Thursday, October 31, 2013
China is spying on you through your KETTLE: Bugs that scan wi-fi devices found in imported kitchen gadgets
China is spying on you through your KETTLE: Bugs that scan wi-fi devices found in imported kitchen gadgets | Mail Online: "Russian investigators claim to have found household appliances imported from China which contain hidden microchips that pump spam data and malware into wi-fi networks."
Orange juice may soon contain pig genes
Orange juice may soon contain pig genes | Live Free, Live Natural: "Asian jumping lice and a bacteria called C. liberibacter which the lice carry have been devastating Florida’s Orange crops since 2005, but scientists have found a solution! But do we really want to consume orange juice that contains genetically modified DNA, via pig genes? That’s an actual question consumers will need to ask themselves in light of a recent article in the New York Times piece, “A Race to Save the Orange by Altering its DNA”."
Scientists: New GMO wheat may 'silence' vital human genes
Scientists: New GMO wheat may 'silence' vital human genes (Includes interview): "Australian scientists are expressing grave concerns over a new type of genetically engineered wheat that may cause major health problems for people that consume it."
Spellbound: why witchcraft is enchanting a new generation of teenage girls
Spellbound: why witchcraft is enchanting a new generation of teenage girls | Books | The Observer: "It's like the Charmed years of the 1990s, as TV shows, books and films focus on magic, the supernatural and all things wiccan"
Smart specs which help the blind see could be available next year
Smart specs which help the blind see could be available next year | Mail Online: "Smart spectacles that allow the blind to see have been designed by scientists. They use tiny twin cameras and a pocket computer to capture information and alert the wearer to people and objects ahead.

In time, it could be even be possible for the blind to ‘see’ the displays on cash machines or read restaurant menus."
In time, it could be even be possible for the blind to ‘see’ the displays on cash machines or read restaurant menus."
The Shining really is the scariest horror film ever: Heart rate monitors reveal the most terrifying movie moments of all time
The Shining really is the scariest horror film ever: Heart rate monitors reveal the most terrifying movie moments of all time | Mail Online: "What makes a film scary divides opinion - some people prefer tense psychological thrillers, while others want jumpy, edge-of-their seat emotional rollercoasters. In an attempt to put an end to this debate, Japanese-owned website Rakuten's asked people to vote on which horror films they considered to be the most terrifying. They then wired a selection of viewers up to heart monitors and tracked changes in their pulse to determine exactly which of the top movie moments got their hearts racing the most. The winner was the iconic 'Here's Johnny' scene from 1980 film The Shining, which made pulses race and jump by 28.21 per cent."
A one-man mission to save the WORLD: Retired Welshman monitors Armageddon asteroids from his DIY observatory
A one-man mission to save the WORLD: Retired Welshman monitors Armageddon asteroids from his DIY observatory | Mail Online: "One man has taken on the role of protecting Earth from world-ending asteroids from his home observatory in Wales.

While the sky-watching base might look more rural and less impressive then the vast shiny centres seen in Hollywood films, Jay Tate, 58, now has the UK’s only earthbound asteroid and comet tracking station."
While the sky-watching base might look more rural and less impressive then the vast shiny centres seen in Hollywood films, Jay Tate, 58, now has the UK’s only earthbound asteroid and comet tracking station."
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Illuminati Music Videos: Satanism, Crowley and Neurological Warfare
Paul McGuire -- Illuminati Music Videos: Satanism, Crowley and Neurological Warfare: "The Illuminati motto is “Order through Chaos” or “New World Order through Chaos.” The Illuminati was officially formed in 1776, which was the same year America became a nation, and it was instrumental in the forming of our nation, along with the Biblical ideas of the Puritans and Pilgrims. Right at the very beginning of America there was a spiritual and ideological conflict between the Illuminati and those who held a Biblical worldview. Sir Francis Bacon, head of the Rosicrucians in the 1600s, developed a secret occult plan for America, a plan to make America the “New Atlantis” and the head of the New World Order."
Intel Labs Creating Implantable Mark Of The Beast Mind Control Processor Chip
Intel Labs Creating Implantable Mark Of The Beast Mind Control Processor Chip | Science and Technology: "Scientists at Intel’s research lab in Pittsburgh are working to find ways to read and harness human brain waves so they can be used to operate computers, television sets and cell phones. The brain waves would be harnessed with Intel-developed sensors implanted in people’s brains."

A Chip In The Head: Brain Implants Will Be Connecting People To The Internet By The Year 2020
» A Chip In The Head: Brain Implants Will Be Connecting People To The Internet By The Year 2020 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!: "Would you like to surf the Internet, make a phone call or send a text message using only your brain? Would you like to “download” the content of a 500 page book into your memory in less than a second? Would you like to have extremely advanced nanobots constantly crawling around in your body monitoring it for disease? Would you like to be able to instantly access the collective knowledge base of humanity wherever you are? "
A Chip In The Head: Brain Implants Will Be Connecting People To The Internet By The Year 2020
» A Chip In The Head: Brain Implants Will Be Connecting People To The Internet By The Year 2020 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!: "Would you like to surf the Internet, make a phone call or send a text message using only your brain? Would you like to “download” the content of a 500 page book into your memory in less than a second? Would you like to have extremely advanced nanobots constantly crawling around in your body monitoring it for disease? Would you like to be able to instantly access the collective knowledge base of humanity wherever you are? "
Science has lost its way, at a big cost to humanity
Science has lost its way, at a big cost to humanity - "Researchers are rewarded for splashy findings, not for double-checking accuracy. So many scientists looking for cures to diseases have been building on ideas that aren't even true."
Retired USAF officer talks about aliens and nukes, the UFO cabal, and his abduction experience
Retired USAF officer talks about aliens and nukes, the UFO cabal, and his abduction experience | "Salas’ lecture was entitled “The Complexity of Human Interactions with the UFO Phenomenon,” and he began by flatly declaring that craft controlled by extraterrestrial intelligences (ETI) are visiting us, are here for specific purposes, have been here for a long period of time, and have had complex interactions with humanity. In spite of the existence of a UFO Cabal that is hiding secrets about what’s happening to our planet and society, we are still in the process of becoming part of the “Cosmic Family.”"
Ancient Ram Inn: Britain's most haunted B&B where terrified guests have jumped out of windows
Ancient Ram Inn: Britain's most haunted B&B where terrified guests have jumped out of windows | Mail Online: "The Ancient Ram Inn, in the village of Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, is believed to be riddled with up to 20 spectres who torment the paying punters of the 12th century home."
Making Robots More Like Us
Making Robots More Like Us - "On a recent morning Natanel Dukan walked into the Paris offices of the French robot maker Aldebaran and noticed one of the company’s humanoid NAO robots sitting on a chair. Mr. Dukan, an electrical engineer, could not resist. Bending over, he kissed the robot on the cheek. In response the NAO tilted its head, touched his cheek and let out an audible smack."
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Strap an iPhone to your head for a window into your mind
Strap an iPhone to your head for a window into your mind | Crave - CNET: "Neurocam is an iPhone and EEG headband that automatically records footage of things that interest you. Advertisers would love everyone to wear it."
Ex-CIA chief: No solution to EMP attack
Ex-CIA chief: No solution to EMP attack: "WASHINGTON – Contrary to the findings of a 2008 commission mandated by Congress to consider a defense against an electromagnetic pulse attack and its effects on the national grid, a retired Air Force general who also headed the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency says that there isn’t a solution to an EMP attack."
Palestinian president hopes to use pen from pope to sign peace treaty
CNS STORY: Palestinian president hopes to use pen from pope to sign peace treaty: "VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis gave Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas a fancy pen as a gift, and Abbas told the pope, "I hope to sign the peace agreement with Israel with this pen.""
I was healed by a ghost...and there's a photo to prove it
I was healed by a ghost...and there's a photo to prove it | Weird | News | Daily Express: "A WOMAN believes she was healed by a ghostly apparition known as the White Lady as she visited a church during a family summer holiday."
Active Sun Fires Off 3rd Huge Solar Flare in 3 Days
Active Sun Fires Off 3rd Huge Solar Flare in 3 Days (Video) | "The sun has just unleashed another major solar flare, the third of its kind in three days, scientists say."
The Harvard Doctor Who Accidentally Unleashed a Zombie Invasion
The Harvard Doctor Who Accidentally Unleashed a Zombie Invasion - "Roughly two years ago, one of the most popular radio programs in America finally alerted the country to the coming zombie apocalypse. The weekend host of the radio program, Ian Punnett, was interviewing me, a Harvard Medical School physician and national expert on the compelling world of zombie neuroscience. Punnett asked me to help make sense of a new and terrifying threat to our planet, and I told him what I had learned from a discovered manuscript penned by a doctor from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who had succumbed to a zombie plague while studying its origins."
"Inca City" is Part of a Circular Feature
Mars Global Surveyor MOC2-319 Release: ""Inca City" is the informal name given by Mariner 9 scientists in 1972 to a set of intersecting, rectilinear ridges that are located among the layered materials of the south polar region of Mars. Their origin has never been understood; most investigators thought they might be sand dunes, either modern dunes or, more likely, dunes that were buried, hardened, then exhumed. Others considered them to be dikes formed by injection of molten rock (magma) or soft sediment into subsurface cracks that subsequently hardened and then were exposed at the surface by wind erosion."
Monday, October 28, 2013
Thought-controlled computers closer than we think
Thought-controlled computers closer than we think: "A recent breakthrough from the University of Washington shows that when technology lets the brain control a device such as a robotic arm, the brain is behaving in the same way as if it was commanding the relevant muscles to carry out the act in reality. In other words, by thinking about kicking a ball, the area of the brain active in doing so behaves in the same way as if you were really kicking a ball."
Fully Autonomous Weapons
Q&A on Fully Autonomous Weapons | Human Rights Watch: "Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies will soon make possible the development of fully autonomous weapons, which would revolutionize the way wars are fought. These weapons, unlike the current generation of armed drones, would be able to select and engage targets without human intervention."
Study: neuroscientists develop equation for predicting future disasters
Study: neuroscientists develop equation for predicting future disasters (Wired UK): "A team of neuroscientists has published a paper claiming it has developed a mathematical calculation that could potentially predict the tipping point of any massive event -- from a market crash to a brain seizure."
Could we all soon be sleeping with the fishes? Designer creates incredible futuristic city where people live beneath the waves
Could we all soon be sleeping with the fishes? Designer creates incredible futuristic city where people live beneath the waves | Mail Online: "Fancy living in a city under the sea? A designer who is passionate about the concept of living underwater has created his own dream community, and hopes that his big idea will one day become a reality.

Phil Pauley says that he has dreamed about building an underwater city for the past 20 years, and has now released images of what the futuristic development might look like. Sub-Biosphere 2 comes compete with eight 'bio-dome' structures, and is 1,105ft wide."
Phil Pauley says that he has dreamed about building an underwater city for the past 20 years, and has now released images of what the futuristic development might look like. Sub-Biosphere 2 comes compete with eight 'bio-dome' structures, and is 1,105ft wide."
Annabelle: The True Story of a Demonic Doll
Annabelle: The True Story of a Demonic Doll | Mysterious Universe: "The smash hit motion picture “The Conjuring” — based on the harrowing story of the Perron family’s encounter with an evil entity and how they were saved by controversial demonologists, Ed and Lorraine Warren — has earned tens of millions of dollars and spawned as many nightmares worldwide. But while the core story of possession and witchcraft may have propelled the plot forward, it is the allegedly true story of a demonic doll named Annabelle that has left a lingering shadow on the memories of moviegoers across the globe; transforming this arguably inanimate (and ostensibly cursed) object into a surprise pop-culture phenomenon."

Are conspiracy theories destroying democracy?
BBC News - Are conspiracy theories destroying democracy?: "The more information we have about what governments and corporations are up to the less we seem to trust them. Will conspiracy theories eventually destroy democracy?"

Google suspected builder of enormous floating data center discovered in San Francisco Bay
Google suspected builder of enormous floating data center discovered in San Francisco Bay | The Raw Story: "An enormous floating barge has emerged in the San Francisco Bay, which tech-savvy sleuths suspect is a massive data center being constructed by Google, the CNET blog reported."
29 Incredible Facts Which Prove That Poverty In America Is Absolutely Exploding
29 Incredible Facts Which Prove That Poverty In America Is Absolutely Exploding - "Did you know that the number of Americans on welfare is higher than the number of Americans that have full-time jobs? Did you know that 1.2 million public school students in the U.S. are currently homeless? Anyone that uses the term "economic recovery" to describe what is happening in the United States today is being deeply insulting to the nearly 150 million Americans that are considered to be either "poor" or "low income" at this point."
Monsters of New England
Monsters of New England - Lifestyle - The Boston Globe: "A bright orange, 4-foot-tall creature was spotted during one week in April 1977 by four people, first at a stone wall along Farm Street and two other times in the next 25 hours. "
Sunday, October 27, 2013
'We've reached the end of antibiotics': Top CDC expert declares that 'miracle drugs' that have saved millions are no match against 'superbugs' because people have overmedicated themselves
'We've reached the end of antibiotics': Top CDC expert declares that 'miracle drugs' that have saved millions are no match against 'superbugs' because people have overmedicated themselves | Mail Online: "A high-ranking official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has declared in an interview with PBS that the age of antibiotics has come to an end."
A black box in your car? Some see a source of tax revenue
A black box in your car? Some see a source of tax revenue - "The devices would track every mile you drive —possibly including your location — and the government would use the data to draw up a tax bill."
Pentagon agency creating digital map of the world
Pentagon agency creating digital map of the world: "Future military operations may use a constantly updated digital "image skin" for a comprehensive map of the world under development by the Pentagon's National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency "
'Spy Rocks' Could Be the Military's New Secret Weapon
'Spy Rocks' Could Be the Military's New Secret Weapon | Danger Room | "Warfare technology has come a long way since the days of throwing stones, but that won’t keep the military from incorporating rocks into their arsenal of weapons."
Taking a stand against real-life 'Terminators' - Times Union
Taking a stand against real-life 'Terminators' - Times Union: "RPI expert signs petition against the use of "killer robots""
The biocoding revolution
The biocoding revolution - O'Reilly Radar: "What is biocoding? For those of you who have been following the biotechnology industry, you’ll have heard of the rapid advances in genome sequencing. Our ability to read the language of life has advanced dramatically, but only recently have we been able to start writing the language of life at scale."
“What is life?” --We are Entering a New Phase of Evolution
“What is life?” --We are Entering a New Phase of Evolution: "“What is life?” asks Craig Venter, author of Life at the Speed of Light and one of the first to sequence the human genome and create the first cell with a synthetic genome: "Only three simple words, and yet out of them spins a universe of questions that are no less challenging. What precisely is it that separates the animate from the inanimate? What are the basic ingredients of life? Where did life first stir? How did the first organisms evolve? Is there life everywhere? To what extent is life scattered across the cosmos? If other kinds of creatures do exist on exoplanets, are they as intelligent as we are, or even more so? Today these questions about the nature and origins of life remain the biggest and most hotly debated in all of biology.""
Customers Want Biometric Authentication for Mobile Transactions
Midsize Insider: Customers Want Biometric Authentication for Mobile Transactions: "Consumers want to see biometric authentication options for their smartphones and tablets as a way of protecting themselves from mobile threats"
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Some Florida Police Are Using Data To Predict Crime
Some Florida Police Are Using Data To Predict Crime | Fast Company | Business + Innovation: "Well, the Fort Lauderdale Police Department isn't using an oracle yet, but it is getting one step closer to Minority Report-style crime predicting."
25 Stats That Prove That The American Dream Is Being Systematically Destroyed
25 Stats That Prove That The American Dream Is Being Systematically Destroyed: "In America today, prices are rising at a very brisk pace but incomes are not. There aren’t nearly enough jobs for everyone anymore, and most of the jobs that are being “created” are jobs that pay very little. The largest employer in America is Wal-Mart, and the second largest employer is actually a temp agency (Kelly Services)."
DARPA Is Developing an Implant that Can Read Brain Signals in Real-Time
DARPA Is Developing an Implant that Can Read Brain Signals in Real-Time | Motherboard: "The latest project from the futurists at DARPA takes a detour from the agency's typical dabblings in autonomous robots and artificially intelligent computers to focus on the health of actual humans. The agency announced its latest moonshot initiative today, a $70 million project to develop a new implantable electronic device that can be used to treat some of the mental disorders plaguing the US military.

The ambitious goal is to create a medical device within five years that can be implanted in the skull to monitor, analyze, and respond to real-time information on the brain, somewhat like a pacemaker for grey matter. That new level of insight into the human mind could lead to more effective treatments for neurological and psychiatric disorders, researchers hope."
The ambitious goal is to create a medical device within five years that can be implanted in the skull to monitor, analyze, and respond to real-time information on the brain, somewhat like a pacemaker for grey matter. That new level of insight into the human mind could lead to more effective treatments for neurological and psychiatric disorders, researchers hope."
How They'll Convince you to Worship Aliens
A new study released from scientific researchers say we ALL have "alien" DNA. Is this yet another piece to the puzzle of the coming alien deception?
Army Helicopter's UFO Scare Still A Mystery, 40 Years Later
Army Helicopter's UFO Scare Still A Mystery, 40 Years Later: "Forty years ago today, a four-man crew of an Army Reserve helicopter was flying over Mansfield, Ohio, around 11:00 p.m. when they "encountered a near midair collision with an unidentified flying object," according to the official report, signed and submitted by the crew after the incident."
All the Evidence that Time Travel is Happening All Around Us
All the Evidence that Time Travel is Happening All Around Us: "People have seen the past, and the future — and there are tons of telltale photographs and films. Here are the clearest signs of real-life time travel."
UFO caught by Louisiana deer cam
UFO caught by Louisiana deer cam - Allentown Paranormal | "A trail cam set to catch deer in Louisiana caught something else instead."
Boom! BOOM! Sun Erupts With One-Two Punch X Flares
Boom! BOOM! Sun Erupts With One-Two Punch X Flares : Discovery News: "After a recent period of unrest, the sun has re-established what it means to be a star experiencing solar maximum — it fired off not one, but two of the most powerful class of solar flares in quick succession."
Israel issues warning on report on Iran bomb
Israel issues warning on report on Iran bomb: "A new report that says Iran may need as little as a month to produce enough uranium for a nuclear bomb is further evidence for why Israel will take military action before that happens, an Israeli defense official said Friday."
Friday, October 25, 2013
Rocks that Spy and Other Wild Military Techs
Rocks that Spy and Other Wild Military Techs : Discovery News: "What do a kamikaze drone, a “field and forget” surveillance system and an Israeli robot have in common? Buzz at the annual AUSA Army meeting in Washington, D.C. Here are three new pieces of tech revealed at this year's show."
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Proposal to Manage Temple Mount for Both Jews and Arabs
Proposal to Manage Temple Mount for Both Jews and Arabs - Latest News Briefs - Israel National News: "A detailed proposal formulated by the Jewish Leadership Movement on the management of the Temple Mount for both Jews and Arabs is being submitted to the Knesset Internal Affairs and Environment Committee."
The Colonized: UFOs & Zombies
The Colonized: UFOs & Zombies | Mysterious Universe: "In a world in which all things of a zombie nature are becoming ever more dominating, the biggest of all challenges facing film-makers, Hollywood studios, script-writers and authors is not so much just to come up with ideas, but to create and weave storylines that are actually fresh, rather than merely being deja-vu-like and yawn-inspiring."
GE: 3D Printers To 'Touch' Half Its Manufacturing
GE: 3D Printers To 'Touch' Half Its Manufacturing : "General Electric (GE) is expanding the uses for 3D printers and expects the emerging technology to be involved in more than half of its manufacturing in 20 years."
The truth is out there: Britain's answer to the X-Files
The truth is out there: Britain's answer to the X-Files - Telegraph: "A group of experts at the Natural History Museum in London are using their knowledge to scrutinise potential meteorites, dragon skulls and 'space slime'"
Extraterrestrial Etiquette: How Should Humanity Interact with Alien Life?
Extraterrestrial Etiquette: How Should Humanity Interact with Alien Life? | "Humanity should start thinking about how to interact with alien species long before coming into contact with extraterrestrial life, experts say."

Are We Observing Extraterrestrial Intelligence Without Realizing It?
Are We Observing Extraterrestrial Intelligence Without Realizing It? | Cadell Last: "Philosophy and the physical sciences have a long and interesting past spanning the entirety of human history. Philosophers have played the role of logically deducing the existence of certain physical phenomena that were untestable. Physical scientists have then either empirically confirmed or refuted the philosophical speculation proposed when the necessary technology and/or method were developed."
Quantum Experiment Shows How Time ‘Emerges’ from Entanglement
Quantum Experiment Shows How Time ‘Emerges’ from Entanglement — The Physics arXiv Blog — Medium: "Time is an emergent phenomenon that is a side effect of quantum entanglement, say physicists. And they have the first experimental results to prove it"
Ancient Magician's Curse Tablet Discovered in Jerusalem
Ancient Magician's Curse Tablet Discovered in Jerusalem | LiveScience: "A lead curse tablet, dating back around 1,700 years and likely written by a magician, has been discovered in a collapsed Roman mansion in Jerusalem, archaeologists report."
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Switzerland's first sex drive-in a success
Switzerland's first sex drive-in a success: Zurich - FRANCE 24: "AFP - Switzerland's first sex drive-in, which opened two months ago in a bid to take prostitution off Zurich's streets, has been a success, the city said Tuesday following an initial evaluation."
Syrian Christians turning to Russia for protection
Syrian Christians turning to Russia for protection - News - World - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video: "The letter reached Moscow through diplomatic channels. It says that the West-backed terrorists are prepared to go to any lengths to wipe Christians out of Syria. The authors of the letter have no intention of fleeing the “land on where Jesus walked” and promise to defend their “homeland, dignity and faith”. They see Russia as the guarantor of “peace and stability”. They are not asking for money or humanitarian aid, but just hope to obtain Russian citizenship. “We will be under the protection of Russia if we face the threat of being physically eliminated by terrorists,” the letter says.
Geneva Conference Moves Toward Criminalizing "Islamophobia"
Geneva Conference Moves Toward Criminalizing "Islamophobia": "The OIC’s claims that it seeks to protect all religions and religious symbols from defamation are patently false and are contrary to the actions of the OIC countries which discriminate against infidels. In Saudi Arabia, Jews are denied citizenship; in Iran, Baha’is are denied equal employment opportunities; in Pakistan, Ahmadiyya Muslims are jailed for openly practicing their faith, and there’s a genocide against Coptic Christians in Egypt. Many OIC countries also prohibit the building or repair of churches and synagogues as well as public worship by minority religions."
Pope Frank Thinks You Are Insane For Taking Your Faith Seriously
Pope Frank Thinks You Are Insane For Taking Your Faith Seriously — Logos Apologia: "During a Mass last week, Pope–Petrus Romanus–Francis called ideological Christianity “an illness.”"
Ancient DNA helps trace history of Europeans
Ancient DNA helps trace history of Europeans | SBS News: "Australian and German scientists have collaborated in a study of ancient DNA to help reconstruct the first detailed history of modern Europeans."
Gold grows on gum tree leaves: study
Gold grows on gum tree leaves: study | SBS News: "Australian scientists say gum tree leaves are providing a new way to detect gold buried deep beneath the earth."
Second oarfish washes ashore in California
Second oarfish washes ashore in California - "(CNN) -- Marine biologists have a mystery to solve: Why have the carcasses of two rare oarfish washed up on Southern California shores within a week?

Sightings of the huge deep-sea creatures -- dead or alive -- are unusual, because they typically swim thousands of feet below the surface."
Sightings of the huge deep-sea creatures -- dead or alive -- are unusual, because they typically swim thousands of feet below the surface."
US National Security Agency 'spied on French diplomats'
BBC News - US National Security Agency 'spied on French diplomats': "US spies allegedly hacked foreign networks, introducing the spyware into the software, routers and firewalls of millions of machines."
Was Jersey the last home of the Neanderthals?
Was Jersey the last home of the Neanderthals? | Mail Online: "A record of Neanderthal history, thought to have been lost a century ago, has been re-discovered in the Channel island of Jersey."
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
City-Owned Cemetery Refuses to Engrave 'Jesus' on Preacher's Wife's Headstone
City-Owned Cemetery Refuses to Engrave 'Jesus' on Preacher's Wife's Headstone - Todd Starnes - Page 1: "The family of a Colorado preacher’s wife is still fuming after the director of the city-owned cemetery refused to engrave her final resting place with the name ‘Jesus’ because it might offend people. The city eventually reversed course under public pressure."
Scientific Evidence Reports that Bosnian Pyramids Built Using Geopolymer Cement
count down to » Scientific Evidence Reports that Bosnian Pyramids Built Using Geopolymer Cement: "The New Era Times, reports that independent analysis from five separate Institutes of materials confirms that the Bosnian Pyramids contain high quality man-made concrete construction material eliminating all skeptical claims about the authenticity of the Bosnian Pyramids."
The British X-Files: Natural History Museum sets up unit to investigate bizarre phenomenon such as Somerset's 'space slime'
The British X-Files: Natural History Museum sets up unit to investigate bizarre phenomenon such as Somerset's 'space slime' | Mail Online: "A unit of museum experts tasked with investigating unexplained phenomenon have been left baffled by a mysterious substance, dubbed 'space slime'.

How cow's digestive emissions could be used to power cars
How cow's digestive emissions could be used to power cars | Mail Online: "Argentine scientists have found a way to transform the gas created by cows' digestive systems into fuel. They claim the innovation that could curb greenhouse gases that are believed to cause global warming. Methane is separated from the smelly cow gas, which can be used to fuel cars as well as other machines."
New gun shoots ‘DNA bullets’ to make apprehension of rioters easier
New gun shoots ‘DNA bullets’ to make apprehension of rioters easier | End the Lie – Independent News: "The gun, produced by SelectaDNA, shoots what is essentially a paintball filled with a synthetic DNA substance that allows police to later apprehend an individual when it might otherwise be dangerous to do so, like during a riot or large protest."
12 Shocking Clues About What America Will Look Like When The Next Great Economic Crisis Strikes
12 Shocking Clues About What America Will Look Like When The Next Great Economic Crisis Strikes: "When that debt-fueled standard of living permanently disappears, it is going to unleash chaos unlike anything that America has ever seen before."
France, Mexico seek answers after 'shocking' US spy claims
France, Mexico seek answers after 'shocking' US spy claims - FRANCE 24: "AFP - France and Mexico have angrily demanded prompt explanations from the United States following "shocking" new spying allegations leaked by former US security contractor Edward Snowden."
Why 'I Have Nothing to Hide' Is the Wrong Way to Think About Surveillance
Why 'I Have Nothing to Hide' Is the Wrong Way to Think About Surveillance | Wired Opinion | "Suddenly, it feels like 2000 again. Back then, surveillance programs like Carnivore, Echelon, and Total Information Awareness helped spark a surge in electronic privacy awareness. Now a decade later, the recent discovery of programs like PRISM, Boundless Informant, and FISA orders are catalyzing renewed concern."
Space cannon ready: Japan to shoot asteroid for samples in 2014 mission
Space cannon ready: Japan to shoot asteroid for samples in 2014 mission — RT News: "A unique space cannon developed for Japan’s Hayabusa 2 spacecraft has successfully test-fired on Earth in preparation for a 2014 mission. During its upcoming journey into space, the cannon will blast an asteroid and mine samples of its soil."

Walesa wants new secular 'Ten Commandments'
Walesa wants new secular 'Ten Commandments' - FRANCE 24: ""We need to agree on common values for all religions as soon as possible, a kind of secular Ten Commandments on which we will build the world of tomorrow," he said in an opening speech kicking off the three-day summit."
Monday, October 21, 2013
‘Sea Serpents’ Or Harbingers? Oarfish Washed Up Year Before Japan Quake
‘Sea Serpents’ Or Harbingers? Oarfish Washed Up Year Before Japan Quake « CBS Los Angeles: "Could the appearance of rare “sea serpents” washing ashore beaches in Southern California portend disaster?"
Polio cases in Syria spark alarm over rise in diseases including flesh-eating parasites due to civil war
Polio cases in Syria spark alarm over rise in diseases including flesh-eating parasites due to civil war - Telegraph: "Polio has returned to Syria after a long absence, and other dangerous diseases are on the increase"
Now there's a bright idea! Chinese scientists invent world's first wifi-emitting lightbulb
Now there's a bright idea! Chinese scientists invent world's first wifi-emitting lightbulb | Mail Online: "A group of scientists in China have invented the world's first lightbulb that emits its own wifi signal. Researchers at Fudan University in Shanghai, have developed a prototype for the new technology, which they have aptly named Li-Fi.
Experts claim the micro-chipped LED bulb works even better than the average wireless internet connection in China."
Experts claim the micro-chipped LED bulb works even better than the average wireless internet connection in China."
Ghost Cats
Ghost Cats | Mysterious Universe: "The cat under my feet almost made me stumble. I grabbed the wall so I wouldn’t land face first on the living room floor, the dark figure skittering away out of the corner of my eye. Our cat Smoky had the habit of walking under my feet, but when I turned to find Smoky, he wasn’t running away as I’d seen; he was asleep on the couch. I hadn’t almost stepped on a cat, but I had most certainly almost stepped on something."
UFO orb caught on security camera in Michigan twice this month
UFO orb caught on security camera in Michigan twice this month | "A man in Michigan has caught a mysterious orb flying around his yard on his security camera on two separate nights this month. On both videos the bright orb changes colors and beams a light onto the ground and his trees. Some people believe a humanoid figure can be seen in the beam at one point in the second video."
The Ghosts of Waverly Hills
The Ghosts of Waverly Hills | Mysterious Universe: "Though the U.S. is home to dozens of abandoned hospitals, each with a reputation for ghosts, one facility stands out from the rest: Waverly Hills. The former sanatorium regularly tops “most haunted” rankings and has appeared on just about every ghost hunting show in America. Here’s why the hospital has become so popular among fans of the paranormal."
Biological clock able to measure age of most human tissues
Biological clock able to measure age of most human tissues: "Everyone grows older, but scientists don't really understand why. Now a UCLA study has uncovered a biological clock embedded in our genomes that may shed light on why our bodies age and how we can slow the process. Published in the Oct. 21 edition of Genome Biology, the findings could offer valuable insights into cancer and stem cell research."
1st Fully Bionic Man Walks, Talks and Breathes
1st Fully Bionic Man Walks, Talks and Breathes | LiveScience: "He walks, he talks and he has a beating heart, but he's not human — he's the world's first fully bionic man.

Like Frankenstein's monster, cobbled together from a hodgepodge of body parts, the bionic man is an amalgam of the most advanced human prostheses — from robotic limbs to artificial organs to a blood-pumping circulatory system."
Like Frankenstein's monster, cobbled together from a hodgepodge of body parts, the bionic man is an amalgam of the most advanced human prostheses — from robotic limbs to artificial organs to a blood-pumping circulatory system."
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Let's play God: The scientific experiments that might save the world (or destroy it...)
Let's play God: The scientific experiments that might save the world (or destroy it...) - Green Living - Environment - The Independent: "Fake volcanoes, giant space mirrors, oceans of iron filings… One of these ideas might save our planet from the worst effects of global warming – or destroy it. Memphis Barker reports on the rise of geoengineering – and the rift it has opened in the scientific community"
Google’s Ray Kurzweil on the quest to live forever
Google’s Ray Kurzweil on the quest to live forever - Yahoo News Canada: "How nanobots will help the immune system, and why we’ll be much smarter, thanks to machines"
Privacy Fears Grow as Cities Increase Surveillance
Privacy Fears Grow as Cities Increase Surveillance - "OAKLAND, Calif. — Federal grants of $7 million awarded to this city were meant largely to help thwart terror attacks at its bustling port. But instead, the money is going to a police initiative that will collect and analyze reams of surveillance data from around town — from gunshot-detection sensors in the barrios of East Oakland to license plate readers mounted on police cars patrolling the city’s upscale hills."
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Your body is the next frontier in cybercrime
Your body is the next frontier in cybercrime - Quartz: "If you think it’s enough of a chore trying to stop thieves stealing your credit card details and hacking your Facebook, imagine trying to stop them getting into your pancreas."
33 Stats That Prove That SOMETHING Desperately Needs To Be Done About The National Debt
33 Stats That Prove That SOMETHING Desperately Needs To Be Done About The National Debt |: "The “deal” that was just made in Congress does nothing to reduce our spending or control the growth of our debt. It just kicks the decisions about government spending and the debt ceiling down the road for a few months."
Skull of Homo erectus throws story of human evolution into disarray
Skull of Homo erectus throws story of human evolution into disarray | Science | The Guardian: "A haul of fossils found in Georgia suggests that half a dozen species of early human ancestor were actually all Homo erectus"
Peruvian Air Force to launch UFO department
Peruvian Air Force to launch UFO department - Unexplained Mysteries: "Officials are set to open a new department dedicated to investigating reports of UFOs in Peru."
IBM unveils computer fed by 'electronic blood'
BBC News - IBM unveils computer fed by 'electronic blood': "IBM has unveiled a prototype of a new brain-inspired computer powered by what it calls "electronic blood"."
Friday, October 18, 2013
Three-Parent Families—the Gay Agenda's Trojan Horse—Legalized in California
Three-Parent Families—the Gay Agenda's Trojan Horse—Legalized in California: "Children in California will be able to legally have three parents under a new law that critics have branded a “Trojan horse for the same-sex marriage agenda.” The new legislation is designed to cover situations in which same-sex couples have a child with an opposite-sex biological parent."
Will the world end in 2032? Ukrainian astronomers discover massive asteroid that could hit the earth with the power of 2,500 nuclear bombs
Will the world end in 2032? Ukrainian astronomers discover massive asteroid that could hit the earth with the power of 2,500 nuclear bombs | Mail Online: "A 1,300-foot wide asteroid is headed toward Earth and could strike the planet with the force of 2,500 nuclear warheads in 19 years, Ukrainian astronomers have shockingly revealed.

Crimean Astrophysical Observatory found the massive asteroid, called 2013 TV135, last weekend and the international scientific community has already rated it as one of the two most dangerous asteroids ever recorded."
Crimean Astrophysical Observatory found the massive asteroid, called 2013 TV135, last weekend and the international scientific community has already rated it as one of the two most dangerous asteroids ever recorded."
Inside the Ring: Russia to test new missile
Inside the Ring: Russia to test new missile - Washington Times: "The RS-26 missile is expected to be deployed with multiple supersonic, maneuvering warheads designed to defeat U.S. missile defenses in Europe, U.S. officials told Inside the Ring."
The NSA Has A Much Bigger Role In Drone Strikes Than We've Realized
The NSA Has A Much Bigger Role In Drone Strikes Than We've Realized - Business Insider: "The National Security Agency has a much deeper role in the CIA's drone program in Pakistan, with new documents leaked by Edward Snowden showing a much more sophisticated and efficient targeted killing program than previously known, The Washington Post reports."
Radioactivity level spikes 6,500 times at Fukushima well
Radioactivity level spikes 6,500 times at Fukushima well — RT News: "Radioactivity levels in a well near a storage tank at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan have risen immensely on Thursday, the plant’s operator has reported."
Life After Death? New Techniques Halt Dying Process
Life After Death? New Techniques Halt Dying Process | LiveScience: "NEW YORK — The line between life and death is not as clear as once thought, now that developments in the science of resuscitation have made it possible to revive people even hours after their heart has stopped beating and they are declared dead, medical experts say."
Thursday, October 17, 2013
INFERNOS project: Maxwell’s Demon in nanoscale systems
INFERNOS project: Maxwell’s Demon in nanoscale systems | KurzweilAI: "The European INFERNOS (Information, fluctuations, and energy control in small systems) project aims to realize experimentally Maxwell’s Demon* by developing electronic and biomolecular nanodevices that support this principle."
Mind-reading in real life: Study shows it can be done
Mind-reading in real life: Study shows it can be done (but they’ll have to catch you first) | Scope Blog: "It’s not a given that experimentally obtained results accurately reflect goings-on in the real world. The former are obtained under rigidly controlled, reproducible conditions in which every possible confounding factor has been either eliminated or statistically accounted for; the latter, we all know, is a chaotic kaleidoscope of nonrecurring coincidences."
Shutdown of US govt & ‘debt default’: Dress rehearsal for privatization of federal state system?
Shutdown of US govt & ‘debt default’: Dress rehearsal for privatization of federal state system? — RT Op-Edge: "The ‘shutdown’ of the US government and the financial climax associated with a deadline date, leading to a possible ‘debt default’ by the federal government, is a money-making undertaking for Wall Street."
"The situation of the Church is a real disaster, and the present Pope is making it 10,000 times worse.”
Bishop Fellay on Pope Francis - “We have in front of us a genuine Modernist!” | None | Catholic Family News: "Bishop Bernard Fellay warned on October 12, “The situation of the Church is a real disaster, and the present Pope is making it 10,000 times worse.”"
Beast Tech: A Secret Plan To Mark The World?
Upon introduction as a voluntary system, the microchip implantation will appear to be palatable. After there is a familiarity with the procedure and a knowledge of its benefits, implantation [will] be mandatory. —Dr. Elaine M. Ramesh, patent attorney for Franklin Pierce Law Center
Spring-Heeled Jack In America
Spring-Heeled Jack In America | Mysterious Universe: "In the night the world reveals its second nature and weird things stir and start to wander. Strange shapes hide in architectural and unlit dead zones. As has been done for centuries, darkness reawakens terrible presences in those places. Whether a hedge, fence or row of abandoned buildings, whether a narrow winding path in a distant past or the alienating cityscape of today, it is the territory of the scare. Such a fright is Spring-heeled Jack. He was born out of similar surroundings almost two centuries ago, and this article chronicles its presence in America."
The abominable snowman? He may be more a Yogi than a Yeti: DNA tests find animal is genetic match for ancient polar bear
The abominable snowman? He may be more a Yogi than a Yeti: DNA tests find animal is genetic match for ancient polar bear | Mail Online: "Scientists believe they have finally solved the mystery of the Abominable Snowman.

Its identity? Er … a big brown bear. DNA tests on supposed yeti hair samples have revealed a genetic match with an ancient polar bear."
Its identity? Er … a big brown bear. DNA tests on supposed yeti hair samples have revealed a genetic match with an ancient polar bear."
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Google Explains Quantum Computing in One Simple Video
Google Explains Quantum Computing in One Simple Video: "Although we’ll have to wait to discover what innovations Google’s secret “X lab” holds for the future, the company does have at least one bleeding-edge venture it wants to unveil to the public right now. In partnership with NASA, Google has embarked on a project to use a 512-qubit D-Wave Two quantum computer to tackle some of our biggest computational problems."
New botox super-toxin has its details censored
New botox super-toxin has its details censored - health - 14 October 2013 - New Scientist: "A new type of botulinum toxin – the deadliest substance known – has been discovered. Because it does not yet have an antidote, the DNA sequence behind it has been withheld from public databases. This is the first time a sequence has been kept secret over security concerns."
Blood-filled mosquito is a fossil first
Blood-filled mosquito is a fossil first : Nature News & Comment: "Jurassic Park’s iconic image of a fossilized blood-filled mosquito was thought to be fiction — until now. For the first time, researchers have identified a fossil of a female mosquito with traces of blood in its engorged abdomen."
So Much for Delaying the Killer Robots
So Much for Delaying the Killer Robots - "Reports suggest the Pentagon has no intention of slowing its forward charge toward robot warfare."
Man says 1973 UFO incident turned life upside down
Man says 1973 UFO incident turned life upside down - "PASCAGOULA, Miss. — Charles Hickson never regretted the notoriety that came his way after he told authorities he encountered an unidentified flying object and its occupants 40 years ago on the banks of the Pascagoula River. Until his death in 2011, Hickson told his story to anyone who would listen."
18-Foot-Long Deep-Sea Creature Found off California
18-Foot-Long Deep-Sea Creature Found off California | LiveScience: "The staff and kids at a Southern California educational facility got quite a surprise when an 18-foot-long (5.5 meters) serpentlike sea creature washed up near the shore."
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
U.S. Vulnerable to Bio Warfare Attack
U.S. Vulnerable to Bio Warfare Attack | Washington Free Beacon: "The United States remains vulnerable to deadly biological warfare attacks that could kill tens of thousands of people, several weapons specialists told Congress on Friday."
Scientists believe Jupiter and Saturn could rain DIAMONDS
Scientists believe Jupiter and Saturn could rain DIAMONDS | Mail Online: "What if it rained diamonds instead of grey drizzle? That’s exactly what could be happening on Jupiter and Saturn, according to American researchers.

The two gas giants’ atmospheres could be filled with huge chunks of diamonds that could one day be taken back to Earth."
The two gas giants’ atmospheres could be filled with huge chunks of diamonds that could one day be taken back to Earth."
Could Star Wars' holographic chess become a reality?
Could Star Wars' holographic chess become a reality? | Mail Online: "It may have taken 36 years but the iconic holographic chess game from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope just took a step closer to reality thanks to a pair of augmented and virtual reality specs.

The castAR system uses a pair of glasses fitted with a micro-projector on each lens that beams images in 3D onto a specially-designed flat surface."
The castAR system uses a pair of glasses fitted with a micro-projector on each lens that beams images in 3D onto a specially-designed flat surface."
The STS Mission Anomalies
The STS Mission Anomalies | Mysterious Universe: "If you are someone who is adamantly of the opinion that there are grounds for belief in the general UFO phenomenon, then chances are good your beliefs have been challenged at one point or another. Some people engage in such challenges and provide what they believe to be the most convincing evidence in an attempt at convincing the doubters, while others remain passive, content with what they believe and unconcerned with the contrary or indifferent beliefs of others around them. No matter where you may fall in this spectrum, one thing remains inevitable when considering the foundation of your belief in this phenomenon: what, to the public knowledge, is the most compelling, available evidence to support the reality, if any, of this phenomenon?"
Technological Singularity Might Mangle Our Minds
Technological Singularity Might Mangle Our Minds | Mysterious Universe: "There is one major obstacle in the way of humanity’s path to its theoretical fate of technological singularity, and that obstacle lies between two human ears and is prone to coming unglued when saturated with high levels of intelligence."
Sunday, October 13, 2013
This ain't your average survival shelter
This ain't your average survival shelter - CBS News: "(CBS News) MONTEBELLO, Calif. - There's nothing new about predictions that the end of the world is upon us. But there's plenty new about how some people are preparing for it."
Debt Ceiling: China Calls for World to Be 'De-Americanised'
Debt Ceiling: China Calls for World to Be 'De-Americanised' - IBTimes UK: "China's official news agency has called for the creation of a "de-Americanised world", saying the destinies of people should not be left in the hands of a hypocritical nation with a dysfunctional government. Heaping criticism and caustic ridicule on Washington, the Xinhua news agency called the US a civilian slayer, prisoner torturer and meddler in others' affairs, and said the 'Pax Americana' was a failure on all fronts."
Incredible Technology: How to Use 'Shells' to Terraform a Planet
Incredible Technology: How to Use 'Shells' to Terraform a Planet - Yahoo News: "One day, humans could re-make a world in Earth's image.Engi neering an inhospitable world into a livable one, a process known as terraforming, could be a successful way to colonize another world after a long, interstellar journey, said Ken Roy, an engineer and presenter at last week's Starship Congress in Dallas, Tex."
Quantum black hole study opens bridge to another universe
Quantum black hole study opens bridge to another universe: "Physicists have long thought that the singularities associated with gravity (like the inside of a black hole) should vanish in a quantum theory of gravity. It now appears that this may indeed be the case. Researchers in Uruguay and Louisiana have just published a description of a quantum black hole using loop quantum gravity in which the predictions of physics-ending singularities vanish, and are replaced by bridges to another universe."
Reconsidering History: Ancient Greeks Discovered America Thousands of Years Ago
Reconsidering History: Ancient Greeks Discovered America Thousands of Years Ago » The Epoch Times: "CAVALESE, Italy—The year 1492 is one of history’s most famous dates, when America was discovered by Europeans. However that “New World” may have been already known to the ancient Greeks, according to a book by Italian physicist and philologist Lucio Russo."
Ghost appears in window of house in Ohio
Ghost appears in window of house in Ohio - Unexplained Mysteries: "Over the last 20 years Lu Ann Sicuro claims to have experienced multiple cases of paranormal phenomena at her home in Ravenna, Ohio. The strange occurrences included mysterious voices, unexplained sounds coming her closet and doorknobs rattling by themselves."
Planets like Earth existed near old star: Astronomers discover evidence of planets beyond our solar system
Planets like Earth existed near old star: Astronomers discover evidence of planets beyond our solar system | Mail Online: "Life may really be out there. Astronomers have found the first evidence of habitable planets outside our own solar system.

The discovery of the shattered remains of an asteroid which once contained huge amounts of water - crucial for life - has left scientists ‘incredibly excited’. It suggests that hundreds of millions of years ago, the distant system may have harboured Earth-like planets."
The discovery of the shattered remains of an asteroid which once contained huge amounts of water - crucial for life - has left scientists ‘incredibly excited’. It suggests that hundreds of millions of years ago, the distant system may have harboured Earth-like planets."
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Fukushima Radiation Now A Global Disaster: Japan Finally Asks World For Help, Two Years Too Late
Fukushima Radiation Now A Global Disaster: Japan Finally Asks World For Help, Two Years Too Late: "The March 2011 crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant was the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986, but it took two and a half years after the fact for the Japanese government to ask the world for help."
The app that lets you control a COCKROACH
The app that lets you control a COCKROACH | Mail Online: "The Roboroach stimulates the creature's antenna and forces it to turn left and right at the flick of a switch and the backpack links with a smartphone app that is used as the remote control. "
'UFO Abductee' Still Haunted 40 Years On
'UFO Abductee' Still Haunted 40 Years On | Orange UK: "Forty years ago, the Pascagoula incident, in which two men said they encountered an unidentified flying object and its occupants, made headlines across America and sparked a new wave of reports of UFO sightings. Now, the sole survivor of the case says he is still grappling with an encounter that turned his life upside down."
Hi-tech Bionic Man leaves British shores for US tour
Video: Hi-tech Bionic Man leaves British shores for US tour - Telegraph: "A replica of the human body, dubbed the Bionic Man, is to leave the UK for the first time and take up temporary residence in the US."
Friday, October 11, 2013
The Iron Man suit could become a reality: Scientists are working on bullet-proof 'liquid' armour that gives soldiers super-human strength
The Iron Man suit could become a reality: Scientists are working on bullet-proof 'liquid' armour that gives soldiers super-human strength | Mail Online: "U.S. Scientists are working on next-generation combat wear for soldiers inspired by the nano suit worn in the Iron Man films and it could be used two or three years away.

The Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (Talos) would effectively give its wearer superpowers, such as the ability to see in the dark, super-human strength and a way of deflecting bullets, but its is a work in progress."
The Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (Talos) would effectively give its wearer superpowers, such as the ability to see in the dark, super-human strength and a way of deflecting bullets, but its is a work in progress."
Indian Father Sacrifices Baby Son to Goddess Kali
Indian Father Sacrifices Baby Son to Goddess Kali - IBTimes UK: "An eight-month-old infant was axed to death by his father, who said he committed the gruesome act to please the Hindu goddess Durga (Kali). The horrific incident happened in Narain Purva village in Barabanki district of the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

Rajkumar Chaurasia (Hemant) claimed that he killed his son after being "ordered to do so by the Goddess Kali," according to Deccan Herald."
Rajkumar Chaurasia (Hemant) claimed that he killed his son after being "ordered to do so by the Goddess Kali," according to Deccan Herald."
The planned destruction of America
The planned destruction of America « Northeast Intelligence NetworkNortheast Intelligence Network: "The future of our Constitutional Republic is at stake and many Americans are angry. At least those who have been awakened to the world where they are pawns in a rigged game, and those who are not lining their pockets at the federal trough, are angry. They are also trying to make sense of where we are today and how we got here. Even some of the “hope and change” supporters are angry at the continuity of agenda despite the change in American leadership. Then there are those who slumber in a world of denial, self-delusion and deception. Two distinctly different people in two remarkably different worlds, yet denizens of the same planet."
The Three Stages of US Martial Law
The Three Stages of US Martial Law | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show: "America has gone from being annoyed with their government to the point of resisting their government. In my previous article, I have detailed how state governors, veterans, truckers and just average everyday citizens are resisting the tyrannical and egregious abrogation’s of the United States Constitution. The police state crackdown mechanisms are in place which are designed to break the back of any resistance to federal authority, legitimate or not."
Could life on Earth end on March 16 2880? Scientists predict giant asteroid will collide with our planet at 38,000 miles per hour
Could life on Earth end on March 16 2880? Scientists predict giant asteroid will collide with our planet at 38,000 miles per hour | Mail Online: "Doomsday, it seems, has come and gone countless times. But one particular prediction for the end of the world has been weighing on the mind of astronomers for more than half a century.

Scientists at Nasa have been watching an asteroid, named 1950 DA, which is currently on a path to collide with Earth on March 16, 2880."
Scientists at Nasa have been watching an asteroid, named 1950 DA, which is currently on a path to collide with Earth on March 16, 2880."
Chemtrail Theorists Might be the Least Crazy Among Conspiracy Circles
Chemtrail Theorists Might be the Least Crazy Among Conspiracy Circles | Mysterious Universe: "A recently published study claims the use of aluminum nanoparticles has the power to dampen the harmful environmental effects of mono-nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide released by burnt liquid fuels. For conspiracy theorists, a study like this is just another contaminated drop of jet fuel sprayed onto an already controversial fire, and for the rest of us, it poses yet another potential health risk we could be exposed to by our governments."
UFOs: Then and Now
UFOs: Then and Now | Mysterious Universe: "Well, it’s very clear that after reading my most recent article – Where are the UFOs? – many people took what I actually wrote totally out of context. That is abundantly obvious from the dozens of comments that now follow the article. Despite what some incorrectly said, I did not deny the fact that UFOs are still seen today. Nor did I deny that people still report UFO sightings in large numbers. Rather, what I actually said (and only said) was that, today, we simply do not get anywhere near the numbers and percentages of so-called “classic” cases of years and decades gone by."
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Here Are Two Of The Reasons Why The Ongoing Global Persecution Of Christians Is Not Trending
Here Are Two Of The Reasons Why The Ongoing Global Persecution Of Christians Is Not Trending: "One reason it’s not trending is because of the silence of the victims’ natural allies. "Christians in the Middle East and Africa are being slaughtered, tortured, raped, kidnapped, beheaded and forced to flee the birthplace of Christianity,” Kirsten Powers wrote last week in the Daily Beast. “One would think this horror might be consuming the pulpits and pews of American churches. Not so. The silence has been nearly deafening.""
Doctor Who's sonic screwdriver: Designers create remote that is an exact replica of Time Lord
Doctor Who's sonic screwdriver: Designers create remote that is an exact replica of Time Lord | Mail Online: "If changing channels on a TV isn't exciting enough with a traditional remote, a company has created a control that is an exact replica of Doctor Who's sonic screwdriver.

Designed by The Wand Company, users can program the screwdriver using specific movements to turn electric appliances on and off, switch TV channels, and control volume. It was created using 3D scans of the original gadget used in the show by former Doctor David Tennant."
Designed by The Wand Company, users can program the screwdriver using specific movements to turn electric appliances on and off, switch TV channels, and control volume. It was created using 3D scans of the original gadget used in the show by former Doctor David Tennant."
Mendenhall Glacier melting reveals ancient forest
Mendenhall Glacier melting reveals ancient forest | Mail Online: "An ancient forest which is thought to have been hidden for at least 1,000 years has been discovered beneath a melting glacier."
12 Very Ominous Warnings About What A U.S. Debt Default Would Mean For The Global Economy
12 Very Ominous Warnings About What A U.S. Debt Default Would Mean For The Global Economy: "A U.S. debt default that lasts for more than a couple of days could potentially cause a financial crash unlike anything that the world has ever seen before.

If the U.S. government purposely wanted to damage the global financial system, the best way that they could do that would be to default on U.S. debt obligations."
If the U.S. government purposely wanted to damage the global financial system, the best way that they could do that would be to default on U.S. debt obligations."
The NSA's Massive New Data Center Is Melting
The NSA's Massive New Data Center Is Melting - Abby Ohlheiser - The Atlantic Wire: "The NSA's huge Utah data center is supposed to help U.S. intelligence collect billions of bytes of data when it opens this fall. But the agency hit a snag or two in trying to take the complex live: a mysterious, repeated electrical failure keeps melting the facility's equipment. The center, located in Utah in part because of a need to access the massive amounts of cheap electricity available there, has suffered 10 meltdowns over 13 months, starting in August 2012. Each incident created about $100,000 dollars in damage."
Warning: Enrolling in Obamacare allows government to link your IP address with your name, social security number, bank accounts and web surfing habits
Warning: Enrolling in Obamacare allows government to link your IP address with your name, social security number, bank accounts and web surfing habits: "(NaturalNews) We have already established that is not a functioning database application that allows people to shop for competing health plans. It is actually a government-run Trojan Horse that suckers people into creating accounts where they hand over:
• Name and address
• Email address and password
• Social security number
• Private bank account details
• Employer details and other information

During the enrollment process, your computer also hands over your IP address which is then tied to your social security number."
• Name and address
• Email address and password
• Social security number
• Private bank account details
• Employer details and other information
During the enrollment process, your computer also hands over your IP address which is then tied to your social security number."
A strange lonely planet found without a star
A strange lonely planet found without a star: ""We have never before seen an object free-floating in space that that looks like this. It has all the characteristics of young planets found around other stars, but it is drifting out there all alone," explained team leader Dr. Michael Liu of the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. "I had often wondered if such solitary objects exist, and now we know they do.""
Alzheimer’s treatment breakthrough: British scientists pave way for simple pill to cure disease
Alzheimer’s treatment breakthrough: British scientists pave way for simple pill to cure disease - Home News - UK - The Independent: "Historic ‘turning point’ hailed as UK researchers discover how to halt death of brain cells, opening new pathway for future drug treatments"
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
David Stockman: US Economy Is Entering a 'New Normal'
David Stockman: US Economy Is Entering a 'New Normal': "David Stockman, the former budget director under President Reagan who often rails against towering fiscal irresponsibility in Washington, calls the nation's current economic situation "Sundown in America.""
Pentagon Warns To Expect “Radical” Change In US Government Soon
Pentagon Warns To Expect “Radical” Change In US Government Soon | "A highly troubling “urgent bulletin” issued earlier today by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) states that it has received information from the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) warning to expect a “radical change” in the government of the United States, possibly within the next fortnight, based on information they have received from “highly placed” sources within the Pentagon."
Doctors: Patients Don't Need to be Dead Before We Harvest Their Organs
Doctors: Patients Don't Need to be Dead Before We Harvest Their Organs | "The attacks on the dead donor rule–which requires death as a precondition of donating vital organs–are continuing in the world’s most prestigious medical and bioethical journals."
DNA barcoding on the verge of revolutionizing everyday life
DNA barcoding on the verge of revolutionizing everyday life | Dallas Morning News - The Dallas Morning News: "Shopping for fish in Texas has long been a bait-and-switch game: What a store labels red snapper may well be cheaper tilapia, for instance. Under a white tuna label may be a cheaper fish called escolar. A 2013 report from Oceana, the conservation organization, showed that as much as 50 percent of Texas fish may be fraudulently labeled."
Three parent babies 'incompatible with human dignity'
Three parent babies 'incompatible with human dignity' - Telegraph: "Allowing the creation of babies with DNA from three biological parents in Britain is "incompatible with human dignity" and tantamount to eugenics, members of the Council of Europe have claimed."

Company's 'Designer Baby' Patent Divides Bioethicists
Company's 'Designer Baby' Patent Divides Bioethicists | Science/AAAS | News: "23andMe, the test-your-own-genes company, has come under fire on moral grounds today for patenting a DNA prediction service that critics say could lead to “designer babies.”"
Sci-Fi, Religion, And Silicon Valley’s Quest For Higher Learning At Singularity University
Sci-Fi, Religion, And Silicon Valley’s Quest For Higher Learning At Singularity University: "Inside the $12,000 weeklong program teaching rising entrepreneurs that the secret to success is as simple as being able to tell the future."
3 Ways Monsanto Threatens Our Planet
3 Ways Monsanto Threatens Our Planet (And What To Do About It) : Natural Society: "Through rampant and unchecked genetic manipulation, multinational biotechnology juggernauts like Monsanto continue to churn out genetically modified creations that threaten the entire planet in a way that we have never before witnessed throughout history."
A dangerous game of "cosmic roulette"?
A dangerous game of "cosmic roulette"? - CBS News: "For a long time, astronomers saw the asteroids and comets that come close to Earth as useless debris -- space rocks that blocked our view of distant galaxies. Not anymore. They're now viewed as scientifically important and potentially very dangerous if they were to collide with our planet. The odds of that happening on any given day are remote, but over millions of years scientists believe there have been lots of impacts, and few doubt there are more to come. A former astronaut told us it's like a game of "cosmic roulette," and one mankind cannot afford to lose."
'Who Discovered America?': Controversial historian Gavin Menzies claims Chinese reached New World first
'Who Discovered America?': Controversial historian Gavin Menzies claims Chinese reached New World first | Mail Online: "A copy of a 600-year-old map found in a second-hand book shop is the key to proving that the Chinese, not Christopher Columbus, were the first to discover the New World, a controversial British historian claims."
13 Places on Earth People Believed Were Entrances to Hell
13 Places on Earth People Believed Were Entrances to Hell: "While in some belief systems, the afterlife can only be accessed by spiritual means, in others, the underworld could be accessed directly from the Earth. Here are 13 real spots that people have thought (and in a few cases, still do) lead straight to the lands of the dead."
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Soon, Drones May Be Able to Make Lethal Decisions on Their Own
Soon, Drones May Be Able to Make Lethal Decisions on Their Own - "Scientists, engineers and policymakers are all figuring out ways drones can be used better and more smartly, more precise and less damaging to civilians, with longer range and better staying power. One method under development is by increasing autonomy on the drone itself."
Unease in Hawaii’s Cornfields
Unease in Hawaii’s Cornfields - "WAIMEA, Hawaii — The balmy tropical isles here seem worlds apart from the expansive cornfields of the Midwest, but Hawaii has become the latest battleground in the fight over genetically modified crops."
Nuclear weapons, an Islamic Revolution
Nuclear weapons, an Islamic Revolution | JPost | Israel News: "The ayatollah regime, focused on maintaining and spreading Islamic rule, cannot give up its nuclear program which has become the cornerstone of its policies. Without nuclear capabilities, Iran loses international influence."
Fixed documentary: Humans are already more enhanced by technology than we realize
Fixed documentary: Humans are already more enhanced by technology than we realize.: "Time recently ran a cover story titled, “Can Google Solve Death?” The wording was a bit much, as the subject of the piece, Google’s new firm Calico, has more modest ambitions, like using “tools like big data to determine what really extends lives.” But even if there won’t be an app for immortality any time soon, we’re increasingly going to have to make difficult decisions about when human limits should be pushed and how to ensure ethics keeps pace with innovation."
The Surprising Spread and Cultural Impact of Transhumanism
The Surprising Spread and Cultural Impact of Transhumanism | Catholic World Report - Global Church news and views: "If you could enhance your intelligence, significantly extend your lifespan, or overcome a moral flaw with the help of surgery or pharmaceuticals, would you do it? What if you could make these same improvements in your children before they are even born?"
Human brain boiled in its skull lasted 4000 years
Human brain boiled in its skull lasted 4000 years - life - 03 October 2013 - New Scientist: "SHAKEN, scorched and boiled in its own juices, this 4000-year-old human brain has been through a lot."
Nuclear fusion milestone passed at US lab
BBC News - Nuclear fusion milestone passed at US lab: "Researchers at a US lab have passed a crucial milestone on the way to their ultimate goal of achieving self-sustaining nuclear fusion."
Monday, October 7, 2013
Meet the Croppies: Who Are the True Believers in Crop Circles?
Meet the Croppies: Who Are the True Believers in Crop Circles?: "On a January morning in 1966, a farmer named George Pedley was driving his tractor on his neighbor’s land near Horseshoe Lagoon, just outside the Queensland, Australia, town of Euramo, when he heard a hiss. Shortly afterward, he claimed, he saw a flying saucer rise from the nearby swamp, where he believed the strange sound had come from, and fly away."
Neural stem cells pulled from rat's brain using magnet
Neural stem cells pulled from rat's brain using magnet - health - 02 October 2013 - New Scientist: "It's like pulling a rabbit out of a hat. Researchers have reached inside the brain of a rat and pulled out neural stem cells – without harming the animal."
US surpasses Russia as world's top oil and natural gas producer
US surpasses Russia as world's top oil and natural gas producer | Business | "New drilling techniques extract oil and gas from US shale rock formations, putting the country's output at 25m barrels per day"
Your Genome Is a Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland
Your Genome Is a Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland: "Contrary to what you may have heard, your genome is not a highly sophisticated, finely tuned data storage and processing device. It's a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Your 25,000 genes reside in a genetic landscape littered with the rubble of ancient and ongoing battles with hordes of viruses, clone armies of genetic parasites, and zombie genes that should be dead but aren't. Our messy genomic landscape is a dynamic, miniature ecosystem, and scientists are learning how its inhabitants play a big role in human health and disease."
Physicists Discover Geometry Underlying Particle Physics
Physicists Discover Geometry Underlying Particle Physics | Simons Foundation: "Physicists have discovered a jewel-like geometric object that dramatically simplifies calculations of particle interactions and challenges the notion that space and time are fundamental components of reality."
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Wildlife: The Next Big Thing in Genetic Modification?
Wildlife: The Next Big Thing in Genetic Modification? | Care2 Causes: "Scientists have been talking about how to save species from extinction and about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) for a long time. Now, they are combining the two and talking about genetically modifying wild animals to help them survive changing environments."
University Engineers Create Code That Builds DNA Molecules
University Engineers Create Code That Builds DNA Molecules | Complex: "Researchers at the University of Washington have developed something that is just about as crazy as it sounds. That's right, computer code that can create DNA molecules, courtesy of some of the biggest innovation we've seen in a while.

Now let that one sink in for a minute. That may sound somewhat useless at first, but think about it. As far as practical application goes, this unique programming language creates a coded set of instructions to build DNA molecules, building on the concept of chemical reaction network theory, which is best described as an “area of applied mathematics that attempts to model the behavior of real world chemical systems,” which in this case, is none other than the building blocks of life, DNA itself."
Now let that one sink in for a minute. That may sound somewhat useless at first, but think about it. As far as practical application goes, this unique programming language creates a coded set of instructions to build DNA molecules, building on the concept of chemical reaction network theory, which is best described as an “area of applied mathematics that attempts to model the behavior of real world chemical systems,” which in this case, is none other than the building blocks of life, DNA itself."
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