Friday, May 31, 2013
Drones to enter public skies in 2015: Will it be safe?
Drones to enter public skies in 2015: Will it be safe? | The Lookout - Yahoo! News: "Nothing stresses out drone enthusiasts more than reading in the news that some hobbyist decided to pilot a homemade, remote-controlled helicopter drone over Alcatraz or, as in a reported case in March, test out a three-foot-wide drone near a jetliner landing at John F. Kennedy airport."
"Laws of Physics for a Holographic Universe" --New Theories of Space-Time
"Laws of Physics for a Holographic Universe" --New Theories of Space-Time: "Researchers at the University of Southampton have taken a significant step in a project to unravel the secrets of the structure of our Universe. One of the main recent advances in theoretical physics is the holographic principle. According to this idea, our Universe may be thought of as a hologram and we would like to understand how to formulate the laws of physics for such a holographic Universe."
Assad: Arab world ready to join fight against Israel
Assad: Arab world ready to join fight against Israel | JPost | Israel News: "Syrian President Bashar Assad told Al-Manar TV on Thursday that “there is pressure by the people to open a new front on the Golan.” “Even among the Arab world there is a clear readiness to join the fight against Israel,” he added in his interview with the Hezbollah TV station."
We Are Now One Year Away From Global Riots, Complex Systems Theorists Say
We Are Now One Year Away From Global Riots, Complex Systems Theorists Say | Motherboard: "What’s the number one reason we riot? The plausible, justifiable motivations of trampled-upon humanfolk to fight back are many—poverty, oppression, disenfranchisement, etc—but the big one is more primal than any of the above. It’s hunger, plain and simple. If there’s a single factor that reliably sparks social unrest, it’s food becoming too scarce or too expensive. So argues a group of complex systems theorists in Cambridge, and it makes sense."
I, Big Government
I, Big Government - Bob Barr - Page 1: "These are dark times for the Obama Administration, but even darker for our country's liberty. Americans citizens are beginning to realize the full extent of the power now held by faceless officials in Washington, D.C."
Building the City of Man: Architecture for a World Utopia
Building the City of Man: Architecture for a World Utopia | Forcing Change: "Cities have always been viewed as civilization’s crowning achievement; the blended housing and interaction of culture, religion, science, commerce, innovation, and government – all solidified in architecture and design."
Tingly projections make beamed gadgets come alive
Tingly projections make beamed gadgets come alive - tech - 30 May 2013 - New Scientist: "T'S A creepy sensation, having a little keyboard permanently emblazoned on the back of my hand. No matter what I do – shake my hand or wave it – I can't make it go away. Creepier still are the soft tingles on my skin as each "key" is pressed, like a low-frequency electronic buzz."
Mammoth blood? Siberian discovery sparks some wild and woolly claims
Mammoth blood? Siberian discovery sparks some wild and woolly claims - Cosmic Log: "Russian researchers say they've recovered blood samples from a 10,000-year-old mammoth carcass found in Siberia, but outside experts are skeptical about the claims — and particularly about suggestions that the mammoth can be cloned."
Thursday, May 30, 2013
China Builds EU Beachhead With $5 Billion City in Belarus
China Builds EU Beachhead With $5 Billion City in Belarus - Bloomberg: "China is building an entire city in the forests near the Belarusian capital Minsk to create a manufacturing springboard between the European Union and Russia."
Google and the NSA Connection
Google and the NSA Connection: "The data mining technology that is integral to the Google AdWords experience is a power tool in creating an individual profile for anyone who surfs the web. The amazing capacity to target specific ads to personal search topics, geographic locations and web history is the harbinger of a total recall on your personality."
Hungary torches 500 hectares of GM corn to eradicate GMOs from food supply
Hungary torches 500 hectares of GM corn to eradicate GMOs from food supply: "(NaturalNews) When it comes to protecting the public from GMOs, Hungary knows how to get the job done: set fire to the fields growing GM corn!"
Egypt Worries as Ethiopia Diverts the Nile to Build $4.5 Billion Hydroelectric Dam
Egypt Worries as Ethiopia Diverts the Nile to Build $4.5 Billion Hydroelectric Dam: "Ethiopia has diverted the Nile River as it continues with the construction of a new $4.7 billion hydroelectric dam. In its quest to become Africa’s largest power exporter Ethiopia has set out plans to invest more than $12 billion in various projects designed to harness the natural power of the various rivers running through the country’s rugged highlands."
Family 'cluster' shows MERS virus follows odd pattern
Family 'cluster' shows MERS virus follows odd pattern - Vitals: "The grandfather got sick first, developing a fever, achiness, diarrhea and other vague but serious symptoms. Within a month, three male relatives were sick, too, with what’s been dubbed the MERS coronavirus. Two of the four men died."
Giant, fluorescent pink slugs found near Narrabri
Giant, fluorescent pink slugs found near Narrabri: "High in the mists that shroud Mount Kaputar, near Narrabri in north-western NSW, scientists have discovered a secret world."
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Dirrogate Singularity – Maya’s Transhumanism Journey
Dirrogate Singularity – Maya’s Transhumanism Journey - "A widely accepted definition of Transhumanism is: The ethical use of all kinds of technology for the betterment of the human condition."
Human “cyborgs” Spiritual Transformation and the 2045 Global Future
Human “cyborgs” Spiritual Transformation and the 2045 Global Future | Stand Up for the Truth: "What does religion and “human cyborgs” have to do with Spiritual Transformation on a global scale?"

Science Research Grants Related to Immortality Announced
UCR Today: Science Research Grants Related to Immortality Announced: "The Immortality Project at UC Riverside awards $2.4 million to study near-death experiences, beliefs in an afterlife and the ageless hydra"
This Robot Learns to Pour Beer by Predicting Your Future
This Robot Learns to Pour Beer by Predicting Your Future | Gadget Lab | "Have you ever dreamed of owning a personal robot servant to pour your beers for you? The idea is now one step closer to reality."
Scientists Revive 400 Year-Old Frozen Plants
Scientists Revive 400 Year-Old Frozen Plants: "Frozen mosses that were buried under glaciers 400 years ago have now been regrown. Surprisingly, the hardy "bryophytes" required no special techniques to regenerate. That means they might be candidates for colonizing extreme environments — even in space."
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
The Universal Mind: Probability and Bizarre Brains in Deep Space
The Universal Mind: Probability and Bizarre Brains in Deep Space | Mysterious Universe: "It sounds like the stuff of a science fiction movie, or possibly the plot of a scifi thriller, where a strange, disembodied intelligence springs to life from within the vacuum of space, only to wreak havoc on our existence. The intention asserted here would indeed be the factor that would make such a strange concept the stuff of the silver screen… but the concept underlying a disembodied “brain” emanating from within deep space may not be so solely the stuff of fiction, after all."
Swampman: This Monster is Not What You Think!
Swampman: This Monster is Not What You Think! | Mysterious Universe: "The swamp monster, often observed as an instance of strange archetypes that emerge out of the realm cryptozoology, are are a deceptively insidious element of modern folklore, particularly in the Americas. Comic portrayals of characters like “Swamp Thing” and “Man Thing” have brought an almost tragic element to the presence of the man-beast that exists within the bog."
German railways deploys surveillance drones
German railways deploys surveillance drones - Telegraph: "A fleet of miniature helicopter drones mounted with thermal imaging cameras will be deployed to combat graffiti-spraying gangs on the German railway network."
Moon Craters May Preserve Pieces of Ancient Asteroids
Moon Craters May Preserve Pieces of Ancient Asteroids | Moon Composition | "Twenty-five percent of the moon's impact craters may retain substantial remnants of the asteroids that created them, a new study finds."
Monday, May 27, 2013
Orbital Trash a Problem With No Immediate Solution, Growing Exponentially
Orbital Trash a Problem With No Immediate Solution, Growing Exponentially | Singularity Hub: "Our technology can get us to space, but once there, we still aren’t too flexible. Earth orbit is clogged with debris because we simply don’t have an easy way to clean it up."
In Britain, Police Arrest Twitter And Facebook Users If They Make Anti-Muslim Statements
In Britain, Police Arrest Twitter And Facebook Users If They Make Anti-Muslim Statements - Business Insider: "British police are arresting people in the middle of the night if they have made racist or anti-Muslim comments on Twitter following the murder of a soldier by two Muslims in Woolwich, London."
Chile volcano: Evacuation order for Copahue area
BBC News - Chile volcano: Evacuation order for Copahue area: "They issued a red alert - the highest possible - saying the volcano could erupt imminently."
Who Really Runs the World? Conspiracies, Hidden Agendas & the Plan for World Government
Who Really Runs the World? Conspiracies, Hidden Agendas & the Plan for World Government | Pakalert Press: "So, who runs the world? It’s a question that people have struggled with since people began to struggle. It’s certainly a question with many interpretations, and incites answers of many varied perspectives."
E-Verify wrong for America
E-Verify wrong for America - The Hill's Congress Blog: "More than 30 years ago at a Cabinet meeting on immigration reform, Ronald Reagan dismissed the idea of a national ID card with a broad smile and a wisecrack. “Maybe we should just brand all the babies,” he said. The Justice Department’s plan to put a national ID in the hand of every worker didn’t make it out of the Cabinet Room."
Painting through the power of thought enabled by scientists
Painting through the power of thought enabled by scientists - Telegraph: "A computer that enables users to paint through the power of thought has been developed by scientists."
Lair of the Beasts: Ape-Human Cross-Breeds
Lair of the Beasts: Ape-Human Cross-Breeds - "The idea that humans and gorillas (or humans and chimpanzees) could cross-breed sounds not just bizarre, but like something straight out of nightmarish science-fiction. Indeed, such a thing should not be possible in the slightest."
Saturday, May 25, 2013
The Growing Global Challenge to Monsanto's Monopolistic Greed
The Growing Global Challenge to Monsanto's Monopolistic Greed - "The common problem we face is the power of concentrated wealth and monopolistic corporate interests. This has created a crony capitalist economy that uses government to further enrich the wealthy at the expense of the people, often threatening our basic necessities for life. A clear example of this is found in the behavior of the chemical and seed corporation, Monsanto.Monsanto threatens the world's food supply; this is a major challenge of our era. This struggle is central to the global ecosystem, economy and energy crises. Monsanto also pushes poisonous chemicals into the environment and promotes agricultural practices that exacerbate climate change."
SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS: Celestial Convergence - Planetary Alignment Of Venus, Jupiter Any Mercury Converges In A Grand Conjunction With The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse & Supermoon!
The CELESTIAL Convergence: SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS: Celestial Convergence - Planetary Alignment Of Venus, Jupiter Any Mercury Converges In A Grand Conjunction With The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse & Supermoon!: "Three planets — Jupiter, Venus and Mercury — can be now be seen in the western sky at dusk, weather permitting, in a rare and beautiful gathering that changes from night to night. Astronomers call a meeting of objects in the night sky a conjunction, but this planet parade is better described as a "Grand Conjunction.""
Just how devastating will earthquakes be in Washington?
Just how devastating will earthquakes be in Washington? - "If you like to scare yourself or need to know what devastation on a large scale in Seattle and Washington could look like following various kinds of earthquakes, then you’re in luck."
GMO Labeling Bill Voted Down In Senate
GMO Labeling Bill Voted Down In Senate | World Truth.TV: "The Senate voted overwhelmingly -- 71 to 27 -- against an amendment to the sweeping farm bill, squashing a measure that would not have required labeling of genetically modified organisms, but merely would have let states decide if they wanted to require such labeling."
Google AI Indistinguishable From Humans Within a Decade
» Eric Schmidt: Google AI Indistinguishable From Humans Within a Decade Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!: "Google CEO Eric Schmidt has predicted that the company will be capable of developing artificial intelligence for its programs that will be indistinguishable from a human being within 5-10 years."
Friday, May 24, 2013
The real-life Iron Man suit: 'Space diving' system could let daredevils jump from orbit and land using rocket boots - WITHOUT a parachute
A real-life Iron Man suit has been developed that lets astronauts jump to Earth without a parachute - instead using rocket boots to soften the landing.
The design of the RL Mark VI is reminiscent of the suit used by Tony Stark in the Iron Man films and also comes with hi-tech augmented reality goggles, power gloves, movement gyros and is made using a commercial space suit.
Read more:
Facebook and Google set to face off in billion dollar battle to buy satnav startup Waze
Facebook and Google set to face off in billion dollar battle to buy satnav startup Waze | Mail Online: "Google is considering buying Israeli satnav startup Waze - putting it in a billion dollar bidding war with Facebook for the firm."
Air Force Jet X-51A Goes Hypersonic, Zooms Five Times Speed Of Sound
Air Force Jet X-51A Goes Hypersonic, Zooms Five Times Speed Of Sound | Singularity Hub: "The United States Air Force has a serious need for speed. On May first their X-51A Waverider zoomed to an amazing Mach 5.1 – more than five times the speed of sound. While there was no pilot behind the stick of the hypersonic jet, the knowledge gained in developing and flying the X-51A paves the way for the hypersonics of the future."
New Precedent: Armed Domestic Drone Strikes Will Soon Be Reality
» New Precedent: Armed Domestic Drone Strikes Will Soon Be Reality Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!: "A new precedent has been set. Despite extensive denial that drone strikes would endanger Americans, Attorney General Eric Holder has now openly admitted that four US citizens were killed through overseas drone strikes since 2009. While not on United States soil, the deaths of the US citizens in nations like Yemen and Pakistan highlight the new precedent being set by US government heads who wish to use drones as a form of lethal enforcement on US soil. With Holder admitting that Americans have already died via drone strikes following his statements that Obama can alreadyinitiate drone strikes on US soil, we are now seeing the way paved to go ahead and announce armed drones to fight terrorism here in the US."
Senate Panel Approves Even More Stringent Biometric Measures
Senate Panel Approves Even More Stringent Biometric Measures - "“The secret in propaganda is that when you demonize, you dehumanize,” says James Forsher, a film historian. “When you dehumanize, it allows you to kill your enemy and no longer feel guilty about it.”"

Are you ready for a govt. chip implant?
Are you ready for a govt. chip implant? (letter) - The York Daily Record: "The national ID card will contain a biometric signature, sensitive personal information, and an RFID chip (radio frequency identification device) that will allow the government to track your whereabouts. You will be required to carry this card to enter a public building, board public transportation, get a job, receive Medicare and SS benefits, etc."
Glow-in-the-Dark Cockroach Among Top 10 New Species
Glow-in-the-Dark Cockroach Among Top 10 New Species | LiveScience: "A glowing cockroach, a monkey with a blue behind and a meat-eating sponge snagged spots on a list of top 10 new species named in 2012, scientists announced."
Thursday, May 23, 2013
The audacious plan to end hunger with 3-D printed food
The audacious plan to end hunger with 3-D printed food – Quartz: "Anjan Contractor’s 3D food printer might evoke visions of the “replicator” popularized in Star Trek, from which Captain Picard was constantly interrupting himself to order tea. And indeed Contractor’s company, Systems & Materials Research Corporation, just got a six month, $125,000 grant from NASA to create a prototype of his universal food synthesizer."

Finally! Independent Testing Of Rossi's E-Cat Cold Fusion Device: Maybe The World Will Change After All
Finally! Independent Testing Of Rossi's E-Cat Cold Fusion Device: Maybe The World Will Change After All - Forbes: "What everyone wanted was something that Rossi has been promising was about to happen for months: An independent test by third parties who were credible. This report was delayed several times to the point where many were wondering whether it was all nothing more than what we have come to see as Rossi’s usual “jam tomorrow” promises. But much to my, and I suspect many other people’s surprise, a report by credible, independent third parties is exactly what we got."
What The New York Times Missed When It Tried to Explain Conspiracy Theories
What The New York Times Missed When It Tried to Explain Conspiracy Theories - Hit & Run : "Maggie Koerth-Baker has an article in The New York Times that surveys some recent research on the psychology of conspiracy believers. As a summary of what those researchers are saying, the story is solid enough. Unfortunately, most of their research is framed in question-begging ways."
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Geoengineering: Can We Save the Planet by Messing with Nature?
Geoengineering: Can We Save the Planet by Messing with Nature? | Democracy Now!: "Many scientists and environmentalists have raised concerns about geoengineering technologies designed to intervene in the functioning of the Earth system as a whole."
Will you survive when the lights go out?
Will you survive when the lights go out?: "An EMP threatens life as we know it. It is one of the few complete and total game-changing events – the ultimate terrorist attack."
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
BIG BROTHER NOW: Genetic Slavery Is Already Here - U.S. Government Claims 100% Ownership Over ALL YOUR DNA And Reproductive Rights!
BIG BROTHER NOW: Genetic Slavery Is Already Here - U.S. Government Claims 100% Ownership Over ALL YOUR DNA And Reproductive Rights!: "The United States government claims 100% ownership over all your DNA and reproductive rights. This astonishing revelation has emerged from the fact that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office claims the power to assign ownership of your DNA to private companies and universities who apply for patents on your genes."

Dubai-style island off coast of Barcelona provokes dismay
Dubai-style island off coast of Barcelona provokes dismay - Telegraph: "Plans for a Dubai-style man-made island created off the coast of Barcelona, featuring Europe's tallest hotel have provoked dismay in the Catalan city."
IRS Employees 'Scared Off' From Talking By Armed Police Who Follow Reporters
IRS Employees 'Scared Off' From Talking By Armed Police Who Follow Reporters,: "Monday afternoon, ABC News released a chilling report that details what journalists have faced while trying to get some answers from the Cincinnati IRS office, which is where a majority of the Tea Party targeting took place."
Hypersonic Weapons Could Hit Battlefield by 2025
Hypersonic Weapons Could Hit Battlefield by 2025 | X-51A Waverider | "High-tech weapons may be screaming through the skies at five times the speed of sound by the middle of the next decade, U.S. military officials say."
Monday, May 20, 2013
‘We’re 1 act away from social cataclysm’
‘We’re 1 act away from social cataclysm’: "Grave threat could affect lives of 160 million people"
The inconvenient truth about GM
The inconvenient truth about GM - Telegraph: "Genetic modification has so far mainly been confined to developing crops that tolerate herbicides and resist pests. It has done little to increase yields"
Uncovering the secrets of North America's Ice Age giants
BBC News - Uncovering the secrets of North America's Ice Age giants: "Eighty thousand years ago the Earth began to cool, marking the start of the last Ice Age. Experts are still discovering how the big freeze affected the giant mammals which prowled its dramatically changing landscape."
Russia Developing Killer Robots
FOX on Tech: Russia Developing Killer Robots - FOX News Radio: "It’s the wave of the future, at least here in The Motherland. Russia says it’s developing special robots that will neutralize terrorists and help minimalize the causalities of a terrorist attack. The head of Russia’s Defense Industry says that the killer robots will also be able to evacuate injured civilians and servicemen from the scene. Dmitry Rogozin says that Moscow is also creating systems that can see terrorists through obstacles and engage them in a standoff without injuring hostages."
Syrian 'cannibal' rebel explains his actions
Video: Syrian 'cannibal' rebel explains his actions - Telegraph: "Rebel commander Abu Sakkar, who was filmed cutting out and eating the organs of a pro-regime fighter, warns that if the bloodshed continues "all Syrian people" will be like him."
Robot Guns, Combat Facebook: The Tech of the Army's 'Last' Afghanistan Brigade
Robot Guns, Combat Facebook: The Tech of the Army's 'Last' Afghanistan Brigade | Danger Room | "The latest robots and high-tech electronic warfare, silently watching over soldiers as they sleep. Rickety but vital helicopters whose pilots devise new tactics to make up for aging hardware. Hand-carried devices that promise to end age-old battlefield dilemmas but end up causing more problems than they solve."
Is our universe merely one of billions? Evidence of the existence of 'multiverse' revealed for the first time by cosmic map
Is our universe merely one of billions? Evidence of the existence of 'multiverse' revealed for the first time by cosmic map | Mail Online: "The first 'hard evidence' that other universes exist has been found by scientists.

Cosmologists studying a map of the universe from data gathered by the Planck spacecraft have concluded that it shows anomalies that can only have been caused by the gravitational pull of other universes. The map shows radiation from the Big Bang 13.8billion years ago that is still detectable in the universe - known as cosmic microwave radiation."
Cosmologists studying a map of the universe from data gathered by the Planck spacecraft have concluded that it shows anomalies that can only have been caused by the gravitational pull of other universes. The map shows radiation from the Big Bang 13.8billion years ago that is still detectable in the universe - known as cosmic microwave radiation."
The Higgs Boson and a 'New Physics' --"Could Make the Speed of Light Possible"
The Higgs Boson and a 'New Physics' --"Could Make the Speed of Light Possible": "Scientists hailed CERN's confirmation of the Higgs Boson in July of 2012, speculating that it could one day make light speed travel possible by "un-massing" objects or allow huge items to be launched into space by "switching off" the Higgs. CERN scientist Albert de Roeck likened it to the discovery of electricity, when he said humanity could never have imagined its future applications."
Humans Fully Outsourced to Robots by 2045?
Activist Post: Humans Fully Outsourced to Robots by 2045?: "Discussion of the "Singularity" -- the moment when computer intelligence surpasses that of humans to such an extent that humans become practically redundant -- has been gaining steam across the media spectrum. Ray Kurzweil pointed to 2045 as the date of this tipping point, after which anyone unprepared for merging with machines would likely face a very unproductive personal future."
6,000 ducks die of plague in Thrissur
6,000 ducks die of plague in Thrissur - The New Indian Express: "Around 6,000 ducks were found dead in the sprawling kole fields of Arimbur panchayat in Thrissur on Saturday owing to the outbreak of duck plague aka duck viral enteritis over the last two days."
Red Pills of the Week — May 18th
Red Pills of the Week — May 18th | Mysterious Universe: "Greetings, fellow Coppertops! This week’s prescription of Red Pills will bring you multiverses, exoplanets & events that happened a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. We’ll have a lunch made out of insects & wreck a flying car, after we lose our temper due to hatchet job articles in the Washington Post. And following our study in the raise of UFO sightings in Canada, we’ll join our friends up North to warmly welcome Commander Chris Hadfield, after his long mission aboard the ISS. Speaking of which, it’s my pleasure to announce that the Red Pill Enteprises continue to branch out, and that soon there will be an important development involving our good friends of Grimerica –stay tuned, boy & girls!"
The Missouri Spook Light
The Missouri Spook Light | Mysterious Universe: "The Spook Light, found south of Joplin, Missouri, is a glowing orb the size of a basketball that floats down the road from Oklahoma. If you’re sitting in a car waiting for the light, it often dances on the hood of the car, winks out, and reappears behind the car like it had gone right through the cab. The locals say this happens a lot."
Sunday, May 19, 2013
"Big Brother" is big business?
"Big Brother" is big business? - CBS News: "The odds are you are not just a face in the crowd any longer. Even if your picture isn't plastered all over social networking and photo-sharing sites, facial recognition technology in public places is making it harder if not impossible to remain anonymous. Lesley Stahl reports on the new ways this technology is being used that even has one of its inventors calling it too intrusive. Her 60 Minutes report will be broadcast Sunday, May 19 at 7 p.m. ET/PT."
On “First Contact” with Super Intelligent Beings
On “First Contact” with Super Intelligent Beings: "In order to communicate with super intelligent beings (in this context, extraterrestrials that have figured out how travel many light years to reach our planet) we should first start with something we all share. A fundamental starting point – that is, pure consciousness."
Vatican preparing for ‘savior’ from outer space?
Vatican preparing for ‘savior’ from outer space?: "When the first resignation of a pope in 600 years coincides with the release of a book about a pope resigning, well, the result is bestseller status for an author.

Or, more precise, authors, as Tom Horn and Chris Putnam combined to pen “Petrus Romanus,” an exhaustive and heavily documented look at the mysterious “prophecies of St. Malachy,” a 12th century Irish priest."
Or, more precise, authors, as Tom Horn and Chris Putnam combined to pen “Petrus Romanus,” an exhaustive and heavily documented look at the mysterious “prophecies of St. Malachy,” a 12th century Irish priest."
In Tomorrow's Wars, Battles Will Be Fought With a 3-D Printer
In Tomorrow's Wars, Battles Will Be Fought With a 3-D Printer | Danger Room | "A 3-D printed drone is shot down by insurgents near a far-flung base manned by the U.S. military. Within hours, a small lab dropped onto the base by a helicopter days before churns out a replacement — along with plenty of ammunition and reinforced shelters for the troops. A few miles off a nearby coastline, a naval ship-turned-factory harvests resources from the sea and uses on-board printers to make everything from food to replacement organs.

It’s a far-out vision for future combat, but at least one naval officer thinks it could happen. According to Lt. Cmdr. Michael Llenza, who sketched out the scenario in the latest Armed Forces Journal, 3-D printing could arguably “upend the way we think about supply chains, sea basing and even maritime strategy.” And by we, Llenza doesn’t just mean Americans. The Chinese military is already bragging about how they are printing parts for their next-gen aircraft."
It’s a far-out vision for future combat, but at least one naval officer thinks it could happen. According to Lt. Cmdr. Michael Llenza, who sketched out the scenario in the latest Armed Forces Journal, 3-D printing could arguably “upend the way we think about supply chains, sea basing and even maritime strategy.” And by we, Llenza doesn’t just mean Americans. The Chinese military is already bragging about how they are printing parts for their next-gen aircraft."
Israeli official: Syria's Bashar Assad preferable to Islamist takeover
Israeli official: Syria's Bashar Assad preferable to Islamist takeover - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper: "According to Israeli intelligence officer quoted in report, weakened but intact Syria under President Bashar Assad is better for Israel and region than takeover by Islamist rebels."
I, Robot Maker: Making robots to interact with humans
BBC News - I, Robot Maker: Making robots to interact with humans: "Would you be comfortable being surrounded by robots? A British manufacturing firm is trying to make robots that share more human characteristics, to make interaction with them more natural and intuitive than ever before."
CDC: 1 In 5 US Children May Have Mental Disorder
CDC: 1 In 5 US Children May Have Mental Disorder « CBS Atlanta: "ATLANTA (CBS ATLANTA) – Nearly 1 in 5 children in the U.S. suffers from a mental disorder, and this number has been rising for more than a decade."
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Introducing the "Smart" Rifle
Trackingpoint, Gov. Rick Perry unveil smart rifle - WAFB 9 News Baton Rouge, Louisiana News, Weather, Sports: "MANOR, TX (KEYE/CBS) – A weapons company began this week rolling out a groundbreaking "smart" rifle that can target and track a moving object from long distance."
At trade talks, U.S., E.U. ready for fight on genetically modified crops
At trade talks, U.S., E.U. ready for fight on genetically modified crops - The Washington Post: "LENNEWITZ, Germany — Many Europeans see American farming and its reliance on genetically modified crops as more Frankenstein than Farmer in the Dell."
Tech Corps Hope to Replace Your Wallet With Biometric Identification
Tech Corps Hope to Replace Your Wallet With Biometric Identification - Susanne Posel | Susanne Posel: "Retailers such as Wal-Mart, Target and Costco are utilizing biometric identification for accurate management of goods, while hoping to incorporate the biometric checkout where customers can use their fingerprint or retina to pay for their items without having to use their credit/debit cards or write a check."
Minn. Farmer Blames Pesticides For Big Bee Die Off
Minn. Farmer Blames Pesticides For Big Bee Die Off « CBS Minnesota: "MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – As farmers get underway with their spring planting, some bee farmers in Minnesota are already counting their losses.
In the last couple days one major producer reported that thousands of honey bees suddenly died."
In the last couple days one major producer reported that thousands of honey bees suddenly died."
MASS ANIMAL DIE-OFF: Hundreds Of Dead Animals Washed Up On The Shores Of Punta Choros, Chile
The CELESTIAL Convergence: MASS ANIMAL DIE-OFF: Hundreds Of Dead Animals Washed Up On The Shores Of Punta Choros, Chile?!: "Sernapesca, Chile’s National Fishing Service, investigated the scene and determined that all the animals were killed by the same incident. Autopsies report animales with fractured skulls, missing rib cages and multiple abrasions."

Aimee Copeland, woman who survived flesh-eating infection, receives bionic hands
Aimee Copeland, woman who survived flesh-eating infection, receives bionic hands - CBS News: "Aimee Copeland became a national story last year as she battled back from a flesh-eating infection that robbed her of her left leg, right foot and both hands."
LHC Creates Tiny Drops of Big Bang 'Blood Spatter'
LHC Creates Tiny Drops of Big Bang 'Blood Spatter' : Discovery News: "The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has recreated the world’s tiniest droplets of a primordial state of matter that last existed moments after the Big Bang, some 13.82 billion years ago. This surprise result was achieved by firing proton “bullets” into lead ions, creating a subatomic blood spatter-like effect."
Friday, May 17, 2013
Asteroid nine times larger than the QE2 set to whizz past earth
Asteroid nine times larger than the QE2 set to whizz past earth ¿just 3.6million miles away¿ | Mail Online: "An asteroid nine times larger than the QE2 is due to sail past the Earth later this month."
The 'stealth drone' boat set to hunt for pirates and go undercover around the world
The 'stealth drone' boat set to hunt for pirates and go undercover around the world | Mail Online: "It is believed to be the first stealth drone capable of operating in the water.

This 35 foot long boat is designed to invisibly glide across the ocean acting as a spy and spotting pirates.The daunting vessel belongs to the world’s first fleet of remote-controlled ‘robo-boats’ designed to take on dangerous covert missions without endangering the lives of crew."
This 35 foot long boat is designed to invisibly glide across the ocean acting as a spy and spotting pirates.The daunting vessel belongs to the world’s first fleet of remote-controlled ‘robo-boats’ designed to take on dangerous covert missions without endangering the lives of crew."
Scientist Proves DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies
Scientist Proves DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies | Collective-Evolution: "THE HUMAN DNA IS A BIOLOGICAL INTERNET and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes."
What Would Happen if Israel Nuked Iran
What Would Happen if Israel Nuked Iran | Mother Jones: "In those first minutes, they'll be stunned. Eyes fixed in a thousand-yard stare, nerve endings numbed. They'll just stand there. Soon, you'll notice that they are holding their arms out at a 45-degree angle. Your eyes will be drawn to their hands and you'll think you mind is playing tricks. But it won't be. Their fingers will start to resemble stalactites, seeming to melt toward the ground. And it won't be long until the screaming begins. Shrieking. Moaning. Tens of thousands of victims at once. They'll be standing amid a sea of shattered concrete and glass, a wasteland punctuated by the shells of buildings, orphaned walls, stairways leading nowhere."
Pentagon Spec Ops Chief Sees '10 to 20' More Years of War Against al-Qaida
Pentagon Spec Ops Chief Sees '10 to 20' More Years of War Against al-Qaida | Danger Room | "Asked at a Senate hearing today how long the war on terrorism will last, Michael Sheehan, the assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low-intensity conflict, answered, “At least 10 to 20 years.”"
Worst case EMP scenario? Half in U.S. dead
Worst case EMP scenario? Half in U.S. dead: "NASA estimates that a direct hit to Earth from one of these enormous flares would have a catastrophic impact on the nation’s critical infrastructures over a very wide geographical area. In the first year alone, NASA estimates, such a disaster could cost just the U.S. upwards of $2 trillion. It also would take from four to 10 years to recover – if that even would be possible – and affect the lives of some 160 million people, threatening starvation and death."
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Google-Berg Merger Ushers in Planned-Opolis Future in the Hybrid Age
Google-Berg Merger Ushers in Planned-Opolis Future in the Hybrid Age | Old-Thinker News: "The secretive Bilderberg Group has had more exposure in the past several years than it has since its founding in 1954. This is due mostly to the alternative media pushing the issue to the forefront. Today Bilderberg appears to be grooming itself for a new era and coming into the open. As reported by Paul Joseph Watson, Google and Bilderberg are apparently merging."
Will the Navy's New Killer Drones Hunt Terrorists or Fight China?
Will the Navy's New Killer Drones Hunt Terrorists or Fight China? | Danger Room | "America’s ship-launched X-47B killer drone prototype took off for the first time from the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush sailing near the Maryland coast on Tuesday morning — the first step in proving that a high-performance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is compatible with the Navy’s fleet of 10 gigantic nuclear-powered flattops."
New spectre of cloned babies: Scientists create embryos in lab that 'could grow to full term'
New spectre of cloned babies: Scientists create embryos in lab that 'could grow to full term' | Mail Online: "The prospect of cloned babies has moved a step closer after scientists extracted stem cells from human embryos created in a laboratory.

The breakthrough could lead to customised cells to help treat and even cure a range of diseases, from Alzheimer’s to multiple sclerosis. However, it also raises the spectre of babies being cloned in laboratories. This could allow couples who lose a child to pay for the creation of a ‘duplicate’."
The breakthrough could lead to customised cells to help treat and even cure a range of diseases, from Alzheimer’s to multiple sclerosis. However, it also raises the spectre of babies being cloned in laboratories. This could allow couples who lose a child to pay for the creation of a ‘duplicate’."
Would you fly on a plane with no pilot? As the first passenger jet with no one at the controls roars over Britain, passengers could soon face a worrying dilemma
Would you fly on a plane with no pilot? As the first passenger jet with no one at the controls roars over Britain, passengers could soon face a worrying dilemma | Mail Online: "As a blue and red 16-seater plane accelerated along a runway last month in northern England, there was nothing to suggest its voyage was anything out of the ordinary.

But minutes later, as the plane turned north and began a 500-mile round trip from Lancashire to Inverness, history was made. Once the craft was safely at cruising altitude, the pilot flicked a switch and handed over to a trained controller sitting at a computer screen many miles away on the ground."
But minutes later, as the plane turned north and began a 500-mile round trip from Lancashire to Inverness, history was made. Once the craft was safely at cruising altitude, the pilot flicked a switch and handed over to a trained controller sitting at a computer screen many miles away on the ground."
Google and NASA team up for D-Wave-powered Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab
Google and NASA team up for D-Wave-powered Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab: "Google. NASA. Quantum computers. Seriously, everything about the new Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab at the Ames Research Center is exciting."
2.6 Billion-Year-Old Water Found in Deep Mine
2.6 Billion-Year-Old Water Found in Deep Mine : Discovery News: "One and a half miles beneath the surface of Earth in a Canadian mine, researchers have found pockets of water in rocks that have been isolated from the surface for some two billion years."
Sun Kicks Off Another X Flare -- Should We Care?
Sun Kicks Off Another X Flare -- Should We Care? : Discovery News: "The sun has erupted with another X-class solar flare, adding a fourth huge solar explosion to the 48-hour tally. Since late Sunday night an X1.7, X2.8, X3.2 and, this morning, an X1.0 flare erupted from the same active region in the lower atmosphere of our nearest star."
Pandemic Swine Flu Virus Found in Seals
Pandemic Swine Flu Virus Found in Seals : Discovery News: "The swine flu virus that caused a 2009 pandemic has been found in elephant seals off the central California coast, according to new research."
'Dead' Man Walks Again ... But Why?
'Dead' Man Walks Again ... But Why? : Discovery News: "In Zimbabwe, mourners attending a funeral recently were stunned when the “dead” man came back to life. According to a story in the Daily Telegraph, “Family and friends were filing past a coffin with the remains of Brighton Dama Zanthe, 34, when one of them noticed the dead man’s legs twitching."
Volcanoes Erupting Around the World
Volcanoes Erupting Around the World : Discovery News: "Volcanoes are rumbling in both the Arctic and the tropics of North America, while other eruptions continue on an Italian island and in the frozen tundra of Russia."
Moshe Vardi: Robots Could Put Humans Out of Work by 2045
Moshe Vardi: Robots Could Put Humans Out of Work by 2045 | Singularity Hub: "Robots began replacing human brawn long ago—now they’re poised to replace human brains. Moshe Vardi, a computer science professor at Rice University, thinks that by 2045 artificially intelligent machines may be capable of “if not any work that humans can do, then, at least, a very significant fraction of the work that humans can do.”"
Strange Cases of Missing Time
Strange Cases of Missing Time | Mysterious Universe: "Cases of missing time and distance are as common as they are confusing. The Internet is littered with tales of travelers entering a fog only to discover they’re suddenly 300 miles away from home, or they’ve gone nowhere, but it’s inexplicably hours later. Explanations range from time slips, to dimensional slips, to alien abduction. Whatever the case, Brandon White of Maryville, Missouri, has experienced missing time and distance; more than once. “The first time I was about ten and I was walking out in the front yard,” White said. It was just after lunch."
US smuggling weapons to Syrian rebels: The real Benghazi story
US smuggling weapons to Syrian rebels: The real Benghazi story | Asian Tribune: "Washington, D.C. 16 May ( There is a 'side story' going on in the American media - both the electronic and print about the Islamist jihadists lethal attack on the American 'post' in Benghazi, Libya last September 11 which killed American ambassador Christopher Steven and three others; The emphasis and the debate is on why the event was twisted by the Obama administration to conceal a terrorist attack on eve of the presidential election."
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Embryonic stem cells: Advance in medical human cloning
BBC News - Embryonic stem cells: Advance in medical human cloning: "Human cloning has been used to produce early embryos, marking a "significant step" for medicine, say US scientists.

The cloned embryos were used as a source of stem cells, which can make new heart muscle, bone, brain tissue or any other type of cell in the body."
The cloned embryos were used as a source of stem cells, which can make new heart muscle, bone, brain tissue or any other type of cell in the body."
End of the world? Bizarre 'bubble cloud' formations baffle onlookers
End of the world? Bizarre 'bubble cloud' formations baffle onlookers | Weird | News | Daily Express: "The skies above Telford formed into dark clouds which turned into grey and imposing bubbles and resembled the advent of an alien landing.

The imposing clouds left onlookers questioning their existence and how they had formed. In fact, the clouds, known as the lesser-spotted mammatus - appeared as a lobe and were packed full of ice and rain."
The imposing clouds left onlookers questioning their existence and how they had formed. In fact, the clouds, known as the lesser-spotted mammatus - appeared as a lobe and were packed full of ice and rain."
How NASA might build its very first warp drive
How NASA might build its very first warp drive: "A few months ago, physicist Harold White stunned the aeronautics world when he announced that he and his team at NASA had begun work on the development of a faster-than-light warp drive. His proposed design, an ingenious re-imagining of an Alcubierre Drive, may eventually result in an engine that can transport a spacecraft to the nearest star in a matter of weeks — and all without violating Einstein's law of relativity."
World's 'Most Beautiful' Eternal Flame Reveals New Gas Source
World's 'Most Beautiful' Eternal Flame Reveals New Gas Source | LiveScience: "Nestled behind a waterfall in western New York state is an eternal flame whose beauty is only surpassed by its mystery. It is one of a few hundred "natural" eternal flames around the world..."
Autonomous Robot Comprehends Objects On Its Own
Autonomous Robot Comprehends Objects On Its Own : Discovery News: "Future service robots will need to quickly discover objects in their environment to maximize their potential. But robots that rely on computer vision alone often struggle to fully define objects in their surroundings."
Eating the Enemy: A Savage Act, But Not New
Eating the Enemy: A Savage Act, But Not New : Discovery News: "The horrific images of a Syrian rebel commander eating the heart of a dead government solider sparked global outrage and calls that the rebel, identified as Abu Sakkar, the commander of the Independent Omar al-Farouq brigade, be classified as a war criminal."
Have scientists found the lost 'white city of gold' in dense Central American jungle?
Have scientists found the lost 'white city of gold' in dense Central American jungle? Radar scans taken from the air reveal mysterious ancient cities | Mail Online: "Researchers believe they may finally have uncovered the lost 'White City of gold' in Honduras using hi-tech scanners that let aircraft 'see' through dense forest."
Crop Circles and Official Secrets
Crop Circles and Official Secrets | Mysterious Universe: "In early 1941, Sir David Petrie was appointed Director General of the Security Service. MI5, and was given substantial resources to restructure the organization, whose origins date back to 1909. As a result, MI5 became one of the most efficient agencies of the War. After the defeat of the Nazis in 1945, it was learned that all of the Nazi agents targeted against Britain had been successfully identified, and in some cases recruited as double-agents, by MI5 – something that contributed to the success of the Allied Forces landing in Normandy on D-Day on 6 June 1944."
7 Caught Trespassing At Quabbin Reservoir; Patrols Stepped Up Across State
7 Caught Trespassing At Quabbin Reservoir; Patrols Stepped Up Across State « CBS Boston: "BELCHERTOWN (CBS) – Shortly after midnight Tuesday, seven people were caught trespassing at the Quabbin Reservoir. State Police say the five men and two women are from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore, and “cited their education and career interests” for being in the area. The men told police they were chemical engineers and recent college graduates."
Is 2013 going to be the year of biometric security?
Is 2013 going to be the year of biometric security? - Apps Tech News: "Nearly every day features news of high-profile hacks; clearly the “old school” password just doesn’t cut it anymore. PayPal’s chief information security officer Michael Barrett certainly agrees."
This is the end: Team of experts say humanity faces extinction
A team of mathematicians, philosophers and scientists at Oxford University’s Future of Humanity Institute say there is ever-increasing evidence that the human race’s reliance on technology could, in fact, lead to its demise."
In the Programmable World, All Our Objects Will Act as One
In the Programmable World, All Our Objects Will Act as One | Gadget Lab | "In our houses, cars, and factories, we’re surrounded by tiny, intelligent devices that capture data about how we live and what we do. Now they are beginning to talk to one another. Soon we’ll be able to choreograph them to respond to our needs, solve our problems, even save our lives."
Eggs for Sale?
Eggs for Sale? | The Weekly Standard: "The authors engage in misdirection by focusing on special-order embryos as just another service to be offered in the already ethically wide-open infertility industry. But expanding IVF opportunities isn’t really what their proposal is about. Rather, the primary customers of a future embryo manufacturing industry would be biotech companies and their university affiliates, which would pay top dollar for merchandise possessing desired genetic traits, just as they now do for genetically engineered research mice."
Richard French, Ex-Air Force Lt. Colonel, 'It Was A UFO And . . . There Were Aliens Aboard It'
Richard French, Ex-Air Force Lt. Colonel, 'It Was A UFO And . . . There Were Aliens Aboard It': "When Air Force Lt. Col. Richard French was an alleged lead investigator of Project Blue Book in the 1950s, his job was to shoot down false reports of UFOs. Given his job, French never dreamed he'd end up in Newfoundland one day watching what appeared to him to be two extraterrestrials performing repairs on a submerged, unknown circular craft."
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Star Trek science fiction or science fact
Star Trek science fiction or science fact - Mirror Online: "As they boldly went where no man had gone before, Captain Kirk and his crew got to play with some pretty cool toys. We may not have phasers yet – on stun or otherwise – but Dr Martin Cooper, inventor of the handheld mobile phone, always credited Star Trek’s communicators as his inspiration.

So with Star Trek Into Darkness opening in cinemas around the country, how close are we to turning its science fiction tech into science fact?"
So with Star Trek Into Darkness opening in cinemas around the country, how close are we to turning its science fiction tech into science fact?"
Terrorist super-axis to strike within U.S.
Terrorist super-axis to strike within U.S.: "Imminent attacks planned by al-Qaida, Quds Forces, Hezbollah"
Ron Paul: Gang of 8 Hiding National ID Card in Immigration Reform
Ron Paul: Gang of 8 Hiding National ID Card in Immigration Reform – Common Sense: "Ron Paul calls the current proposals “by far the worst national ID card the statists have come up with yet.” And he blames the “Gang of 8,” which includes Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and Chuck Schumer, for working with Obama to “sneak a national ID” into an immigration reform bill. ”A statist’s dream,” Paul decries."
Consciousness After Death: Strange Tales From the Frontiers of Resuscitation Medicine
Consciousness After Death: Strange Tales From the Frontiers of Resuscitation Medicine | Wired Science | "Sam Parnia practices resuscitation medicine. In other words, he helps bring people back from the dead — and some return with stories. Their tales could help save lives, and even challenge traditional scientific ideas about the nature of consciousness."
Why so many people–including scientists–suddenly believe in an afterlife
Why so many people–including scientists–suddenly believe in an afterlife - Life - "Heaven is hot again, and hell is colder than ever"
The drone that can follow you home: Firm reveals 'personal quadcopter' that can automatically follow its owner and take pictures and video
The drone that can follow you home: Firm reveals 'personal quadcopter' that can automatically follow its owner and take pictures and video | Mail Online: "It is a drone you could call your own: a personal 'spy' that can capture your every move in high definition video, without ever having to touch a control."
Navy to launch unmanned aircraft from aircraft carrier for first time
Navy to launch unmanned aircraft from aircraft carrier for first time | Fox News: "The Navy is preparing to launch an unmanned aircraft from the deck of an aircraft carrier for the first time."
The Future of Gaming — It May All Be in Your Head
The Future of Gaming — It May All Be in Your Head | Singularity Hub: "Gaming as a hobby evokes images of lethargic teenagers huddled over their controllers, submerged in their couch surrounded by candy bar wrappers. This image should soon hit the reset button since a more exciting version of gaming is coming. It’s called neurogaming, and it’s riding on the heels of some exponential technologies that are converging on each other. Many of these were on display recently in San Francisco at the NeuroGaming Conference and Expo; a first-of-its-kind conference whose existence alone signals an inflection point in the industry."
Ingestible, Implantable, Or Intimate Contact: How Will You Take Your Microscale Body Sensors?
Ingestible, Implantable, Or Intimate Contact: How Will You Take Your Microscale Body Sensors? | Singularity Hub: "Computer chips and silicon micromachines are ready for your body. It’s time to decide how you’ll take them: implantable, ingestible, or intimate contact. Every flavor now exists. Some have FDA approval and some are seeking it. Others are moving quickly out of the research lab stage. With the round one Qualcomm Tricorder X-Prize entries due in one year, we’re soon to see a heavy dose of sensors tied to the mobile wireless health revolution."
Monday, May 13, 2013
Alien Nation: Have Humans Been Abducted by Extraterrestrials?
Inside the Alien-Abduction Support-Group Annual Meeting in Newport, R.I. | Vanity Fair: "A prestigious Harvard psychiatrist, John Edward Mack, thought so. His sudden death leaves behind many mysteries."
Incurable Disease Threatens US Citrus Crop
Incurable Disease Threatens US Citrus Crop - Yahoo! News: "Florida's $9 billion orange crop, the largest in the world after Brazil's, may not survive an incurable disease that threatens to wipe out citrus groves throughout the United States."
Cafes ban Google glasses to protect customers' privacy: Fears users of futuristic eyewear can record without permission
Cafes ban Google glasses to protect customers' privacy: Fears users of futuristic eyewear can record without permission | Mail Online: "Google is facing a growing backlash over its ‘Glass’ eyewear, with cafe owners in the US banning the technology from their premises."
Test tube burger created in laboratory
Test tube burger created in laboratory | Mail Online: "Test-tube meat has moved a step closer to supermarket shelves after a scientist produced a burger from muscle tissue grown in a laboratory. It promises to be kinder to the environment, reduce animal suffering, and solve the problem of food crises - but will people want to eat it?The meat was produced in huge vats from muscle cells by Dr Mark Post, from the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands."
Mexican towns on alert as volcano shakes, spews ash
Mexican towns on alert as volcano shakes, spews ash | Fox News: "MEXICO CITY – Seismic activity has increased at the Popocatepetl volcano near Mexico City, leading authorities to alert towns in two central states and the capital."
Red Pills of the Week — May 11th
Red Pills of the Week — May 11th | Mysterious Universe: "Greetings, fellow Coppertops! This week’s mission through the murky tunnels of Hidden Reality will show us 3d-printed guns & Peruvian geoglyphs, the ancient mother tongue & communication between plants. And as we try to uncover the rumors of a secret quantum Internet developed by the US government, we’ll analyze the recent release of three women who were kidnapped & presumed dead for a decade, and how this affects the credibility of psychic abilities. This Sunday Americans celebrate Mother’s day –something we Mexicans do on May 10th– so I guess we should all pay our respect to the mother of us all: the pod tank farm."
Monsanto Has Taken Over the USDA
Monsanto Has Taken Over the USDA - "Monsanto is, of course, the world's largest biotech corporation. These are the people who brought us Roundup weed killer and the resulting superweeds and superbugs, along with growth hormones for cows, genetically engineered and patented seeds, PCBs, and Agent Orange - which Monsanto now wants us to use as herbicide on genetically engineered corn and soybeans."
UK spyware used against Bahraini activists
UK spyware used against Bahraini activists – court witness — RT News: "UK spy technology was used against British citizen in Bahrain, new evidence filed in a UK high court has claimed. Activists are calling for a judicial review of the UK’s failure to hold firms accountable for sales of spy software to repressive regimes."
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Russia Not to Tolerate Further Israeli Attacks on Damascus
Fars News Agency :: Russia Not to Tolerate Further Israeli Attacks on Damascus: "Putin did not say how, but he did announce he had ordered the acceleration of highly advanced Russian weapons supplies to Syria."
‘Brazilian Atlantis’: Scientists discover traces of sunken continent under Atlantic Ocean
‘Brazilian Atlantis’: Scientists discover traces of sunken continent under Atlantic Ocean — RT News: "Granite formed on dry land has been discovered beneath the ocean off the coast of Brazil. Scientists suggest that it might be part of a sunken continent which disappeared millions of years ago and already branded it ‘Brazilian Atlantis’."
3D-Printed Robot Assembles Itself
3D-Printed Robot Assembles Itself : Discovery News: "Robots — they grow up so fast. First, all they want is to be tethered and have roboticists and engineers put them together and tighten their screws. These days, robots are behaving like rebellious teenagers. They might as well being saying “Leave me alone, I can assemble myself.”"
Laser Shoots Down Missile
Laser Shoots Down Missile : Discovery News: "Current missile defenses consist of missiles fired at other missiles. If Lockheed Martin has its way, that may change in a few years, with missiles being shot down by laser beams."
Apple deluged by police demands to decrypt iPhones
Apple deluged by police demands to decrypt iPhones | Politics and Law - CNET News: "ATF says no law enforcement agency could unlock a defendant's iPhone, but Apple can "bypass the security software" if it chooses. Apple has created a police waiting list because of high demand."
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Disc-Shaped UFO Captured Above Earth by Nasa
Disc-Shaped UFO Captured Above Earth by Nasa - IBTimes UK: "An unidentified flying object has been captured hovering above the Earth's surface in an image uploaded to the Nasa website, sparking feverish debate among netizens."
Thermal invisibility cloak in first demonstration
BBC News - Thermal invisibility cloak in first demonstration: "Researchers have built and tested a form of invisibility cloak that can hide objects from heat."
Biometric Database of All Adult Americans Hidden in Immigration Reform
Biometric Database of All Adult Americans Hidden in Immigration Reform | Threat Level | "The immigration reform measure the Senate began debating yesterday would create a national biometric database of virtually every adult in the U.S., in what privacy groups fear could be the first step to a ubiquitous national identification system."
Friday, May 10, 2013
Blueprints for 3D-plastic gun downloaded 100,000 times in 2 days before the State Department orders the site to take down the weapon designs
Blueprints for 3D-plastic gun downloaded 100,000 times in 2 days before the State Department orders the site to take down the weapon designs | Mail Online: "Blueprints for the first-ever plastic gun produced on a 3-D printer, that can pass through metal detectors, have been downloaded over 100,000 times since it was posted to the web on Monday. Designs for the 'Liberator' pistol were posted online by Defense Distributed but on Thursday the U.S. State Department ordered the website to take down the blueprints, on the basis that the plans could violate export regulations."
Human takeover by machines may be closer than we think
Human takeover by machines may be closer than we think - Science: "Are you prepared to meet your robot overlords?

The idea of superintelligent machines may sound like the plot of "The Terminator" or "The Matrix," but many experts say the idea isn't far-fetched. Some even think the singularity — the point at which artificial intelligence can match, and then overtake, human smarts — might happen in just 16 years."
The idea of superintelligent machines may sound like the plot of "The Terminator" or "The Matrix," but many experts say the idea isn't far-fetched. Some even think the singularity — the point at which artificial intelligence can match, and then overtake, human smarts — might happen in just 16 years."
Human enhancement ethics: Is it cheating?
Human enhancement ethics: Is it cheating? - Slate Magazine: "The answer will affect sports, schools, and the battlefield of the future."
Glow-in-the-dark plants developed that could replace street lamps
Glow-in-the-dark plants developed that could replace street lamps | Mail Online: "Glow-in-the-dark trees could soon be a natural alternative to electric street lighting, according to scientists.

Researchers at the Glowing Plant project from California have transferred the glowing genes seen in fireflies, in to plants to make them glow-in-the-dark. The team is now hoping to extend the technique to larger plants and trees, and use them to replace electric lights."
Researchers at the Glowing Plant project from California have transferred the glowing genes seen in fireflies, in to plants to make them glow-in-the-dark. The team is now hoping to extend the technique to larger plants and trees, and use them to replace electric lights."
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