Earthly lines has been announced, with one of the most promising candidates for alien and/or human habitability located just 470 light-years away.

The new exoplanets have been discovered by analysis of data from the Kepler space telescope, and bear the tags Kepler-438b and Kepler-442b. Another six Earthlike worlds have also been identified, but these two are considered to be the most promising - and Kepler-438b the best of the lot. The new research was announced yesterday."
The new exoplanets have been discovered by analysis of data from the Kepler space telescope, and bear the tags Kepler-438b and Kepler-442b. Another six Earthlike worlds have also been identified, but these two are considered to be the most promising - and Kepler-438b the best of the lot. The new research was announced yesterday."
After Decades of Searching, the Causeway for the Great Pyramid of Egypt has been Found
After Decades of Searching, the Causeway for the Great Pyramid of Egypt has been Found | Ancient Origins: "Dozens of foreign missions carried out over three decades using the latest high-tech instruments failed to find the causeway of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Now, unexpectedly, the passage has finally been located by a local resident living near the Giza Plateau, who was illegally digging beneath his home when he discovered a tunnel leading to the Pyramid of Khufu, the largest of the three pyramids in Giza."
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Nasa reveals huge 'coronal hole' on the sun's solar surface [Isaiah 13:9-11]
Nasa reveals huge 'coronal hole' on the sun's solar surface | Daily Mail Online: "There were no fireworks on the sun to welcome in the New Year - and in fact, scientists say the end of the year was relatively quiet on the solar surface.
However, the sun has started 2015 with a mysterious event - a huge hole has appeared."

However, the sun has started 2015 with a mysterious event - a huge hole has appeared."
Geo-Engineering Scientist ‘Terrified’ of Projects He Helped Create
» Geo-Engineering Scientist ‘Terrified’ of Projects He Helped Create Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!: "Dr. Matthew Watson from Bristol University in the UK told the media recently that he’s “terrified” by many of the geoengineering projects currently in the works to thwart man-made climate change, a phenomenon being hawked as an excuse for weather modification programs by many in mainstream science as a ‘threat to humanity.’"
RNA In GM Rice Can Now Be Seen In Your Blood And Organs
RNA In GM Rice Can Now Be Seen In Your Blood And Organs | Mass Report: "It’s not earth-shattering news: genetically modified foods carry huge risks for humans. The newest information, however, shows that there are larger risks than ever before seen. These risks affect us on a much deeper level than previously thought."
Scores of Giant asteroids set for near misses with Earth within the month, NASA data shows
Scores of Giant asteroids set for near misses with Earth within the month, NASA data shows | Nature | News | Daily Express: "SCORES of giant asteroids are on course to hurtle close to Earth before the end of February, according to latest NASA space data."
Ancient Indian aircraft on agenda of major science conference
Ancient Indian aircraft on agenda of major science conference - CNET: "Indian Vedic myths tell of ancient pilots flying craft around the world and out of this world. But some think the myths were true, and that modern science has it all wrong."
You could be wearing your alibi right now
You could be wearing your alibi right now - life - 01 January 2015 - New Scientist: "IN LATE November, a court case in Calgary, Canada, set an unusual record. Lawyers representing a personal trainer injured in an accident were the first to wield data from a wearable device in the courtroom. They planned to use the sluggish activity levels recorded by their client's Fitbit fitness tracker to prove the lasting effect of her accident."
Robots can now learn to cook just like you do: by watching YouTube videos
Robots can now learn to cook just like you do: by watching YouTube videos | VentureBeat | Big Data | by Jordan Novet: "Researchers have come up with a new way to teach robots how to use tools simply by watching videos on YouTube."
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Biblical Archaeology’s Top Ten Discoveries of 2014
Biblical Archaeology’s Top Ten Discoveries of 2014 | Christianity Today: "A flurry of year-end announcements provided some late-breaking additions to the list of archaeological discoveries made public in 2014. "
Mega Data: What The Future Will Bring in 2015
Paul McGuire -- Mega Data: What The Future Will Bring in 2015: "There are numerous geopolitical, economic, social, and prophetic events that are going to begin to escalate in the year 2015 and you need to know what they are and how you can be ready."
The science of ZOMBIES and how to avoid becoming their dinner
The science of ZOMBIES and how to avoid becoming their dinner | Daily Mail Online: "Their lumbering, menacing gait and insatiable hunger for flesh strikes fear into even the most seasoned horror film fan.

Now, two neuroscientists have analysed the behaviour of the walking dead to reveal the inner workings of their minds and defined a comprehensive diagnosis of 'zombiism'.
And with this knowledge they have even hatched a plan for how to survive a zombie apocalypse."
Now, two neuroscientists have analysed the behaviour of the walking dead to reveal the inner workings of their minds and defined a comprehensive diagnosis of 'zombiism'.
And with this knowledge they have even hatched a plan for how to survive a zombie apocalypse."
The biggest threat to humanity? The INTERNET
The biggest threat to humanity? The INTERNET | Daily Mail Online: "The web has democratised information and learning, brought families and loved ones together as well as helped businesses connect and compete in a global economy.
But the internet has a dark side - it hosts underhand dealings, has its very own criminal underbelly, not to mention a rising ‘mob’ culture.
The threat such technological advances pose to society is so serious, there is now a team of Cambridge researchers studying the existential risks."
But the internet has a dark side - it hosts underhand dealings, has its very own criminal underbelly, not to mention a rising ‘mob’ culture.
The threat such technological advances pose to society is so serious, there is now a team of Cambridge researchers studying the existential risks."
Large Hadron Collider could soon find dark matter, claims scientist
Large Hadron Collider could soon find dark matter, claims scientist | Daily Mail Online: "In 2012, the science world broke into celebration with the announcement that the Higgs boson - sometimes controversially referred to as the ‘God particle’ - had been found.

The discovery of the particle, which is believed to give mass to matter, was a crowning achievement and justification for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Cern.
But one scientist has told MailOnline we can expect even greater discoveries from the collider in the coming years - and one in particular could be the most important in history."
The discovery of the particle, which is believed to give mass to matter, was a crowning achievement and justification for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Cern.
But one scientist has told MailOnline we can expect even greater discoveries from the collider in the coming years - and one in particular could be the most important in history."
What U.S. Intelligence Predicted the World Would Look Like in 2015
What U.S. Intelligence Predicted the World Would Look Like in 2015 - The Atlantic: "Shortly before 9/11, officials foresaw a fundamental shift in the nature of power."
The Year In UFOs and ETs
The Year In UFOs and ETs: "There never seems to be a problem finding UFO stories to talk about. Year after year, people around the world report encounters with and sightings of odd, unexplained objects in the skies above Earth -- and, even, in the skies above the moon or Mars.
Over the past year, UFOs were spotted and videotaped in various shapes: balls, triangles, cigars, ovals, stars and boomerangs."
Over the past year, UFOs were spotted and videotaped in various shapes: balls, triangles, cigars, ovals, stars and boomerangs."
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