Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth, EMP disaster barely avoided
Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth, EMP disaster barely avoided | "The earth barely missed taking a massive solar punch in the teeth two weeks ago, an "electromagnetic pulse" so big that it could have knocked out power, cars and iPhones throughout the United States."
XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet'
XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet' | World news | "A top secret National Security Agency program allows analysts to search with no prior authorization through vast databases containing emails, online chats and the browsing histories of millions of individuals, according to documents provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden. The NSA boasts in training materials that the program, called XKeyscore, is its "widest-reaching" system for developing intelligence from the internet.
The latest revelations will add to the intense public and congressional debate around the extent of NSA surveillance programs. They come as senior intelligence officials testify to the Senate judiciary committee on Wednesday, releasing classified documents in response to the Guardian's earlier stories on bulk collection of phone records and Fisa surveillance court oversight."
The latest revelations will add to the intense public and congressional debate around the extent of NSA surveillance programs. They come as senior intelligence officials testify to the Senate judiciary committee on Wednesday, releasing classified documents in response to the Guardian's earlier stories on bulk collection of phone records and Fisa surveillance court oversight."
Mutilated Cows Found at Missouri Farm, Police Not Ruling Out the Possibility of Aliens

Lab Grown Retinal Cells Implanted Into Blind Mice – And They Work
Lab Grown Retinal Cells Implanted Into Blind Mice – And They Work | Singularity Hub: "What if we could reverse degenerative forms of blindness with but an injection of new cells? Stem cell therapies—still promising, if not particularly speedy in their development—may someday do just that. A recent paper in the journal Nature Biotechnology documents the successful implantation of photoreceptors, grown from embryonic stem cells, into the retinas of night-blind mice."
Mega Advertising Corps Creating Database Comparable to NSA
Mega Advertising Corps Creating Database Comparable to NSA: "Privacy experts think that the merger of the world’s two biggest advertising agencies could create a massive database of information about consumers. The database would be similar to what the National Security Agency is amassing about phone and internet usage, and it could be used to greatly restrict your rights."
44 Facts About The Death Of The Middle Class That Every American Should Know
44 Facts About The Death Of The Middle Class That Every American Should Know: "What is America going to look like when the middle class is dead?"
DARPA to Genetically Engineer Humans by Adding a 47th Chromosome
Activist Post: DARPA to Genetically Engineer Humans by Adding a 47th Chromosome: "DARPA and its team of associated scientists want to introduce an entirely new 47th chromosome into human genetics as a vector platform for inserting bio-alterations and wholesale genetic “improvements” into our DNA."

Ancient 'Hall of the Dead' Unearthed in England
Ancient 'Hall of the Dead' Unearthed in England | LiveScience: "Archaeologists have unearthed two nearly 6,000-year-old burial mounds and the remains of two massive buildings in England."
Will Earth's Ocean Boil Away?
Will Earth's Ocean Boil Away?: "Yes—a billion years from now, as the sun gets brighter. But could we make it happen sooner through climate change?"
Artificial human ear grown in lab
BBC News - Artificial human ear grown in lab: "US scientists say they have moved a step closer to being able to grow a complete human ear from a patient's cells."
Woolly mammoth DNA may lead to a resurrection of the ancient beast
Woolly mammoth DNA may lead to a resurrection of the ancient beast | Science | The Guardian: "Technical and ethical challenges abound after first hurdle of taking cells from millennia-old bodies is cleared."
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Girl contracts brain eating amoeba after swimming at Arkansas water park
Girl contracts brain eating amoeba after swimming at Arkansas water park | Fox News: "A 12-year-old Arkansas girl has contracted parasitic meningitis, a rare and deadly disease caused by a brain-eating amoeba, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Arkansas Department of Public Health."
Moscow Subway To Use Devices To Read Data On Phones
Moscow Subway To Use Devices To Read Data On Phones: "The head of police for Moscow's subway system has said stations will soon be equipped with devices that can read the data on the mobile telephones of passengers."
Grant Cameron reports John Alexander confirmed MJ-12
Grant Cameron reports John Alexander confirmed MJ-12 - Orlando Paranormal | "Researcher Grant Cameron published an article Friday in which he stated new evidence suggested the legendary Majestic 12 group was once a reality. In his piece titled, 'Is There a UFO Government Control Group? - New Evidence', Mr. Cameron wrote that retired Colonel John Alexander recently made statements helping confirm the previous existence of the MJ-12. Colonel Alexander did not immediately respond to requests for comment."
'Curse of the Iceman' Linked to Scientist's Death
'Curse of the Iceman' Linked to Scientist's Death | Europe | DW.DE | 06.11.2005: "That a 63-year-old man should die of natural causes would normally raise few eyebrows. But when that man was a scientist connected to the discovery of a 5,300-year-old frozen corpse known as Oetzi the Iceman -- and the seventh such person to die within a year -- talk about a curse is inevitable."

Flood, Rebuild, Repeat: Are We Ready for a Superstorm Sandy Every Other Year?
Flood, Rebuild, Repeat: Are We Ready for a Superstorm Sandy Every Other Year? | Mother Jones: "Why we pretend the next storm won't happen—and flush billions in disaster relief down the drain."
Monday, July 29, 2013
Shariah Law...?
Iran: Armageddon at hand, prepare for war
Iran: Armageddon at hand, prepare for war: "Iran is again asserting that Armageddon is at hand and that the Islamic regime’s followers, indeed all of Islam, must prepare for a monumental change in the world. Officials of the Islamic regime last month held their annual conference on the Mahdism Doctrine to prepare for the coming of the last Islamic messiah, the Shiites’ 12th Imam, Mahdi."
First test tube-grown beef will be served in London restaurant this week
First test tube-grown beef will be served in London restaurant this week | Mail Online: "The world’s first test-tube burger will be served in London next week. It is made from meat grown in a laboratory, rather than cattle raised in pastures.

And its developers hope it will show how the soaring global demand for protein can be met without the need for vast herds of cattle."
And its developers hope it will show how the soaring global demand for protein can be met without the need for vast herds of cattle."
Spacecraft Sees Giant 'Hole' In the Sun
Spacecraft Sees Giant 'Hole' In the Sun - Yahoo! News: "A space telescope aimed at the sun has spotted a gigantic hole in the solar atmosphere — a dark spot that covers nearly a quarter of our closest star, spewing solar material and gas into space."
The Problem with Werewolves
The Problem with Werewolves | Mysterious Universe: "Just the other night, I did a radio show which briefly touched upon my research and writing in the field of werewolves. One of the things I noted to the host is that despite the fact that most people think werewolves are born out of nothing more than fantasy, folklore, legend, and movie-scripts, the reality is that reports of dog-headed humanoids, and creatures that sound just like the classic imagery of werewolves, absolutely abound, and have done so for centuries."
Groundbreaking investigation reveals Monsanto teaming up with US military to target GMO activists
Groundbreaking investigation reveals Monsanto teaming up with US military to target GMO activists: "(NaturalNews) A hard-hitting investigative report recently published by a prominent German newspaper has uncovered some shocking details about the tactics being used by chemical giant Monsanto in assuming control of global agriculture. According to this thorough analysis, Monsanto appears to be aggressively targeting independent researchers, scientists, activists, and others opposed to genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) by utilizing the vast resources and manpower of both the United States federal government and the American military-industrial complex."
Secret DARPA Mind Control Project Revealed
Activist Post: Secret DARPA Mind Control Project Revealed: Leaked Document: "What if the government could change people's moral beliefs or stop political dissent through remote control of people's brains?
Sounds like science fiction, right? Well, a leaked document reveals that the US government, through DARPA research, is very close to accomplishing this."
Sounds like science fiction, right? Well, a leaked document reveals that the US government, through DARPA research, is very close to accomplishing this."
20 Controversial Questions The Mainstream Media Won’t Touch With A Ten Foot Pole
20 Controversial Questions The Mainstream Media Won’t Touch With A Ten Foot Pole: "Why are so many incredibly important news stories completely ignored by the mainstream media in the United States? Why do they seem to want to avoid many “controversial questions” as if they were the plague? Why does the media tend to label those that are willing to ask the hard questions and seek the truth as “conspiracy theorists”? Sadly, the truth is that the mainstream media in America does not do much real journalism anymore. At this point, approximately 90 percent of what you see on television is controlled by just 6 giant media corporations. "
Who’s killing the bees? New study implicates virtually every facet of modern farming
Who’s killing the bees? New study implicates virtually every facet of modern farming | ExtremeTech: "Our agricultural chemicals, techniques, and pest species are all working together to create an incredibly lethal situation for the modern worker bee."
Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastrophe
Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastrophe – scientist | Environment | "A new paper in the journal Nature argues that the release of a 50 Gigatonne (Gt) methane pulse from thawing Arctic permafrost could destabilise the climate system and trigger costs as high as the value of the entire world's GDP."
Hunt for alien spacecraft begins, as planet-spotting scientist Geoff Marcy gets funding
Hunt for alien spacecraft begins, as planet-spotting scientist Geoff Marcy gets funding: "In the field of planet hunting, Geoff Marcy is a star. After all, the astronomer at the University of California at Berkeley found nearly three-quarters of the first 100 planets discovered outside our solar system. But with the hobbled planet-hunting Kepler telescope having just about reached the end of its useful life and reams of data from the mission still left uninvestigated, Marcy began looking in June for more than just new planets. He's sifting through the data to find alien spacecraft passing in front of distant stars."
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Is Your Cable Box Spying On You? Behavior-Detecting Devices From Verizon, Microsoft And Others Worry Privacy Advocates
Is Your Cable Box Spying On You? Behavior-Detecting Devices From Verizon, Microsoft And Others Worry Privacy Advocates: "“Watching the watchers” is taking on a whole new meaning. News that Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) may be developing a television set-top box with a motion sensor and video camera has rekindled the debate over technology that can record so-called ambient action. Should a TV-mounted box have the ability to track our movements, record our voices and monitor our behaviors? Should cable providers and tech companies be allowed to collect such information without our consent?"
17 Agencies of the US Intelligence Community
17 Agencies of the US Intelligence Community - Business Insider: "The U.S. intelligence community is vast, composed of 17 distinct organizations each operating under its own shroud of secrecy."
US approves drones for civilian use
US approves drones for civilian use — RT USA: "The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued certificates for two types of unmanned aircraft for civilian use. The move is expected to lead to the first approved commercial drone operation later this summer."
Researchers show how a major GPS flaw could allow terrorists and hackers to hijack commercial ships and planes
Researchers show how a major GPS flaw could allow terrorists and hackers to hijack commercial ships and planes | Mail Online: "The world’s GPS system is vulnerable to terrorists and hackers who could use it to hijack ships, including commercial airliners and cruise ships, a new hands-on study shows."
4 in 5 in US face near-poverty, no work
Exclusive: 4 in 5 in US face near-poverty, no work: "WASHINGTON (AP) — Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream."
Scientists discover what’s killing the bees and it’s worse than you thought
Scientists discover what’s killing the bees and it’s worse than you thought - Quartz: "As we’ve written before, the mysterious mass die-off of honey bees that pollinate $30 billion worth of crops in the US has so decimated America’s apis mellifera population that one bad winter could leave fields fallow. Now, a new study has pinpointed some of the probable causes of bee deaths and the rather scary results show that averting beemageddon will be much more difficult than previously thought."
Scientists find strange, shape-shifting particles
Scientists find strange, shape-shifting particles | Fox News: "Exotic particles called neutrinos have been caught in the act of shape-shifting, switching from one flavor to another, in a discovery that could help solve the mystery of antimatter."
Cuba could hit U.S. with EMP death blow
Expert: Cuba could hit U.S. with EMP death blow: "Panama Canal discovery suggests 'defensive' missile capable of carrying nuke"
Quantum boost for artificial intelligence
Quantum boost for artificial intelligence : Nature News & Comment: "Quantum computers of the future will have the potential to give artificial intelligence a major boost, a series of studies suggests."
MRSA: Farming up trouble
MRSA: Farming up trouble : Nature News & Comment: "Microbiologists are trying to work out whether use of antibiotics on farms is fuelling the human epidemic of drug-resistant bacteria."
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Data Centers in US Double Since 2011
Data Centers in US Double Since 2011: "The federal government estimated it has nearly doubled the number of data centers it had in 2011, now totaling over 7,000."
World's first fleet of marine drones being tested
World's first fleet of marine drones being tested - FRANCE 24: "AFP - An odd underwater ballet has been unfolding in the Mediterranean port of Toulon these past few days."
Utah Data Center: The NSA's two new spying facilities storing your data is SEVEN TIMES the size of the Pentagon
Utah Data Center: The NSA's two new spying facilities storing your data is SEVEN TIMES the size of the Pentagon | Mail Online: "The NSA is now building a facility that will make it more than seven times the size of the Pentagon, making the secretive compounds the biggest in the country.

In addition to building a $1.9billion data center in Utah, crews also started construction on a computing center that is expected to cost $792million near Baltimore.Together, the two facilities total 228 acres, much of which is dedicated to the collection of emails and phone calls that it was recently revealed the NSA stores without an individual knowledge."
In addition to building a $1.9billion data center in Utah, crews also started construction on a computing center that is expected to cost $792million near Baltimore.Together, the two facilities total 228 acres, much of which is dedicated to the collection of emails and phone calls that it was recently revealed the NSA stores without an individual knowledge."
Is this end of learning languages? Star Trek-style universal translator could let you speak to anyone in ANY language
Is this end of learning languages? Star Trek-style universal translator could let you speak to anyone in ANY language | Mail Online: "Rumours have resurfaced about a device being developed by Google that could act as an interpreter. Google's gadget would not be quite as high-tech as those seen in science fiction shows such as Star Trek and The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, but could convert spoken words into another language in real-time through a receiver."
Does the ocean hold the key to killing anthrax? Discovery of deep sea microbe could launch a new class of powerful drugs
Does the ocean hold the key to killing anthrax? Discovery of deep sea microbe could launch a new class of powerful drugs | Mail Online: "The world’s oceans could unlock future wonder drugs that will eliminate drug-resistant strains of bacteria. This is the hope of William Fenical at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego who has recently discovered compounds in an ocean microbe that show remarkable potential for eliminating anthrax."
Lost civilisations under the waves
Lost civilisations under the waves – Edward Platt – Aeon: "From Atlantis to Noah’s Ark, we have long been drawn to stories of submerged lands. What lies beneath the flood myths?"
Bizarre 'Schrodinger's Cat' Comes Alive in New Experiments
Bizarre 'Schrodinger's Cat' Comes Alive in New Experiments | LiveScience: "The strangeness of the world of the very small that allows a particle to be in two states at once may extend to larger scales, two new studies reveal."
Mysterious Hum Driving People Around the World Crazy
Mysterious Hum Driving People Around the World Crazy | LiveScience: "It creeps in slowly in the dark of night, and once inside, it almost never goes away."
Roswell base photographers speak out
Roswell base photographers speak out - Unexplained Mysteries: "The base photographers stationed at Roswell during the UFO incident have spoken out about their experiences."
Friday, July 26, 2013
U.S. Army foresees robots becoming squad members
U.S. Army foresees robots becoming squad members - Computerworld: "The U.S. Army wants to move from using robots as tools to creating a human-robot cooperative that will make machines trusted members of the military."
Feds tell Web firms to turn over user account passwords » Feds tell Web firms to turn over user account passwords: "The U.S. government has demanded that major Internet companies divulge users’ stored passwords, according to two industry sources familiar with these orders, which represent an escalation in surveillance techniques that has not previously been disclosed."
The NSA's New Spy Facilities are 7 Times Bigger Than the Pentagon
The NSA's New Spy Facilities are 7 Times Bigger Than the Pentagon - Defense One: "He works at one of the three-letter intelligence agencies and oversees construction of a $1.2 billion surveillance data center in Utah that is 15 times the size of MetLife Stadium, home to the New York Giants and Jets. Long Island native Harvey Davis, a top National Security Agency official, needs that commanding presence. His role is to supervise infrastructure construction worldwide for NSA, which is part of the Defense Department. That involves tending to logistics, military installations, as well as power, space and cooling for all NSA data centers."
Hackers hijack software in a CAR and remotely control the steering, brakes and horn using a laptop
Hackers hijack software in a CAR and remotely control the steering, brakes and horn using a laptop | Mail Online: "Forget hacking accounts, computers or mobile devices - security engineers from Indiana have managed to hack the software inside the Toyota Prius and Ford Escape. Using a laptop wirelessly connected to the car's electronics, Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek were able to remotely control the brakes, the accelerate, change the speedometer, switch the headlights on and off, tighten the seatbelts and even blast the horn."
Can we trick people into feeling scared? Scientists implant FALSE memories into the brains of mice
Can we trick people into feeling scared? Scientists implant FALSE memories into the brains of mice | Mail Online: "In experiments that have turned science fiction into reality, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have succeeded in implanting false memories into the brain of mice. By programming the brain cells that control recall, the researchers were able to successfully alter what the mice remembered."
Centaurs: NASA's WISE finds mysterious centaurs may be comets
Centaurs: NASA's WISE finds mysterious centaurs may be comets: " The true identity of centaurs, the small celestial bodies orbiting the sun between Jupiter and Neptune, is one of the enduring mysteries of astrophysics. Are they asteroids or comets? A new study of observations from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) finds most centaurs are comets."
If this theory is correct, we may live in a web of alternate timelines
If this theory is correct, we may live in a web of alternate timelines: "Quantum physics has royally messed up classical — and seemingly intuitive — principles of space and time, causality, and the conservation of energy. This means that Newtonian, and even Einsteinian, interpretations of the universe are insufficient. Indeed, if we’re to develop a unified and comprehensible theory of everything, we’re going to have to reconcile all of this somehow."
Of Mice, Men and Mind Control
Of Mice, Men and Mind Control | Mysterious Universe: "With speculation rife among conspiracy theorists today as to what extent modern technology might be used to surveil the populace, new theories involving old ideas are seeing something of a renaissance. Here, the realms of fact and fiction can blend perfectly, and an all new narrative of “what ifs” begins to unfold in lieu of the actual hard details of what “might be” happening behind the scenes."
Sunken Spirits? Divers Share True Tales of Underwater Ghosts
Sunken Spirits? Divers Share True Tales of Underwater Ghosts | Mysterious Universe: "Spooky stories abound about spirits in gloomy castles and crumbling, old mansions, but tales of underwater ghosts are far less common. However, they do exist. Here are five true tales from real-life scuba divers."
Light completely stopped for a record-breaking minute
Light completely stopped for a record-breaking minute - physics-math - 25 July 2013 - New Scientist: "While light normally travels at just under 300 million metres per second in a vacuum, physicists managed to slow it down to just 17 metres per second in 1999 and then halt it completely two years later, though only for a fraction of a second. Earlier this year, researchers kept it still for 16 seconds using cold atoms."
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Could the humble worm help to reveal the secrets of how we die?
Could the humble worm help to reveal the secrets of how we die? | Mail Online: "British scientists have captured death spreading like a wave through the body of a worm, by studying the blue fluorescence that travels cell-to-cell until the whole organism is dead."
Syria turning into ‘center of global jihad’
Syria turning into ‘center of global jihad’ – IDF Intel Chief — RT News: "Israeli Military Intelligence chief said that Syria is becoming a ‘center of global jihad’ right on Israel’s border, with extremists trying not only to topple President Bashar Assad, but also to create a state governed by the Islamic religious law."
Only 1 in 5 Americans Trust the Government to Do What Is Right
Top Stories - Only 1 in 5 Americans Trust the Government to Do What Is Right - AllGov - News: "A new USA Today/Bipartisan Policy Center poll found only one in five of those surveyed say they trust the federal government to do what is right most of the time."
The Nightmare Ahead: 19 US Cities Have More Public Workers per Resident than Detroit
The Nightmare Ahead: 19 US Cities Have More Public Workers per Resident than Detroit - "Detroit declared bankruptcy due in no small part to $3 billion in unfunded public employee pensions as a result of a massive city workforce that kept growing even as the city’s population shriveled, but a Washington Examiner analysis found that 19 major American cities have even bigger ratios of such workers to residents."
Student science experiment finds plants won't grow near Wi-Fi router
Student science experiment finds plants won't grow near Wi-Fi router | MNN - Mother Nature Network: "Ninth-graders design science experiment to test the effect of cellphone radiation on plants. The results may surprise you."
A Space Laser Designed To Vaporize Dangerous Asteroids
A Space Laser Designed To Vaporize Dangerous Asteroids | Popular Science: "DE-STAR is designed to vaporize or divert asteroids that threaten Earth. This isn’t science fiction—I build things that have to work in practice. DE-STAR stands for Directed Energy Solar Targeting of Asteroids and exploRation. It looks like an open matchbook with lasers on one flap and a photovoltaic panel for power from sunlight on the other. By synchronizing the laser beams, we can create a phased array, which produces a steerable 70-gigawatt beam."
Elysium's Director Thinks His Hellish Paradise Is Our Future
Elysium's Director Thinks His Hellish Paradise Is Our Future. Let's Hope He's Wrong | Underwire | "The year 2154 is somewhat arbitrary, but Blomkamp believes that Earth will someday look a lot like his movie’s dystopian portrayal. He currently places humanity’s odds of survival at 50-50: “The dice are going to be rolled, and either we’re going to end up coming out of this through technological innovation”—leaps in genetic engineering, say, or artificial intelligence—”or we’re going to go down the road of a Malthusian catastrophe.” That path leads to human extinction or, on the sunnier side, a return to the Dark Ages."
‘The fairy tale is true. Evil exists. God exists.’
‘The fairy tale is true. Evil exists. God exists.’: "The title of this column is part of a quote taken from the end of “The Conjuring,” a truly terrifying, old-school horror movie reportedly based on a true story."
Russian Orthodox Leader Condemns Gay Marriages, Warns of Apocalypse
Russian Orthodox Leader Condemns Gay Marriages, Warns of Apocalypse | Russia | RIA Novosti: "MOSCOW, July 21 (RIA Novosti) – Head of the Russian Orthodox Church warned Western governments on Sunday against legalization of same-sex marriages what he called a sign of approaching end of the world."
The EU declares Israel as occupier : "or more than thirty years the European Union (EU) has issued statements critical of Israel, and has been supportive of the Palestinian cause. The EU Venice Declaration of 1980, the first statement it issued on foreign policy, supported the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination; asserted the unacceptability of any unilateral initiative to alter the status of Jerusalem; proclaimed the need for Israel to end its territorial occupation since 1967; and declared that Israeli settlements were an obstacle to peace."
The Time Machine Chronicles: Where Nuts and Pencil-necks Collide
The Time Machine Chronicles: Where Nuts and Pencil-necks Collide | Mysterious Universe: "Here are eight examples of inventors, scientists, and dreamers, claiming to know the keys to time travel, and in a few cases, even claiming to already have keys to a time machine."
Otherworldly Photos Capture Mysterious Phenomena in Upper Atmosphere
Otherworldly Photos Capture Mysterious Phenomena in Upper Atmosphere - Wired Science: "In the blink of an eye, an enormous bright red light flashes above a thundercloud, spreading energetic branches that extend five times taller than Mount Everest and look like jellyfish tendrils and angel's wings."
New evidence points to ancient snowfall on Mars
New evidence points to ancient snowfall on Mars | The Space Reporter: "Given the cold climate of early Mars, the precipitation would likely have fallen as snow, which would have melted during periodic warmer conditions and flowed down the slopes to shape the valleys seen today."
Plague-Infected Squirrel Found Near Campgrounds in Angeles National Forest
Plague-Infected Squirrel Found Near Campgrounds in Angeles National Forest | NBC Southern California: "A squirrel infected with plague bacteria prompted the closure of popular campgrounds in the Angeles National Forest on Wednesday, according to Los Angeles County health officials."
Monday, July 22, 2013
Human-Animal Hybrids: Sick And Twisted Chimeras Are Being Created In Labs All Over The Planet
Human-Animal Hybrids: Sick And Twisted Chimeras Are Being Created In Labs All Over The Planet - "Did you know that scientists all over the globe are creating extremely bizarre human-animal chimeras? Over the past decade, there have been some absolutely stunning advances in the field of genetic modification."
Google exec hints at ultimate recruitment perk for top engineers: Life extension
Google exec hints at ultimate recruitment perk for top engineers: Life extension | ZDNet: "Competition for software engineers is incredibly intense and Silicon Valley firms are pulling out all the stops to recruit and retain top talent. A great software engineer is a very scalable asset. Every company can offer perks of free food and high salaries but where can an employer get ahead of the pack and offer something no one else can, what is the ultimate perk? How about life extension.Th at's where Google is headed..."
Could tuberculosis DNA recovered from a 200 year-old mummy provide doctors with new ways to treat the disease?
Could tuberculosis DNA recovered from a 200 year-old mummy provide doctors with new ways to treat the disease? | Mail Online: "British scientists have recovered tuberculosis DNA from the lung tissue of a 200 year-old Hungarian mummy called Terézia Hausmann, using a new technique known as metagenomics."
Can we control the weather? CIA helps bankroll $600,000 study to see if controversial geoengineering will help
Can we control the weather? CIA helps bankroll $600,000 study to see if controversial geoengineering will help | Mail Online: "The CIA is part-funding a $600,000 study to find out whether it can control the weather using geoengineering.

It is backing the National Academy of Sciences' (NAS) study to investigate whether geoengineering - such as solar radiation management and carbon dioxide removal - could be used to curb the effects of climate change."
It is backing the National Academy of Sciences' (NAS) study to investigate whether geoengineering - such as solar radiation management and carbon dioxide removal - could be used to curb the effects of climate change."
25 Facts About The Fall Of Detroit That Will Leave You Shaking Your Head
25 Facts About The Fall Of Detroit That Will Leave You Shaking Your Head: "It is so sad to watch one of America's greatest cities die a horrible death. Once upon a time, the city of Detroit was a teeming metropolis of 1.8 million people and it had the highest per capita income in the United States. Now it is a rotting, decaying hellhole of about 700,000 people that the rest of the world makes jokes about."
Self-assembling multi-copter demonstrates networked flight control
Self-assembling multi-copter demonstrates networked flight control: "Researchers at ETH Zurich have demonstrated an amazing capability for small robots to self-assemble and take to the air as a multi-rotor helicopter."
Butterfly wings could hold the key to developing clothes that change colour on demand
Butterfly wings could hold the key to developing clothes that change colour on demand | Mail Online: "Tiny crystal-like structures discovered in the wings of tropical butterflies could lead to colour-changing clothing, according to scientists. Physicists from Hong Kong discovered how subtle differences in the layers of butterfly wings create varied patterns of colour, even among closely related species. They claim that this process could be replicated and lead to materials being developed which can be 'tuned' to change colour on demand."

NASA funds suspended animation and other far-out space tech ideas
NASA funds suspended animation and other far-out space tech ideas - NBC "NASA has granted funding to a dozen imaginative tech concepts, in the hopes that one or more of them will lead to big breakthroughs in space science and exploration.
The 12 ideas, which were selected under Phase 1 of the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts program, or NIAC, are ambitious and varied. One aims to build biomaterials such as human tissue with a 3D printer. Another proposes to induce deep-sleep torpor states in astronauts making the long journey to Mars."
The 12 ideas, which were selected under Phase 1 of the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts program, or NIAC, are ambitious and varied. One aims to build biomaterials such as human tissue with a 3D printer. Another proposes to induce deep-sleep torpor states in astronauts making the long journey to Mars."
Mysterious Mayan tablet reveals secrets of “snake queen”
Mysterious Mayan tablet reveals secrets of “snake queen” - Yahoo! News UK: "The intricate hieroglyphics are still being deciphered by archaeologists - and tell the violent story of a 6th-century “snake queen”."
Obamacare data hub a 'honey pot' for ID thieves, warn critics
Obamacare data hub a 'honey pot' for ID thieves, warn critics | "The data hub President Obama's health care team is creating to exchange personal health and financial information on Obamacare users will be a ripe target for computer hackers and identity thieves, charge critics who claim it hasn't been tested for security flaws."
Obamacare’s Branch of the NSA
Obamacare’s Branch of the NSA: "Community organizers will use a Federal Data Hub to sign up people for subsidies — and even ballots. "
Rise of the Warrior Cop
Rise of the Warrior Cop - "On Jan. 4 of last year, a local narcotics strike force conducted a raid on the Ogden, Utah, home of Matthew David Stewart at 8:40 p.m. The 12 officers were acting on a tip from Mr. Stewart's former girlfriend, who said that he was growing marijuana in his basement. Mr. Stewart awoke, naked, to the sound of a battering ram taking down his door. Thinking that he was being invaded by criminals, as he later claimed, he grabbed his 9-millimeter Beretta pistol."
Friday, July 19, 2013
Hundreds Of Dead Fish Float To Surface Of Murky Inner Harbor Water
Hundreds Of Dead Fish Float To Surface Of Murky Inner Harbor Water « CBS Baltimore: " What’s in the water? People–shocked to see parts of the Inner Harbor turned a milky white and green–as hundreds of dead fish float to the surface."
Beware of Google's power
Beware of Google's power:: "The products and services offered byGoogleare well known and highly regarded. Every day, millions of consumers around the globe visit the company's search engine or sites likeGoogle NewsorYouTube. And for this, the company's employees and (especially) its founders have been well compensated."
Hungry Canadian aboriginal children were used in government experiments
Hungry Canadian aboriginal children were used in government experiments during 1940s, researcher says | Toronto Star: "New historical research says hungry aboriginal children and adults were once used as unwitting subjects in nutritional experiments by the Canadian government."
Scientists find GIANT Pandoravirus that could have come from an alien planet
Scientists find GIANT Pandoravirus that could have come from an alien planet | Mail Online: "Scientists have found a new virus thought to be the biggest ever seen on Earth.

The virus, dubbed Pandoravirus, is one micrometre big - up to ten times the size of other viruses - and only six per cent of its genes resemble anything seen on Earth before.This has led French researchers to believe the virus may have come from an ancient time or even another planet, such as Mars."
The virus, dubbed Pandoravirus, is one micrometre big - up to ten times the size of other viruses - and only six per cent of its genes resemble anything seen on Earth before.This has led French researchers to believe the virus may have come from an ancient time or even another planet, such as Mars."
You Won't Need a PIN When You Pay for Everything with Your Face
You Won't Need a PIN When You Pay for Everything with Your Face: "The basic premise behind Uniqul's checkout process is that you should never have to do anything but be yourself when paying for something. No wallet. No iPhone app. Just a smile—or a grimace depending on your mood."
Thursday, July 18, 2013
The NSA Admits It Analyzes More People's Data Than Previously Revealed
The NSA Admits It Analyzes More People's Data Than Previously Revealed - Philip Bump - The Atlantic Wire: "As an aside during testimony on Capitol Hill today, a National Security Agency representative rather casually indicated that the government looks at data from a universe of far, far more people than previously indicated."
New 3D Brain Map 50 Times More Detailed Than Previous Maps
New 3D Brain Map 50 Times More Detailed Than Previous Maps | Singularity Hub: "A better understanding of the brain may help us better understand thought, behavior and neurological disorders. An improved tool to facilitate this—a new 3D map of the human brain—has recently been released. It’s hoped the map might reveal novel insights into brain function and perhaps help find cures for related diseases."
Gov't Bureau 'Creating a Google Earth on Every Financial Transaction,' Senator Warns
Gov't Bureau 'Creating a Google Earth on Every Financial Transaction,' Senator Warns | CNS News: ""This bill (creating the CFPB) was supposed to be about regulating Wall Street. Instead, it's creating a Google Earth on every financial transaction. That's right: the government will be able to see every detail of your finances. Your permission - not needed," Sen. Enzi said."
Scientists Discover Quadruple Helix: Four Strand DNA In Human Cells
Scientists Discover Quadruple Helix: Four Strand DNA In Human Cells | Collective-Evolution: "The human race knows very little of itself, almost like a race with amnesia. As we continue to move forward through time, new discoveries are made that make old theories obsolete and false. It’s a good lesson that shows us how we can attach ourselves to “truths” and believe them whole-heartedly, often forgetting that truth is constantly changing and new paradigms of perception always lurk around the corner."
40 Stats That Prove The U.S. Economy Has Already Been Collapsing Over The Past Decade
40 Stats That Prove The U.S. Economy Has Already Been Collapsing Over The Past Decade: "The "coming economic collapse" has already been happening. You see, the truth is that the economic collapse is not a single event. It has already started, it is happening right now, and it will accelerate during the years ahead. The statistics in this article show very clearly that the U.S. economy has fallen dramatically over the past ten years or so. "
Former President and Commander-In-Chief: America Is No Longer a Democracy
Former President and Commander-In-Chief: America Is No Longer a Democracy: "Carter also said that the moral authority of of the U.S. has sharply declined due to excessive restriction of civil rights."
Clever Hacks Give Google Glass Many Unintended Powers
Clever Hacks Give Google Glass Many Unintended Powers : All Tech Considered : NPR: "At Philz Coffee in Palo Alto, Calif., a kid who looks like he should still be in high school is sitting across from me. He's wearing Google Glass. As I stare into the device's cyborg eye, I'm waiting for its tiny screen to light up."
Ancient Mars River May Have Flowed into Huge Ocean
Ancient Mars River May Have Flowed into Huge Ocean | "Scientists have spotted more evidence that an enormous ocean on Mars covered much of the planet's surface billions of years ago."
UFO Cover-Ups Must End, Moonwalker Edgar Mitchell Says
UFO Cover-Ups Must End, Moonwalker Edgar Mitchell Says - Bloomberg: "On Feb. 5, 1971, Edgar Mitchell became the sixth of only 12 men to step on the moon. Of that elite dozen, which included Buzz Aldrin and the late Neil Armstrong 44 years ago this week, Mitchell is the only one to go on record about his controversial belief in extraterrestrial UFOs -- and of a possible government cover-up."
Bedbug-Covered Man Forces Evacuation of Manhattan Courtroom
Bedbug-Covered Man Forces Evacuation of Manhattan Courtroom: Report | NBC New York: "An exterminator was called in as a precaution, but no trace of the bugs were found in the room, a court spokesman said"

Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Do You Know Where You’ll Be 285 Days From Now At 2 P.M.? These Data-Masters Do
Hack this: Researchers turn Verizon device into ‘mobile spy station’
Hack this: Researchers turn Verizon device into ‘mobile spy station’ — RT USA: "Security experts said they have managed to spy on Verizon Wireless mobile phone customers by hacking into devices sold by the US carrier, further fueling the controversy over privacy issues in the wake of the NSA leaks."
Only In America
Only In America | Armstrong Economics: "Only in America is it possible when the rich people – who pay 86% of all income taxes – are accused of not paying their “fair share” by people who don’t pay any income taxes at all. And then, politicians can talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000.00 a plate campaign fund-raising event while the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner (formerly the head of the Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means Committee), BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are each in favor of higher taxes on everyone else but them."
Forget PRISM: FAIRVIEW is the NSA's project to "own the Internet"
The Daily Dot - Forget PRISM: FAIRVIEW is the NSA's project to "own the Internet": "According to Thomas Drake, a former National Security Agency senior executive who blew the whistle on the agency’s reckless spending and spying in 2006, a previously unknown NSA surveillance program known as FAIRVIEW aims to “own the Internet.”"
74% of small businesses will fire workers, cut hours under Obamacare
74% of small businesses will fire workers, cut hours under Obamacare | "Despite the administration's controversial decision to delay forcing companies to join Obamacare for a year, three-quarters of small businesses are still making plans to duck the costly law by firing workers, reducing hours of full-time staff, or shift many to part-time, according to a sobering survey released by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce."
Wait, Have I Been Here Before? The Curious Case of Déjà Vu
Wait, Have I Been Here Before? The Curious Case of Déjà Vu | Surprising Science: "Déjà vu is a rare occurrence, but you know it when you feel it. As you walk through a new city for the first time, something familiar clicks in your mind, giving you pause. You’ve definitely been here before."
Michael Boatwright awakes in Palm Springs with apparent amnesia
Michael Boatwright awakes in Palm Springs with apparent amnesia | The Desert Sun | "Man found unconscious in hotel calls himself Johan Ek, speaks Swedish"
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Human evolution: the next stages
Human evolution: the next stages | Dean Burnett | Science | "What will become of humans as we evolve under the selective pressures of our modern lives and technology? If we adapt to some of the more bizarre elements of the present, humans could undergo some surreal changes"

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence Is Absolutely Fascinating
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence Is Absolutely Fascinating: "We poke fun at Siri and pretend to get scared by Humanoid robots and make our neck hair stand up straight by watching quadrocopters do amazing things but the truth is, artificial intelligence is still pretty dumb. But that's going to change! The rise of artificial intelligence is happening and they're learning a lot more about us because we're learning more about them."
Welcome Proto-Skynet
Welcome Proto-Skynet | William Bradley: "Skynet, are you in there somewhere? An artificially intelligent drone landing on an aircraft carrier, revelation after revelation of pervasive global surveillance systems, some uncanny makings are coming together."
Mice with human chromosomes - the genetic breakthrough that could revolutionise medicine
Exclusive: Mice with human chromosomes - the genetic breakthrough that could revolutionise medicine - Science - News - The Independent: "Scientists have created genetically-engineered mice with artificial human chromosomes in every cell of their bodies, as part of a series of studies showing that it may be possible to treat genetic diseases with a radically new form of gene therapy."
DHS warns employees not to read leaked NSA information
DHS warns employees not to read leaked NSA information: "The Department of Homeland Security has warned its employees that the government may penalize them for opening a Washington Post article containing a classified slide that shows how the National Security Agency eavesdrops on international communications."
New Utah NSA center requires 1.7M gallons of water daily to operate
New Utah NSA center requires 1.7M gallons of water daily to operate | "More secrets, more water? The NSA data center in Bluffdale could require as many as 1.7 million gallons of water per day to operate and keep computers cool."
This Massive Discovery Has Put The Saudi’s Into a Panic
Money Morning: "It's the biggest find in 50 years and the media is completely ignoring it...It is 6 times larger than the Bakken, 17 times the size of the Marcellus formation, and 80 times larger than the Eagle Ford shale."
The 'perfect combination of nutrients and light': Scientists solve 14,000-year mystery of how life flourished in the Pacific Ocean
The 'perfect combination of nutrients and light': Scientists solve 14,000-year mystery of how life flourished in the Pacific Ocean | Mail Online: "International researchers believe they have solved the mystery of what sparked a surge of life in the North Pacific Ocean."
The everyday technology that can transform ANYTHING from fridges, envelopes and bed posts into iPad-style tablet computers
The everyday technology that can transform ANYTHING from fridges, envelopes and bed posts into iPad-style tablet computers | Mail Online: "A pair of British students have developed a new technology capable of turning anything into an iPad-style tablet computer.

Dubbed the 'next big thing in home technology', the system lets people transform normal objects, such as an envelope or a fridge, into a tablet using a projector, depth camera and a PC."
Dubbed the 'next big thing in home technology', the system lets people transform normal objects, such as an envelope or a fridge, into a tablet using a projector, depth camera and a PC."
True Tales of Haunted Dolls
True Tales of Haunted Dolls | Mysterious Universe: "Dolls have long been a source of amusement for both children and adults. However, they can also bring terror as well as joy. Read on for chilling true tales of haunted dolls and possessed playthings."
Goodbye Full-Time Jobs, Hello Part-Time Jobs, R.I.P. Middle Class
Goodbye Full-Time Jobs, Hello Part-Time Jobs, R.I.P. Middle Class: "A fundamental shift is taking place in the U.S. economy. In fact, this transition is rapidly picking up momentum and is in danger of becoming an avalanche. The percentage of full-time jobs in our economy is steadily declining and the percentage of part-time jobs is steadily increasing."
Monday, July 15, 2013
U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News To Americans
U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News To Americans | The Cable: "For decades, a so-called anti-propaganda law prevented the U.S. government's mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences. But on July 2, that came silently to an end with the implementation of a new reform passed in January. The result: an unleashing of thousands of hours per week of government-funded radio and TV programs for domestic U.S. consumption in a reform initially criticized as a green light for U.S. domestic propaganda efforts. So what just happened?"
Is powdered water the cure for drought and famine? Engineers create material capable of storing water in soil for a YEAR
Is powdered water the cure for drought and famine? Engineers create material capable of storing water in soil for a YEAR | Mail Online: "Farmers in arid countries could soon have a cure for the droughts that blight their crops - in the form of powdered water.

The powder, called Solid Rain, looks like sugar and is made of an absorbent material called potassium polyacrylate, capable of soaking in liquids up to 500 times its size. The water absorbed by the polymer can be stored for up to a year without evaporating - the only time it is extracted is when it is by the roots of plants when the can be added to soils to produce water for plants."
The powder, called Solid Rain, looks like sugar and is made of an absorbent material called potassium polyacrylate, capable of soaking in liquids up to 500 times its size. The water absorbed by the polymer can be stored for up to a year without evaporating - the only time it is extracted is when it is by the roots of plants when the can be added to soils to produce water for plants."
'Vampire' graves in Poland where skeletons were buried with skulls between their legs
Pictured: 'Vampire' graves in Poland where skeletons were buried with skulls between their legs | Mail Online: "Archaeologists have unearthed what they believe to be a vampire burial ground on a building site in Poland.

The team of historians discovered graves containing four skeletons with their heads removed and placed between their legs near the southern town of Gliwice. Decapitating a suspected vampire was common practice in medieval times because it was thought to be the only way to ensure the dead stay dead."
The team of historians discovered graves containing four skeletons with their heads removed and placed between their legs near the southern town of Gliwice. Decapitating a suspected vampire was common practice in medieval times because it was thought to be the only way to ensure the dead stay dead."
Prism: Everybody Was in on the Act
Prism: Everybody Was in on the Act | Zero Hedge: "Looks like everybody was in on the act with complying with the National Security Agency’s spying around the world according to secret files. The Guardian newspaper of the UK has just obtained secret fails from Edward Snowden detailing the full extent of the affair. The affair was revealed just about a month ago now, but it now seems that Prism had everybody doing their dirty work."
China Government Advisor On Debt Crisis
China Government Advisor On Debt Crisis - Business Insider: "MNI's David Wilder reports an economist and advisor to the Chinese government says the country's economy is officially in a crisis as debt costs spiral upward."
Strange Things in the Sky
Strange Things in the Sky | Mysterious Universe: "Human beings have always seen unidentified objects in the sky. From the prophet Ezekiel’s sighting of a flying wheel in 593 B.C., to the 1561 A.D. Battle over Nuremberg, Germany, to Kenneth Arnold’s “pie plate” UFOs spotted near Mt. Rainer, Washington, in June 1947, there are things above our heads that baffle us."
'World's oldest calendar' discovered in Scottish field
BBC News - 'World's oldest calendar' discovered in Scottish field: "Archaeologists believe they have discovered the world's oldest lunar "calendar" in an Aberdeenshire field."
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Human-Animal Hybrids: Sick And Twisted Chimeras Are Being Created In Labs All Over The Planet
Human-Animal Hybrids: Sick And Twisted Chimeras Are Being Created In Labs All Over The Planet: "Did you know that scientists all over the globe are creating extremely bizarre human-animal chimeras? Over the past decade, there have been some absolutely stunning advances in the field of genetic modification."
CDC Admits as Many as 30 Million Americans Could be at Risk for Cancer Due to Polio Vaccine
CDC Admits as Many as 30 Million Americans Could be at Risk for Cancer Due to Polio Vaccine | The Liberty Beacon: "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) posts on its own website the concern that as many as 30 million Americans could be at risk for cancer after receiving a Polio vaccination during the 1955 – 1963 time frame. This possibility exists because the vaccine in question was found to be contaminated with the SV40 virus. Most Americans received multiple doses of this vaccine that was administered to almost 100 million people."
Russia Mobilizes 160,000 Troops After US Officials Confirm Israel Took Out Russian Missiles At Latakia Arsenal in Syria, The Most Ambitious Since 1991 Military Exercises In The Far East
BREAKING: Russia Mobilizes 160,000 Troops After US Officials Confirm Israel Took Out Russian Missiles At Latakia Arsenal in Syria, The Most Ambitious Since 1991 Military Exercises In The Far East | InvestmentWatch: "Unnamed U.S. officials tell CNN that Israel struck Russian-made missiles in Latakia, Syria last Friday. A series of explosions last week at a critical Syrian port was the result of airstrikes by Israeli warplanes, multiple U.S. officials told CNN on Friday."
Mysterious Manatee and Dolphin Deaths in Florida Confound Scientists
Mysterious Manatee and Dolphin Deaths in Florida Confound Scientists - Wired Science: "Once a lush and healthy estuary, the Indian River Lagoon is now an enigmatic death trap. Running along 40 percent of Florida’s Atlantic coast, the lagoon’s brackish waters harbor a mysterious killer that has claimed the lives of hundreds of manatees, pelicans, and dolphins. Nobody knows why"
Friday, July 12, 2013
A slippery slope to human germline modification
A slippery slope to human germline modification : Nature News & Comment: "The United Kingdom’s decision to trial the technique of mitochondrial replacement is premature and ill-conceived, says Marcy Darnovsky."
Deep blue planet discovered by Hubble Space Telescope with scorching temperatures
Deep blue planet discovered by Hubble Space Telescope with scorching temperatures and glass raindrops | Mail Online: "It also rains glass - sideways - in howling 7,000 kilometre-per-hour winds."
Is superhuman intelligence a bad idea? Experts warn the quest for greater knowledge could lead to evil and psychosis
Is superhuman intelligence a bad idea? Experts warn the quest for greater knowledge could lead to evil and psychosis | Mail Online: "Sci-fi has long been fascinated by the idea of creating a race of people with superhuman intelligence, but two experts have now argued that this is far from a good idea.

Theoretical neurobiologist Mark Changizi, and philosopher Mark Walker, have both spent more time contemplating the issue than most. In an interview with io9, the pair explained the problems. They believe that excessive amounts of intelligence could have negative consequences for the person, causing maladaptation, anti-social behaviour, and even psychosis."
Theoretical neurobiologist Mark Changizi, and philosopher Mark Walker, have both spent more time contemplating the issue than most. In an interview with io9, the pair explained the problems. They believe that excessive amounts of intelligence could have negative consequences for the person, causing maladaptation, anti-social behaviour, and even psychosis."
A Dweller on Two Planets
A Dweller on Two Planets | Mysterious Universe: "Situated on the southern tip of the vast and mountainous Cascade Range – which encompasses parts of British Columbia, California, Washington State, and Oregon – Mount Shasta is a huge, all-dominating peak that, at nearly fifteen thousand feet, is the fifth tallest mountain in the Golden State, and one that has been home to human civilization, in varying degrees, since around 5,000 B.C. It’s also a mountain steeped in matters mysterious, unearthly, and deeply ancient."
‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile
PressTV - New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile: "Recent studies by psychologists and social scientists in the US and UK suggest that contrary to mainstream media stereotypes, those labeled “conspiracy theorists” appear to be saner than those who accept the official versions of contested events."
Meet DARPA's Humanoid Robot That Could Someday Save You From A Crumbling Building
Meet DARPA's Humanoid Robot That Could Someday Save You From A Crumbling Building | Fast Company | Business + Innovation: "A CENTURY OF SCI-FI MOVIE PREDICTIONS HAVE JUST BEEN REALIZED IN THE 6-FOOT-TALL, ROBUST ANDROID CALLED ATLAS."
Eyeball-Scanning Is Now a Reality, Coming to a Middle School Near You
Eyeball-Scanning Is Now a Reality, Coming to a Middle School Near You | Betabeat: "Sorry, tweens, this may mean playing hooky is no longer a viable rite of passage."
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Move over Jesus: New ‘savior of humanity’
Move over Jesus: New ‘savior of humanity’: "At this turbulent time in history when many people are looking for answers to their problems, a brand-new TV campaign calling the Islamic prophet Muhammad the “savior of humanity” is about to saturate the airwaves of Australia."
Quantum version of Nazi Enigma machine is uncrackable
Quantum version of Nazi Enigma machine is uncrackable - physics-math - 09 July 2013 - New Scientist: "Alan Turing and an army of codebreakers took years to crack the Enigma code during the second world war. Just be thankful the Nazis weren't using a quantum Enigma machine."
Shopping Mall Workers Spying Under Obama Spy Grid
» Shopping Mall Workers Spying Under Obama Spy Grid: "“Insider threat” program part of an immense indoctrination campaign"
Scientists witness birth of 'monster star'
Scientists witness birth of 'monster star' - Telegraph: "Scientists have witnessed in unprecedented detail the birth of one the largest stars in the galaxy."
27 Facts That Prove That The Family In America Is In The Worst Shape Ever
27 Facts That Prove That The Family In America Is In The Worst Shape Ever: "The statistics that you are about to see should absolutely shock you. American families have never been this weak, and this is an incredibly troubling sign for the future of our nation."
70,000+ Have Played ‘Eyewire’ Game That Trains Computers To Map the Brain
70,000+ Have Played ‘Eyewire’ Game That Trains Computers To Map the Brain | Singularity Hub: "Your connectome, the map of all 86 billion connected neurons in your brain, is hopelessly complex. In fact, one human connectome has a staggering 10,000 times that number of neural pathways. Every thought you have and every memory you hold exists in your connectome, and major efforts are under way to map it."
Worms regrow their decapitated heads, along with the memories inside
Worms regrow their decapitated heads, along with the memories inside | The Verge: "Some memories just won't die — and some can even be transferred to a whole new brain. Researchers at Tufts University have determined that a small, yellow worm known as a planarian, which has long been studied for its regenerative properties, is able to grow back a lot more than just its body parts: after the worm's small, snake-like head and neck are removed, its body will even regrow a brain that's capable of quickly relearning its lost skills."
Space-Time Loops May Explain Black Holes
Space-Time Loops May Explain Black Holes | Loop Quantum Gravity | "Recently, scientists applied a theory called loop quantum gravity to the case of black holes, and found that inside these objects, space and time may be extremely curved, but that gravity there is not infinite, as general relativity predicts."
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Scientists create human chromosome in breakthrough that could revolutionise medicine
Exclusive: Scientists create human chromosome in breakthrough that could revolutionise medicine - Science - News - The Independent: "Scientists have created genetically-engineered mice with artificial human chromosomes in every cell of their bodies, as part of a series of studies showing that it may be possible to treat genetic diseases with a radically new form of gene therapy."
In the heels of Dr. Frankenstein
In the heels of Dr. Frankenstein | Inquirer News: "The news the other day told of a computer printer that could print human organs. Using stem cell technology a machine is now almost available that can produce transplantable organs using computer technology. The first great advantage of the technology is that organs are produced using regenerated copies of the recipient’s own cells, thus minimizing organ rejection, thus answering the problem of the shortage of organ donors, and thus, solving the problem of the illicit trade of human organs sold ostensibly by the poor from all over the world."
Iran developes new method raising cloning speed by 100 times
Iran developes new method raising cloning speed by 100 times: "Iranian researchers at Royan Research Institute in the central Isfahan Province, have managed to increase cloning process speed by as much as 100 times through developing a method for producing transgenic animals, said Head of the research institute Mohammad Hossein Nasr Esfahani."
Experts: DNA ruling could lead to national ID
Experts: DNA ruling could lead to national ID - SFGate: "INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana law enforcement officials could find it easier to fight crime if a national database holding DNA profiles of everyone born in the United States is created as the result of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling last month, experts say."
10 mindblowingly futuristic technologies that will appear by the 2030s
10 mindblowingly futuristic technologies that will appear by the 2030s: "Two decades is not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but owing to accelerating change we can expect to see the emergence of some fairly disruptive technological innovations in the coming years. Here are 10 mindblowingly futurist technologies that should appear by the 2030s."